
Becoming a Pirate in Another Planet!

An old hunter, after redeeming for his sins, found himself in another world, in a ship, with his old body. That was the start of his new life as an pirate, in a strange world.

BambooDealer · Action
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2 Chs

The first day.

Soldiers stormed through the woods, surrounding from all directions, no man could escape such thing, even more when you weren't expecting to be the target of an invasion.

Of course, it wasn't Wolfgang's case, as he sat in the middle of the lake, in a fishing boat, as the police acted to hunt him. He held his hunting rifle, looking into a fixed spot. Wolfgang knew he was going down today, but he wouldn't allow himself to go withou5 a fight. It didn't take much until his traps started to go off.

Although the forces storming were specialized in fighting, they didn't respect their prey, because, well, he wasn't any prey. Wolfgang was an injured hunter prepared to take as many as he could before dying from his injury.

He calmly stood inside the boat as he heard his traps going off, explosion, bear traps, and many more. An experienced hunter, that could catch any prey, even without his left eye, that he lost many years ago.

Of course, they weren't enough to take all of the soldiers, and it didn't take much time until they reached places that they could watch him. Sitting in his boat. A man wearing a suit, probably one of the federal agents, reachd for a megaphone and talked out loud through it. "Wolfgang, surrender yourself! You are surrounded. You have no way to win this fight!" The man said as he looked at him, ferociously.

Wolfgang took a deep breath, closing his eye and reaching for his gun, aiming at man in suit. The shot was quickly fired, reaching the man's chest, and Wolfgang was, of course, shot by many sides as that happened. He was dead. It was over.


But, his breath recovered, as he opened his eye. A place he didn't know, but seemingly a prision inside a boat, bars surrounding him with his arms had big handcuffs around him. Of course, Wolfgang was confused. The clothing of the other prisioners around him looked centuries older than him, as the soldier that took care of the cells had an gun older than his hunting rifle.

"Are ya wake, old man?" One of the prisioners said, he was to his left, but close to the door. "You don't seem from any place I've ever been, what's ya name?" Wolfgang turned his head to the man, who had a dirty face, really tanned skind and wore ripped off clothings. His nails were strange, his teeth, yellow, even some had fallen. He had a disgutingly dirty black beard and hair.

And, in the right of the cell, a man that was the antithesis of the pirate, he was outherwordly clean, even more for someone in a prision cell, that was probably a pirate as well. He wore a suit, that was likely the only kind of clothing Wolfgang had seen before. With a clean blonde hair, blue-ish gray eyes. He looked like a butler for the royalty.

"Ay, old man, I'm the one talk witcha', not the doll-looking man. Answer the question." The pirate said, as he noticed Wolfgang's attention drifting from his words to the other man with them. "Wolfgang." The old man said in his deep voice. "Don't like talking much. I see! Hahaha!" The pirate said as he listened to the old man's voice. "Wolfgang, quite a different name! And you ain't no pirate either, you seem like a hunter of some sort." He may not seem like it, but the pirate was quite an attentive fellow.

Wolfgang nodded to his words, confirming his suspicions about him. "Hahaha! I knew it! I'm Kiverland! Nice to meetcha'!" Kiverland was quite an outgoing and energetic man. He quickly looked at the blonde guy. "And ya? Are ya a Butler? What's ya name?"

"I'm a navigator. My name is Loureiro." He said in a soft, yet piercing voice. Quite an eccentric fellow to be arrested with those two. And that was pretty much enough to not ask why he was arrested. "Damn! My guess was really out of place! Hahaha! Nice to meetcha too."

Then, silence took over. Wolfgang wanted to ask about where they were headed, who arrested them and much more, but he didn't know where he was, if his informations were trustworthy, damn, he didn't even know what kind of planet he was in. What thid world had to offer. It was a new adventure to be a part of.

But, silence and peace weren't meant to be. The whole ship shook as a loud noise came from outside. They were getting attacked by pirates, it was the start of a battle between something that looked like the Marine, and pirates. Kiverland threw himself at the door, as the explosion happened, and reached for the keys in the guard's waist. The noise and shaking of the ship was enough for him not to notice, as he stormed upstairs to help his crew.

"We leavin' this place, boys." Said proud Kiverland as he opened his handcuffs and helped the others, and quickly opened the cell door. "We just need to go up and-" He started to give them a plan, but Wolfgang interrupted him. "No, we need our weapons. We can't fight them barehanded and we don't know the pirate crew. Our fate, might be the same as the marines if they are good, or the same as the pirates if they are overwhelmed."


While they planned downstairs, the pirates quickly got closer to the Marine's ship, as they stormed in. They weren't many, but they were really good. The marines weren't bad, the pirates were just overwhelmingly strong. "Go on, men! Rob the apprehended loot, free their poor souls and get them to our crew, we feastin' tonight! We can even sell this piece of a ship!" The man who looked like the captain said as they stormed in, guns blazing, blades colliding and much more! It wasn't any normal fight, there were more than guns and blades, people who used martial arts, eccentric weaponry.

"Get them weapons, marine's guns are expensive! Their expenses, their documents, we robbing them clean!" The captain screamed as he laughed and fought with his red crimson blade, although his enemies seemed affected by something else, not fear, but it reached to them.

The fight, clearly, wasn't going to take too long, the marines just couldn't handle the pirates, even though they had far way more people in the crew. "Don't kill'em all! Tie some and make they spread The Crimson Pirates name!" He commanded as he laughed and took over the ship. The prisioners that were freed mostly helped them, although it wasn't really needed.


The fight was over, the pirate crew reached for the arrested, now freed, man. Of course, they were after more manpower. They got the stored loot, gunpowder, cannonball, weapons and much more, but when they were to reach their ship... It wasn't there anymore. The pirates got robbed as they fought the marines.

"Sir, we can try and catch them bastards! It must be one of those government scums!" One of the Crimson Pirates subordinates said to the higher-up. "They have the blessing of the wind, and our ship is way faster for being smaller. We ain't catching them, we using this ship for now. You got their face, Falcon?" The captain asked as he looked for one of the high-ranked men in his crew. "Yeah. I can draw it later for you. We will put some underground bounty on their heads.


"You crazy old man! Haha! I didn't think you would pull a sneaky on those Wine-Red Pirates? Whatcha doin' now?" Kiverland was amazed for how they got pass them without being seen, like phantoms! Nor he did think that they would be able to simply run away with the boat and take down the men guarding the ship. "They are the Crimson Pirates. Not wine-red." Loureiro said as he was by his side, as Kiverland took control of the rudder. He was, of course, the navigator he knew where to go if needed.

Wolfgang was downstairs, but yet could talk and hear them. He was going their supplies, checking how much they had of food, drinks, money and other things. His hunting rifle was now with him, though he didn't find much ammo that fit it. Many were actually unknown to him. "They were running low on supplies, that's probably why they hit the marine's ship, getting more crew was just a bonus. Loureiro, go to the closest town going to the opposite direction of those pirates. We need to do quick job for money and buy some supplies. I don't know much about this place, but I guess I can try doing some hunting too."

"You crazy old man! You don't want to even run a bit more? I like ya attitude, Wolf! You didn't even hesitate to trust us! Hahaha!" Kiverland screamed out loud, excited as he took Kiverland instructions and found a new route to follow, it was the start of an adventure.