
Becoming an Emperor in Star Wars with a Star Forge

A guy gets kissed by Truck-kun a little too hard and gets reincarnated into star wars. But doesn't wish for his memories to be kept

DupryCharzard876 · Movies
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Growing Up (updated and added new tech)

Dax grew up without the love of a parent. In return, he grew up stone faced and not understanding what it felt like to be loved and cared about.

Dax's childhood was a weird one. When the ship arrived at the Star Forge with the lifeless corpse of his father in the pilot's chair, droids came in and took him to some kind of nursery.

Dax grew up learning everything he could, from swinging a lightsaber to making ships. He learned the forms of Lightsaber combat from eight different training Droids and another droid to teach him Mandalorian combat, each droid were made of cortosis, so when they are struck by a saber, the saber short circuits and deactivates the saber to not destroy the droid. From studying under various first-class droids, he became a master of various fields of work.

When he was 10, he learned about the galaxy, The Republic, as he grew to know it was corrupt and non effective, with its inability to handle injustice and criminals. The Jedi as he learned became arrogant, complacent and became the lapdogs of the Senate, The no longer go out of their way to help those in need and need the permission of the senate to do anything, even on Coruscant.

The criminals of the Galaxy stay to the Outer Rim of the galaxy to stay away from law enforcement. He learned that when he was eight, the Trade Federation blockaded a pacifist planet called Naboo. The Senate took too long to come to a conclusion, so Queen Amidala returned and freed her planet with the help of two Jedi and her Royal Security forces. This shows that the Senate is unable to protect their own.

With this in mind, he started planning, If the Senate was too weak to help those in need, he would. He would need to spend several years planning and raising his army. The first thing he did was start the production of droids that could be used as spies and decided to spread them out throughout the Republic. The Droids that he decided on were HK-24 Assassin droids. The HK-24 series assassin droid was a class of assassin droid produced by the Czerka Corporation in the era of the Mandalorian Wars. Known for their distinctive red durasteel plating and fierce autonomy, the HK-24 was designed to impersonate protocol droids to avoid suspicion and easier facilitate the elimination of its target. But instead of using them to assassinate targets, he uses them to gather information.

The second thing he did was to design or discover ships that he could make a fleet that he would use against the ships that would eventually come up against him in space. The ships he thought of were the Nebula-Class Star Destroyer, a ship saved in the data banks of the Forge with nothing to explain it's existence but lines of corrupted data, and another ship called the Venator-Class Star Destroyer It was a ship perfect for carrying starfighters, and a ship called the Acclamator-class Assault ship that one of his droids stole from Rothana Heavy Engineering because it could carry 16 thousand troopers, now all he needed were starfighters and troopers. Dax took some inspiration from the Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter with his next creation the Actis-class interceptor only to discover that it it was already made in the forges data banks but with corrupted data, But while looking through the databanks of the forge he found an even better starfighter, the TIE Defender. The TIE Defender is a highly advanced ship with massive amounts of corrupted data. For his troop transport he chose the ST-70 Assault Ship, Dax decided to modify the ST-70 before making them though, he put an ball mounted dual laser cannons on top the ship to provide some defence for the back.

While Dax was looking for a way to catch his future enemies by surprise he came across a device called a slipspace drive. Slipspace Drives function by creating ruptures between normal space and slipspace. The nonstandard physics of slipspace allow it to be used as a shortcut realm, facilitating interstellar travel between distant regions in reasonable time. There was a version of this Slipspace drive that used Kyber crystals for increased speed through slipspace and more accurate exits. With the help of synthetic Kyber crystals he was able to alter the designs of his ships to accommodate the new tech. The Slipspace tech came from the rival race of the Rakata, the Forerunners.

The Forerunners were users of the light side of the force while the Rakata were users of the dark side. The Rakata knew that their empire was coming to an end so they created a fast acting virus that attacked the Forerunners relentlessly. The Forerunners were wiped out with enough time for the Rakata to do their best to erase every notion of their existence.

For his troopers, he needed them fast. He did not know if a civil war would erupt with the information his spies were sending, but he really needed them. It took a team of Bio-droids to successfully integrate the lifespan of a Wookie into human DNA after 3 months of constant Trial and error, but since it was going to take several years for the clones to be trained and have ample time to grow with accelerated aging process he decided to produce battle droids. The droids he decided on were EM-208 Assault droids.

Dax soon realized that he had no way of coordinating all his troops on all the Various battle Fields until he had an epiphany, why not have the droids connected to a central computer through a quantum network that can't be hacked or jammed. but why stop there? He decided to make use of quantum networking by using them in all his ships and connecting them to the troops' own AI that would be the Admirals of his fleets and his Generals.

While Dax was brainstorming one day, he noticed that he didn't have anything other than ships to protect his territory. So, to circumvent that issue, he went to the databanks of the forge to find something that would be liable to defend the planet he was in control over. It took him days to find the perfect defense platform, but he found one, the Erod Class Orbital Weapon Platform. These platforms utilized a lost technology called magnetic acceleration. The technology was created by humans from a planet called Terra, which was destroyed by the Star Forges creators, the Rakata. The tech was reversed engineered from what was left of the platforms in Terra space.

Over the years Dax would go on expeditions into the unknown regions looking for anything that could be of use and he found many.

---- Year 980, Post Ruusan Reformation -----

One day, while Dax was working, he got an alert in the form of a Blue Holographic woman in a military uniform.

" Lord Shan, I have been receiving reports that 50 thousand Togruta Colonists have disappeared from their colony on Kiros. I have also received reports that the Queen of Zygerria has come into possession of 50 thousand Togruta slaves for the market. I believe that this is an opportune moment to introduce ourselves to the galaxy." The Hologram said to the tall red headed Man.

"Yes, this would be the most opportune moment if we could free those slaves we would be seen as their liberators, and we be seen in a goodlight." Dax said as he stood up from his work bench.

" Yes, my Lord, that is a good plan. Would you like to take your personal fleet to this conquest, my Lord?" Asked the blue Hologram.

" Yes, but I will land on the planet in my personal craft, I want the fleet in range of the planet to arrive the moment I give the signal. Is that Understood Cortana."

"Yes, my Lord." replied the now named AI Cortana right before she burst into blue particles and got sucked up into the hologram projector.

As Dax continued walking down the hall, he thought about what it would be like to finally be in a true fight and not a skirmish with his droids.

Once he got to the Hanger, he saw his personal ship, his Defender-Class Light Corvette. next to it were 6 Droids, HK-47 The personal assassin droid of his family, T3-M4 the astromech droid of his family, along with 4 HK-50 Droids.

"Hopeful Query: Are we going to kill some meatbags master?" The rusty red droid asked

"Most likely HK, most likely. But you have to wait for my signal before you butcher anyone." Dax said with a slight smile.

This got excitement out of the HK droids. While also making them sad that they could not go on a killing spree.

"T3, set course to Zygerria. Jump to hyperspace immediately. I'm going to sleep." Dax said as he walked up the ramp to the Defender.