
Becoming eternal, Vampire diaries. ( HIATUS )

Sammael Mikaelson, the original heretic will stop at nothing to obtain what he want. Omniscience, possessing all knowledge existing. Isn't it a wonderful goal ? -Fanfiction free to be used if modified or continued :)

SnowofBlood · TV
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25 Chs

Collateral damages.

The faint glow emitted by the partially hidden moon barely enter the small room where the 346 years old warlock is currently suffering an humiliation of the worst kind, never have he experienced in his long life a similar situation. Looking at the attractive young woman in front of him responsible for his more than annoying position, a vindicative streak flash in his eyes, she clearly underestimated him he thinks and the words start to escapes his mouth.

" Corpus Fat...Urg.. " Before he can finish the relatively short incantation, he see the young woman watching him with an air of superiority, she makes a gesture with her fingers and his mouth clamp down shut, he tries to re-open it but he can't, whatever spell she used on him he doesn't have the strength to free himself.

" I think there is a small misunderstanding on the distribution of powers between us. I want answers, I deserve them ! So if I have to shake you up a little I'll gladly do it. " The powerful young woman or Hope for her friends says aggressively to her captif.

" You see, if before I was powerful, then now I don't even know my limits anymore. " she says while she put her left hand on the naked torso of the man at her mercy.

Her cold hand barely touch his skin but a shiver pass through him when he see the promise of violence in the youngest Mikaelson's eyes.

Suddenly, he feel his blood starting to boils in his veins, the vessels in his brain ruptured and heal almost immediately only for it to happen again and again in a loop of suffering. The magic holding his mouth shut prevents him from screaming at full lungs and only internal grunting get out from him.

Outside of the room, Wisp listen carefully to what is said between Hope and her victim but he also gives orders at his team to be ready for the incoming fight against their unique target, the only tribrid.

Her transition to a full tribrid with all her sides unlocked result in a massive gain of raw magical power for her, allowing her to freely use any magic below the Tier 1 without except for rare cases sacrifices or long preparations.

Unfortunately for her, the lack of experiences and magical knowledge keep her from using her full potential. The frustration of a spell doing something out of expectations because the raw and uncontrollable energy in her is a recurring theme in her life as a supernatural creature.

Taking of her hand, Hope admire her work and it's consequences, the warlock squirm like a worm and is battling with all his summonable strength against the spelled restraints holding him on the bed.

" Your my first clue on him that isn't a lie or a rumor made to mislead the most curious. It was hard but after playing a little with minds I got what I was looking for. " Hope says with a satisfied smile on her face and she release and give back the ability to talk to her prisoner.

" What the fuck are you talking about bitch ! " Mr Oaklayn responds in a way that almost sounds like a growl, expressing his full displeasure. However his insolence earn him nothing but a slap with the back her hand, the ring she wears on her middle finger bust open his lips and a few blood drops stains the immaculate green sheets.

The enticing and tempting smell of blood titilates her new appetite for blood and the physical reaction is immediate.

The white of her eyes becomes bloodshot and the veins around them pulse, wriggle and becomes visible. Her true face is relatively similar to the vampire's one but two details betray the unique nature of her biology, the warm golden yellow mixed with an electrical blue iris of her iris and her four sharp teeth perfectly tailored to rip flesh.

With a frightening impassivity, her predatory features recedes to make room for the innocent face of a young, almost adult woman.

" You'll be surprised how hard I struggled to find you. " she says in an innocently monotonous voice and she leans lightly on the bars of the four-posted bed. " I had to track one of your... How do you call them ? Your ghouls ? Anyway, I'll make it short, I butchered him, and the next, and next. Until I climb all the way up the pyramid and catch you. " she smugly finishes but her empty, emotionless blue don't show an ounce of self satisfaction or pride.

Behind the door, Wisp is still listening and calm. However, he is conscient that the window of opportunity keeps shrinking but this is precious informations on a primary target.

He assesses the situations by including all the variables of which he is aware. ' Stand by. Harrow I want an update from downstairs. ' he silently communicate with his team but leave the majority of his attention on the events happening in the room.

