9 Finding Talents

As he stepped out of the chamber, Emily was standing in front of the chamber with a wet towel in hand.

"Emily, get someone to clean the chamber and you follow me to my room. I don't think that wet towel would help much."

"Yes lord," Emily said as she covered her nose because of that foul smell.

Right now, Alex was covered in Stinky black liquid all over his body, this black-coloured liquid was nothing but the impurities of his body.

Alex and Emily quickly moved throughout the castle directly to Alex's room.

All the servants who saw them walked away because of the smell.

As soon as they entered the room, Alex went straight to the bathroom whereas Emily just stood in the room waiting for him.

Alex removed all his clothes and started cleaning himself.

' Should I call Emily to help me clean; no, it's still not time.' Alex thought.

On this side, Emily was standing waiting for Alex. Her face was flush red.

Alex quickly cleaned himself and then walked towards the mirror.

After making sure he had no impurities left on his body Alex Walked out of the bathroom.

Emily who was standing outside almost fainted seeing Alex Walk out of bathroom with nothing but his towel.

Although Alex couldn't care less but now he was exceptionally good looking even more so in Emily's eyes.

His silky smooth white hairs, blue eyes which could mesmerize any girl, his chiseled body with abs, silky and smooth ivory skin could make anybody's whether boy or girls' heart beat faster.

After burning the image of half naked Alex in his eyes, Emily was about to leave the room when Alex called her.

"Emily, help me get ready."

"Y-Yes young master" with her face as red as apple

With 50 gold coins that he put in the bag, strapped to his waist. He stepped outside the castle.

His plan for today was to roam the city and find some potential subordinates and any other opportunities.

Alex's system also had one other function.

The system will inform Alex of any lucky encounters within a radius of 25 kilometres of Alex.

The range would increase as Alex would become stronger. The previous range was 10 kilometres.

The range increased to 25 kilometres after Alex became a Class 1 Knight.

Alex began to walk towards the knight's training fields and met the Knight commander.

"Sir knight Commander, I wish to go for a stroll in the city, I would like to ask for a Knight as an escort."

The knight Commander looked towards Alex and stared at him before finally saying.

"Hmm, it seems the Young lord has finally broken through to become Class 1 knight. Good, good you want an escort right, wait a sec, let me see."

Although his words seem sarcastic, his intentions were pure. His voice didn't carry any impolite intentions.

The knight Commander is an old friend of Alex's father and was in the army with him. After Alex's father became a noble, he swore his allegiance to Alex's father.

They were old buddies who saved each other's lives countless times, so Alex's father trusted him very much.


At his command, all hundred of Knights assembled quickly.

"My lord, I shall be your escort."

"No my lord, I shall."

"My lord, please choose me."

Soon the training field echoed with the voices of the knights. They all wanted to volunteer for being an escort to Alex.

If it has been the previous Alex, not a single one would have volunteered for him but the knights have seen the change in Alex more than anybody.

They all saw how Alex used to spend his time on the training field for the past month.

They have seen Alex, the son of a noble who was used to being drowned in the luxury and riches abandon everything and sleep on a makeshift bed made of fodder and straws.

They all were moved by Alex's determination and willpower.

Also which Knight would leave the opportunity to make an image of himself in front of his lord. So they all wished to be an escort for Alex.

The knight Commander picked a Knight at random and assigned him to be the escort.

The name of the knight was Sam.

Sam came forward and kneeled in front of the Commander and Alex.

"I shall fulfil my duty and bring the lord back safely even if it costs me my life. "

Alex nodded. Sam and Alex went to the main gate of the castle.

Alex had already ordered Sam to wear ordinary clothes, and as they reached the gate a carriage was waiting for them.

They sat inside the carriage and Sam ordered the driver to take the carriage to the city market.

The carriage was an ordinary one, Alex wanted to pretend as a child of a wealthy merchant, so he asked for a carriage without the family's insignia.

They reached the market shortly after.

The city was a border city and was far from the wilderness. The city wasn't big enough to appoint a high-class mage to build a space array, so as a result, the town didn't have any high-class adventurers or any strong people in the city.

The city was therefore small since there wasn't even an Adventure's Guild in the city.

Alex and Sam roamed around the market. They bought a few things here and there but found nothing interesting.

But Alex had excepted this, his main aim to come to the city wasn't in the main market but in the slums.

Even though the town was small, there were still hundreds of thousands of people there even if not a million.

As such there were more than thousands of people in slums. Alex believed he could find a good talent in them.

With that in mind, Alex started walking toward the alleys that lead to the slums.

All this time his escort, Sam has been following behind while hiding his sword that's attached to his waist using a large blanket-like cloth to cover himself from top to bottom.

He was observing his lord without saying anything. But when he saw Alex walking towards the slums, he immediately panicked.

"My lord, don't go there. The people living there are not worthy of your attention."

"Not worthy of my attention. Sam, do you know that Lotus, one of the world's most beautiful flower actually blooms in mud and dirt."

"Sorry my lord, but what is Lotus?"

"Nothing, it's just a unique flower that grows somewhere very far from here. You don't need to think of anything, just follow me, I know what I am doing."

"Ye-yes, my lord."

With this, they started to walk towards the slums in search of a talent.

( To be continued )


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