
becoming immortal

"he" had everything, but he was still nothing but a spec of dust in the universe. So he grew untill he was no longer just a spec. He realized he could still die, but he still wanted to live. so he would do anything he could to survive. - The story follows the main character who reached a new world and is exploring ways to become stronger while getting closer to his own experiences, alongside the side characters who will interact with him. author's note: I'll be open to some suggestions. please leave reviews if you want to. (cover art is made by me so it's not very good)

OFWAR · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Moving forward.

Edric spent the following hours exploring the sea floor, and he didn't find anything too surprising at first. Merely finding boat scraps and some animals that walked on the floor, and also some that wore camouflage.

When he decided to go back to Mozus, however, he saw something that looked like the remains of something that looked like a bombshell from the book he read in the ruins. But that really didn't make sense, considering the fact that the explosion should have broken the bombshells, and this one seemed almost intact.

(This might be a prototype, or maybe just a spare)

As Edric pondered he decided to save it for later examination, so he made a barrier around him to keep the water out and then he infused essence on his fingertip and made a round cut into the dimension.

The resulting hole lead to his home dimension, and he threw the weapon inside of it.

He then carefully "grabbed" the edges of the hole and closed it.

(I have become better at handling the paths between dimensions, although there isn't any way for me to use it besides opening paths)

And with that, Edric moved back to Mozus, he didn't have any trouble catching up with it and he entered it just as he went out.



While waiting for the morning to come Edric added lights to the interior of mozus by carving some patterns on the ceiling, but he didn't take that long so he spent the remaining time experimenting with his body, lowering its temperature until it became unsafe for the children, and then he stopped and tried doing other stuff such as changing his state of matter, and when he tried to do it he just started expanding, so he stopped and did it in a part of his body smaller than an atom, and he was able to turn it into a small puddle, and if he tried a little harder he was able to turn that into vapor.

And as he did so the sun started coming up, and he brought that vapor back into his body.

// (B) 1.11->1.21 //

(This is actually quite useful, although I probably won't have to use it for a while)

And as he finished thinking this a few minutes passed and he noticed Anas waking up.

Edric walked to his room and greeted him.

[Good morning anas, how are you feeling](E)

[Good morning!... I'm feeling hungry](A)

[Alright, come follow me then](E)

And so Edric stopped Mozus, took Anas to the sea and made him catch some fish, Anas struggled at first but then caught one big enorme to feed himself by grabbing it.

Then they went back and Edric cooked it just right.

Anas ate it with a delighted expressed on his face, and as he did so Tihoro and Urosu woke up as well, so he went to greet them.

[Good morning, to the both of you](E)

[Good morning, edric](T)

[Nnn, good morning](U)

And so they went and ate alongside Anas.

And they continued traveling.


They continued traveling for three weeks without anything too unusual happening, the kids occasionally went for a swim and Edric sneak out in the night to explore the sea floor.

They had seen a lot of unique flora and fauna in their trip, but nothing more surprising than what they had already seen so they continued.

They reached the benthic zone, however the first sight of land came sooner than expected with an island, or rather, what looked like an island.

Thankfully, It wasn't something disgusting like a trash island, but rather what seemed like a living, breathing being. The kids didn't seem to notice, though.

And so, Edric decided to leave Mozus in the surface of the water.


(I'll just examine it and then leave it alone, if it doesn't try to kill us)

And then the group jumped from Mozus and swam all the way to the "island".

As he put his feet on the ground, he could feel the subtle feeling of the creature's heartbeat.

He allowed the kids to play around in the island while he made a scan of every one of its cells using his eyes, this took a while as it was the first time he did this on an animal.

He discovered that this being had something similar to a second circulatory system that only had essence that was picked up from the water, since essence wasn't like blood, however, there were a few differences.

The main one was that there weren't any veins, since there wasn't any need to remove essence from the cells.

He also realized that this being also used both filter feeding and photosynthesis at the same time, having evolved unique characteristics for both the zone submerged in water and the one that was exposed to the air, it was also bioluminescent.

after a while they came back to Mozus and continued forward, and as they did they saw, at first, just another one of the islands, then another, and another, and soon enough the whole sea was filled with them.

It was something truly breath taking, and the kids watched in awe as they were surrounded on all sides by floating islands.

As the moon started rising, and the sun went down the island started shining in a vibrant, deep blue.

The kids kept their eyes peeled as they took in the sight, Edric took Mozus to the surface and let the wind touch their bodies.

The surface of the islands had beautiful patters, and they blended together making an endless sea of light.

The kids eventually fell asleep on the shoulders of Edric.

(This is nice) He thought.

It was really nice.

hi guys, if you liked this chapter please leave a comment or review, it would be a great motivation for me.

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