' Huh.. I may have overdone myself in the basement boss. ' Harrow response reach him instantly.

Wisp is about to answer scathingly but he wisely chose to stay quiet and focus on what he's hearing.

"-to know everything. How you met, the rumors you learned about him. I want you to tell me even the things that seem irrelevant to you. " Hope explain in an honeyed voice that promise untold brutality.

" Can I trust you to behave well ? " she asks menacingly while leaning to his face, she brushes a finger against his cheek and apathetically digs her fingernail into his flesh, she draws a line from the bottom of his eye to his upper lip. All the while, he squirms and tears come to him.

Even though over the centuries he has developed an impressive resistance to pain, he remains a warlock. His body does not have passive regenerative properties like werewolves or vampires. If he could freely use his magic he could heal himself, his curse could also save him but this solution isn't viable right now. In the end, he just obediently nods and wait for Hope to give him back his ability to speak.

" Good. " she exclaims, a wave of the hand later and Oaklayn finds himself free, at least a part of his anatomy.

He stretches his sore jaw and runs his tongue over his bleeding lips. He tries to discern the motives of his attacker but in vain, what he is sure of is that he must proceed carefully. His dark brown eyes follows every movements Hope makes.

" Tell me about Sammael. " she asks with a lethal edge in her voice and composure.

" Who ? " the bounded warlock answers seemingly honestly. Unfortunately for him, the powerful and determined young woman do not believe him at all. Of course her opinion is biased, after months of searching the eventuality that all of it was meaningless is not an idea she particularly likes or wishes.

But unlike many people, her senses open a door to clarity of mind for her, she can for sure if an individual is lying, a skill as useful as it is unpleasant.

" Ah... I was hoping that we were going to play a little more but I was afraid of having scared you. " she says pleasantly and grabs his bare ankle with her hand. " Et serpens ex mendacium. " as she cast the spell, Oaklayn feel a burning sensation originating from the palm of her hand.

An absolute black snake tattoo appears on on his skin, it's slit eyes shines green creating a strange harmony with the bedroom. It slips under the beige linen pants and it goes up through his neck then it wraps around his head, it's reptile eyes resting in the middle of Oaklayn's forehead.

" Magic only reveals itself when you let go of all notion of morality. " Hope begins her explanation getting lost slightly towards the end. " All my life people have talked to me about what I am, about this power that is in me. I always believed that I had to control it, muzzle it and lock it up... But the truth is that it belongs to me. " she finishes but inadvertently never explained the function of her insidious spell leaving the powerless warlock puzzled.

' Hmm. I do not want to screw up the mood, but I think it will quickly get tense down here. ' the telepathic message of Mesa is received by Wisp who is absorbed by what he hears.

' Develop. ' he orders concisely while taking out his gun and preparing himself for the worst.

' It seems that we have somewhat underestimated the guests. ' Mesa answers and she quickly have to ducks to avoid a fireball, she crouch down and put her hands on the floor with her fingers forming a triangle.

Behind her, the parquet planks come loose and come to life, they're propelled in all directions and witch such speed that it pierces all those in their path.

Upstairs, Hope is still torturing Oaklayn to obtain the informations she seek, however the method used is much more subtil and cleaner than in the old days.

" I fucking told you already !! I don't know who you're talking about ! " Oaklayn says one more time but the results is the same, the cursed tatton marked upon his skin tighten its hold. Slowly the snake coils more and more, increasing the pressure as well as the resulting pain.

" Please make it stop ! " he pathetically shout while wiggling and straining the ties tied to his wrists.

" You just have to confide. Give me what I want and you'll be free, everything will stop and you can even resume your activities.. Isn't that what you want Johan ? " Hope says in a tempting way.

" I assure you. It's no use doing that, I can't help you... " he pleads, however for the first time he genuinely seem to to be worried. Only his close circle are aware of his first name, he ask himself if she found it, his most garded secret.

