
chapter 5

Somewhere in the Jinneung district, in the middle of the night, two elderly couples were watching TV when a phone notification went off. The female picked up her phone to check and froze in disbelief. Upon noticing his wife's unusual behavior, he called her name, "Sung-chan, what happened?"

Opening her mouth and closing right after, she points towards her phone with trembling fingers, indicating her husband to come closer and look. Leaning towards his wife and looking at her phone, he was frozen in shock.

Looking at each other's loss for words, they took a deep breath and calmed their minds. The first one to break the silence was the husband.

"Honey, I'm not seeing things right?"

"I...I don't know"

"This amount of money has to be fake, right?"

"One..two..three....six zeros, that's..a...million!"

"Who sent us this money, it has to be a mistake, wife hurry up and check the bank statement."

'Ok, ok"

Going through recent bank transactions, they found who sent them the money, and once again, they looked at each in disbelief. The bank transaction had the following words, {Ding!, 1,000,000 yen has been added to your account, ending numbers 1528, from Ye Feng.}

''Ye feng, our Ye feng? our son?"

''That's impossible right wife? Quick, call him to find out what happened"

Going through her contracts and finding her son's number, she was about to click on the call icon, but noticing how late it was, she decided to call him in the morning.

"Let's call him tomorrow, he should be asleep already, now let's go to bed."

Nodding at her decision, he followed her to their bedroom and slept.


Ring Ring Ring

Ring Ring Ring

'Ughhh, who Is calling me?' Grabbing the phone beside me, I answer the call tiredly, "Who is it?"

"Son, did you send us the money last night? Where did you get this money from? Did you do anything illegal? Son, tell us right now!"

"Mom, I can't answer when you ask me so many questions at once, but I was the one who sent you the money, and don't worry I got the money from a legal source."

"How, where did you get the money?''

"Well, I been participating in events from school and the local market, I have been saving up the earnings, and since I saved up a good amount, I wanted you guys to have some money."

Events?' What kind of events? There is no need for you to worry about us, you should keep the money?''

"Just some events but Mom, please keep the money, I worked hard for it, so keep it alright?"

"Yes son, but please take yourself''

''I will, I love you, Mom''

''I love you too, son, and talk to you later.''

Hanging up the phone, I got up from the bed and went to the restroom. After washing up, I got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Watching tv while I eat, I remember a new day has begun, so I went ahead and signed in. 'System sign-in'

[Ding! Sign in]

[Rewarding, God-Level Computer skills]

Clutching my head in pain, thousands of information of everything related to computers, rush into my head. Artificial intelligence, Hardware, Software, Blockchain, Virtual reality, Angular programming, Augmented reality, and more.

Gritting my teeth in frustration, I started to lose conscience, and at some point, I blacked out.


Hours later, I open my eyes, struggling to keep them open. After some time my eyes finally adjusted and got up from the floor. Grabbing my phone on the floor and turning it on, I saw the time and realized four hours had passed.

Shaking my head, I went to the kitchen to grab a drink. After a cold glass of water, my body felt so much better. It seems my brain has finally settled down and I closed my eyes, going through countless pieces of information, "I know everything." I said to no one.

Opening my eyes, a bright blue light shines within only for a while after disappearing. Now I'm practically a god of technology, I know how to do anything, I can create technology ahead of our time.

Since, my money is running low, and there is a low chance of me getting another money reward, I should create an app to earn income.

"But what kind of app?"

'I need an app that stands out from all others in the market and is one of a kind. I should make something that fixes one of the world's issues, but which one would help me?'

What is the number one problem out there? Money? Health? Global warning? No, not this, something that people have problems with every day, people struggle with.

In amidst deep thinking, an idea pops out. People struggle with communication barriers worldwide. I can create a texting app to auto-translate each user's corresponding language.

Not wasting any time, I ran upstairs to my room and turned on my computer. 'It's good that it came with the house when I bought it.'

Opening the software program, I used Xcode to develop my app. Typing in the codes to build my foundation, I ensure that each code is perfect and can run independently. Since I have god-level information, my codes can become ''Alive'' and adapt to any situation. Since the world is changing and new words, languages, and technology are being created daily, each code can change to match corresponding actions.

Since the codes are ''Alive,'' I don't need to monitor or fix them. Creating the app will be a very time-consuming and tiresome process, having god-level abilities doesn't help, because I want to finish it as soon as possible.

Since I'm creating an app worldwide, I need to make it for IOS, Android, and Apple. But I can't use one computer language for all of them, then I will be using different of them. I will use, Swift, Java, Objective-C, and C++ to be the foundation of my app. Of course, it is impossible to use them all at once but not for me, I can do it.

Putting in everything I need, this texting app must be perfect and have no problems once launched. Creating each code is really difficult and very tiresome, a couple of hours won't do.

This app won't be used only for texting but for other functions such as taking pictures, posting comments, news, and making videos. Like other apps like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram, my app would be different obliviously. When people post pictures and have descriptions, the words will be translated into your language, even the video.

When you hear the audio of people talking, you will only hear your language in real time. 'Amazing isn't it?'

How? you asked. I can't put it into words but I know how sounds fishly but it's not. (A/N: I was going to type random bullcrap, but I decided not to since this is not real. Just trust the process, I guess.)


After a very long time, I stopped typing and laid back in my chair, looking down at my pitiful fingers cramping because of typing for a whole day nonstop. Taking a peek outside and seeing the sun nowhere, I sigh and stood up. Going to the restroom, after washing up I went to the kitchen to eat something.

Turning on the tv and the time showing 6:30 pm, I rub my tired eyes. I have been working around 7-8 hours non-stop, at this point I just want to pass out. Using 100% focus every second, staring at a screen, and not eating or drinking any liquid, puts your body in a sorry state.

It may not seem like a big deal but I have to come up with new codes and mix different languages together. it is not pretty.

But all of my hard work has paid off, yes, my app is finished and is ready to be launched to the public.

How will I be earning money you say? Well, I did make the app to be free to download but you will need to buy a monthly plan after a free three-day trial. Making the app free, will encourage people to download it since everyone loves free stuff and people can experience every function there is.

People will soon become addicted to it and will always use it for everyday purposes. People use their phones for hours daily, texting, calling, and taking pictures and videos is a huge part of our life. Nowadays, people carry a phone even young kids. Go outside and take a look at yourself, can you point out one person not using a mobile device? Besides homeless people.

After resting, I went back upstairs, went to my computer, and click the launcher icon. Taking some time to upload, I waited. Finally, it has been uploaded, ready for business. With this app, I can start my own company and proceed from there. I can finally begin my grand plan, which is to take over technology companies, but my first step is to create my own phones and sell them worldwide.

But if I want to take over the world, I need my own A.I, a real artificial intelligence having the ability to self-learn and understand human life. The phone I will be developing in the future would have the most advanced functions and I will also incorporate my A.I into phones.

The A.I can assist you in any shape or form. You will be able to talk to it and use it to navigate your phone.

For that to happen, I need to start by making the A.I today so I can have it soon as possible. But my computer wont be able to process everything, I need a supercomputer but it is very expensive. I would need to wait, the only options I have right now, are to save up or get it when I sign in.