
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Soul Contract

"Is your news something we need to discuss now? From your tone, it sounds important." Sarah asks Jacob

"It's important but it can wait until morning, we're both tired and we need rest to deal with everything going on right now." Replies Jacob.

He was very tired after all the fighting, he had barely rested so he could return sooner. He knew the longer he was gone the more Sarah would worry.

"Ok then, let's go to bed. With you gone I haven't been able to sleep that well." Sarah admits sheepishly.

A few hours after Jacob and Sarah go to sleep, Jax is woken by a voice in his head. Unlike last time he can fully understand this voice.

"Hello, can you hear me? Please answer if you can hear me." The voice says in his mind. "Who are you, why are you speaking to me?" Jax asks cautiously

"My name is Thorn, I am a sword with a soul. My creator gave his life to give birth to me." Thorn replied slowly and carefully, he didn't want to scare Jax but was looking forward to meeting him.

"A sword with a soul? Such a thing is possible?" Jax ask incredulously, he couldn't believe what Thorn had told him.

"I'm speaking to you because I wish to form a soul contract with you! I was recovered by your father when he fought the Cursed Soul King." answered Thorn

"A soul contract? What does that mean? Cursed Soul King? Who's that? Asks Jax. "It means that I would become your soul weapon, you'll be able to draw power from me to fight enemies, that would normally be to strong to face by yourself. It also means you'd be able to store me within your soul."

"The Cursed Soul King was an enemy your father fought, it also happened to my previous owner. During the fight something happened between your father and the Cursed Soul King, because it allowed your father to land a lethal blow! I don't know all the details because my conscience was sealed by the Cursed Soul Kings corrupted soul."

He didn't want to scare Jax away, he needed to bond with a powerful soul or he would lose his soul and return to being a normal sword.

"Your father has told me of the events that transpired after your birth. How you were born dead, and came back to life after a golden orb merged with you. Now I'm no expert on mysteries, but it sounds to me like you are either a reincarnation of your past self or you transmigrated into a body that didn't have a soul. Either way, your soul should be strong enough to make a contract with me." Says Thorn after some thought.

Jax was taken aback by this swords intellect, 'How's does the sword know I transmigrated? A soul weapon sounds powerful, maybe it's be a good idea to try.' Thought Jax

"What will happen to me if I make a contract with you?" Jax wanted to know the risks of such a thing before he agrees

"Besides getting stronger, and being able to store me inside of and call me from your soul, nothing." said Thorn

"Your Father and Mother have decided to sleep and rest, they will discuss all that happened while your father was away tomorrow. In the meantime, I'd like you to think about my offer, this world is a dangerous place, it's never a bad idea to have a strong power at your disposal." says Thorn

"You realize I'm still an infant yes? I can understand what they say but I'm unable to speak to them. It will take many years before I'm ready." said Jax worried that the sword would change its mind.

"I'm aware of your situation, your father described all the events that led him to find me. I need to form a contract with someone soon or I will cease to exist. I draw power from and give power to the one I'm contracted with. As long as we establish a contract, I will be fine to wait years for you to use me." Said Thorn.

"I'm willing to give it a try, but my parents might not. I know you said my father would bring you to me, but he has the god awful misfortune of trying to convince my Mother. She's super over protective, she's hardly left my side since my Father left for supplies." Said Jax, he was worried his Mother wouldn't like the idea.

'I wonder if I could somehow signal to them that I'm different than a normal baby. I lack proper vocal chords, so talking is out. Maybe, I could try to grunt, giggle, or nod my head and wave my arms about when there talking to each other.' Jax was desperately trying to figure a way to make his new parents realize, he's not a normal baby.

"I can also absorb the natural mana energy around me almost automatically, just requires a little concentration to begin the process. I don't know if that is helpful or if it's a detriment to a soul contract." said Jax after remembering the weird energy that was similar to the golden orb.

Thorn was beyond shocked, "Are you telling the truth? What you say should not be possible. As far as I know humans can't sense or use mana! The wizard who created me could only use magic, or mana, after ascending the mortal realm!"

"Yes, I'm telling the truth. Why would I lie? I'm a reincarnated soul, in a world I never knew existed! What would I gain by lying?" Jax replied a little annoyed the sword would ask such a question.

"If what you say is true, then the soul contract should be successful, with an estimated 99% chance." stated Thorn seriously.

"You must show me this when I'm presented to you tomorrow! I'm currently in your father's inventory, and I'm using the last bit of soul energy I have to speak with you. I need to form a soul bond or soul contract to regain my powers. It would also go a long way of convincing your parents, if they were objective to begin with." Said Thorn with barely contained excitement

"Ok, we'll give it a try tomorrow. I will continue absorbing energy, it's gets easier the longer and more often I use it." said Jax after giving Thorns words some thought

"I will also try to absorb and conserve energy for the soul contract." replied Thorn

'This kid is unbelievable, I'm 99% certain what's he's doing is cultivating. It should be impossible for a normal mortal to cultivate though. Typically, people need to ascend to higher realms before gaining the ability to cultivate. The knowledge left behind in the creators soul was clear.' Thought Thorn

Based on that knowledge, people needed to advance their physique and body to the peak before they could ascend and begin cultivating energy.

Foundation and Body Transformation Realm!

Second, people needed to cultivate their bodily, mind and soul energies.

Core and Soul Fusion Realm!

Finally, after the fusion of their bodily and soul energies they'd ascend to beings of Immortal status.

Immortal Nascent Soul Realm!