" Yes. I can see the wheels turning, churning, you finally make an educated deduction. I know about your bastard son, very cute by the way. " she continues to push his buttons, to provokes him.

" Whore ! You'll see when I'- " he starts to say angrily but Hope make a circular gesture and the snake move accordingly.

His head emittes a silent and discret cracking sound probably from a small fracture, it elicits another shout of pain from Johan Oaklayn. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't stop this time, each centimeters crossed multiple the pains by ten, his ears start to leaks blood until small droplets falls rhythmically on the sheets.

" D... De.. December !! It's the only thing that fit, but. A-ha !!! " he ultimately reveal what he knows but the the spell keep going alterning it's speed to deliver a maximum of pain and to keep him from fainting. " Stop ! It's necessarily him, I'm sure ! " he exclaims and release a relieved sigh when it finally comes to an end.

" Go on. " she orders him and he spills everything he heard and knows about this December. However, she quickly concludes that he won't be of much help, just another lead to follow.

She's snatched from her thoughts by a tremor that shake the house all the way to the foundation. Miraculously the house holds and resist but Hope easily identify the source as magical.

' What was that ?! ' Wisp urgently asks and he leans against the wall right next to the door.

' One of the witches self-detonated. I tried my best to reduce the blast but it didn't worked out as well as I had thought. ' Mesa responds while looking at metal pipe sticking out of her left thigh.

' Don't worry darling, I'm coming you. " the annoyingly voice of Harrow interject in the telepathic conversation.

' Help her, get out of the house and regroup with the others. ' Wisp gives his instructions to Harrow. ' Protea, start the preparations for clearing protocol... ' he orders regretfully to his team's specialist but he doesn't let any of his moods show through.

Abruptly, the door to his right is sprayed into small wood chips. Without wasted movement, he place himself in front of the opening and he opens fires.

But it's as if a defective shield is around his target, the bullets despite being spelled simply move out the way and impact the walls. He barely have the time to see her move before she is an inch away from his face, she roughly grabs the hems of his black bullet proof jacket and throws him across the hall.

He rolls to cushion the fall and hurries down the stairs with the tribrid breathing down his neck.

Hope jumps the last steps and uses her newly increased supernatural speed to rush a the bulky and threatening figure in front of her. She plunge her arm through him but surprisingly realize that it a just an illusion. Turning around at an unnatural speed, she comes face to face with the barrel of a gun but a graceful side step takes her out of its sight. Her left forearm changes instantly, long and sharp claws grow from her fingernails and she uses them to slash through the reinforced materials of his outfit. She follows with a quick but effective spell devoted to paralyzed with fear the one touched.

Wisp ignores the deep cuts on his ribs and he pulls out a square talisman made from what appears to be bone. He brushes it with his easily accessible blood and he does not let go of his hand would be only a second, that would sign his death warrant against a witch as powerful. Above them, the chandelier is still intact and diffusing its dim purple light.

' Please tell me you ready ! She's savage, I don't know how long I'll still be able to occupy her. ' he warns his team while keeping his concentration strained on the beast he's fighting. Dodging another one of her vicious blows, he see from the corner of his eye the talisman slowly cracked because of the numerous spells its blocking.

She looks animalistic, she partially transformed herself in her werewolf form making her even more dangerous. Her fighting style consists of quick physical attacks accompanied by spells when an opening presents itself.

' We're good. You just have to say the word...' the telepathic confirmation of Protea gives him the sensation of a burden lifted off his shoulders only to be buried under something heavier.

Outside the house, the rest of team have found each other and now waits about ten meters away, hiding in the large garden behind the house.

Harrow look at the wound on his parter leg and without care he pulls down the dark mask he's wearing to bites his wrist.

He hold out his bloody wrist near her mouth and he urge her to quickly drink before the wound heal.

" What ? Don't you want to soil yourself with my unholy vampire blood ? " he asks sarcastically out loud, they're all in close proximity, so unless they want to remain silent or include Wisp in their talk there is no nead tu use the telepathic link between them.

His smug smile grows when she starts drinking his blood with slightly pink cheeks.

" Isn't there an another option ? Or are we really gonna do this like this is the good choice ? " Saryn express her doubts about this calculated decision and despite being trained and experienced to handle this kind of problems the others members also hesitate to put the plan into action.

" Be quiet Saryn ! You think any of us takes pleasure in doing this ? Stop being so naive, this is the real world and it isn't a happy or easy place. If we have to kill thousand to save millions then we must have the strength to carry it out so that those we protect don't have to do it themselves. " The now healed Mesa share her view on the subject while accepting the helping hand of Harrow to stand up.

The tense atmosphere is broken by the sharp command of their brave leader. ' T-minus 10. ' his strength and commitment can be felt in the short but meaningful message.

Like a switch on, the 4 agents agents position themselves and wait with apparent serenity despite the risks and possible consequences.


A twisted foot, a dislocated shoulder, broken jaw, crushed throat, if he was a lesser creature he would already be dead. Circling around her, Wisp dejectedly notices that even if there's blood on her it is exclusively his, he barely scratched her in their exchange which has already lasted for several long minutes.


They're both indefatigable and can heal mortal wounds in seconds, she have more raw physical strength, speed and can use magic, furthermore she's clearly adept at martial arts.


Looking at the man who have resists her longer than anyone else, a smile blossom on the blank predatorial face of Hope. Her blood is pumping, her heart seems to beat more strongly than ever and she feel something growing in her, an emotion that she though she got rid of forever anger, a burning rage birthed in her childhood.


This internal conflict allow the more experienced fighter of the two a little bit of time to recover and plan his next course of action. His eyes dart across the large destroyed living room illuminated in the same purplish light that when he entered earlier.


The witch who self destruct did a lot of damages. If the house wasn't covered by layers of spells the walls wouldn't be here anymore, unfortunately some peoples Protea rendered unconscious have been caught in the blast of the explosion but most of them survived due to her timely intervention.

His pale grey eyes catch a pointed object that could serve him in his fight but he's attract by the fast moving figure of Hope. His supernatural senses allow him to react to her speed and he engage her in hand to hand.


Blocking, redirect, in an impressive show of skill, the two powerful individuals exchange a dozens of blow at a speed only a vampire could hope to follow. Wisp tries to direct the fight in a certain direction. Blocking a jab, he retaliates with a kick to her kidney followed by two slap on her ears that makes a deaf for a moment.


Capitalizing on his advantage, he ruthlessly hit her throat and he violently push her backwards until she's situated under the chandelier. A round low kick puts her to the ground and he grab the curtain bar he noticed seconds before.


Adjusting his grips on it, he takes aim and throw it with enough force to stab through steal from side to side. He watch with anticipation for the moment of truth, sparks and a muffled sound are produced but he does not stay to observe the result


He runs to the exit door and reaches it as the chandelier falls on Hope who've just recover from his attacks. If he doesn't walk through that door soon, this will be the end, the regeneration inherent to his nature won't help him.

' 0. ' the collective voice of his team echoes in his mind as he kills the door and throws himself to the ground. The layers of spells placed on the house and modified further by Protea starts to shine, the symbols glows and reveals their complexity to the world before they unleash a torrent of multi-colored magic that reduce the house as well as all its inhabitants to ashes.

While Mesa and Saryn goes recover their mentally exhausted leader, Harrow and Protea stays behind to prepare a way out of this classy neighborhood.

" If I had known that we were going all burnt I would have had more pleasure..." Harrow says in a fake depressed then he looks curiously at the spells specialist of the team taking the steps to teleport them away.

" There were innocents in there, children. So abstain with your disgusting comments. " Wisp says in a rough voice as he walks close to Protea with Mesa and Saryn to his side.

" I sometimes forget how young you are boss. There is no innocent, there never was, only men and women who do what they think is right. " Harrow answers then a small whisper escapes from Protea and the 5 members of the team disappear of Forest Glen, leaving a hole where there was a old house rich of histories.