
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Orange River Town

Jacob and Sarah spent a lovely night lovemaking together. It had been many months since they had the time to embrace one another in love.

They both had fallen asleep after their session of lovemaking, however, Jacob was unable to stay asleep. His wife's words from last night rang in his mind, "Come my darling, let's give our son a sibling!".

He wasn't against having more children, but he wanted their life to be somewhat stable before attempting. However, the way his wife behaved last night, spoke volumes about her thoughts on the subject. She wasn't satisfied until he had filled her thrice! Thrice!

He loved pleasing his lover, but he wasn't getting any younger! Midway thru his thought about persuading her to wait, he gave up and just decided to let whatever will happen, happen. If he learned anything about life from the events surrounding Jax's birth, it's that Fate and Destiny can't really be prevented.

You could maybe, if your extremely lucky, come across a chance to change your Fate, but attempting such a thing would be extremely dangerous and difficult to an almost savage degree.

Jacob was fine with letting Fate decide and just doing his best to make a great life for his family. He would do anything to ensure their safety and happiness.

After calming his mind, Jacob drifts off to sleep. Still in the arms of his wife.


Two days go by quickly, and today is Jax's fifth birthday. Sarah is excited to spend the day with Jax and Jacob. They had planned to go to the next town over. The people there were having a festival, and Jax had said he was interested in seeing a festival of this world.

It would take a full day if they had to walk, but with the horses Jacob purchased, they could get there in a few hours. Jacob had named one of the horses Dart and Sarah named the other Lavitz. They were twin stallions so it was difficult to tell them apart. Sarah came up with the idea of giving them different color reins to better tell the difference.

Dart was eventually given fire red reins, while Lavitz was given aqua blue reins. They also decided to have their saddles painted to match the reins. The clash of colors against their black fur, made them look quite majestic.

Jacob had asked the town's saddle maker if he could make them a special saddle. He wanted a double saddle, to accommodate Jax. He also wanted it be adjustable as Jax grows and his body gets bigger. It was a unique build, so the saddle maker said it would take two months and it would cost 2500 gold.

It was very expensive, but the safety of their child outweighed the cost. They paid the saddle marker half up front, and paid the rest once they received the completed saddle. They were so satisfied with the man's work, they gave him a 500 gold bonus.

They would eventually buy him a horse that he can ride until he's able to bond with a dragon.

According to Thorn and the system, Jax was able to bond with several lower ranked dragons at once. However, bonding with a higher ranked dragon would take his power and strength to a hole new level, so it'd be best to find a dragon to bond with first.

Only, it's extremely difficult to find a dragon, much less one that you can bond with. It seemed like an impossible task, but Jax was determined to find one.

During their journey to the neighboring town Jax, Jacob and Sarah came across a large regiment of soldiers, lead by a man on a steed almost as beautiful and strong looking as Dart and Lavitz.

As the regiment gets closer, Jacob and Sarah dismount from their horses and lead them to stand on the side of the road. In their kingdom, this was a show of respect and gratitude to the soldiers of the kingdom.

Instead of passing like Jacob expected, the man on the beautiful steed pause in front of the and says, "Good day citizens, my name is Phillip Kepley, and I'm a general in his majesty's army, I hope you are well. If you would, will you tell me where you acquired such magnificent steeds. They are truly the best steeds I've ever laid my eyes on!" Asked General Kepley.

"General Kepley, the head general? Sir we purchased them in Silver Star town. It's just a few miles down the road, you can't miss it unless you leave the road" answers Jacob with a bow.

"Thank you for the information citizen, I'll be on my way now." Said General Kepley as he turns his horse and returns to marching towards Silver Star town.

"Your welcome General, have a good day." Replies Jacob

After the regiment of soldiers passes, Sarah and Jacob remount their horses and continue their journey.

After a few moments Sarah asks Jacob, "Is that the General that you heard was supposed to visit some time ago? I wonder why it's taken so long for them to arrive."

"Yes, he is the King's General I was told about. On the surface, his visit is to find strong and powerful horses for the kings army, however the rumor is that he supposed to be looking for young man and women to join the military. I don't know why they're just arriving now, they should have been here six months ago." Jacob said.

Jacob didn't know why they'd arrived so late, and his uncertainty of the situation made him worry. He'll need to do some investigating when they get back from the festival in Orange River Town.

He puts the thought to the back of his mind, him and his family continue on their way.

Around an hour after getting directions, General Kepley and his regiment of soldiers arrive in Silver Star Town, after arriving General Kepley orders his men to find rooms to spend the night.

After making sure his soldiers were following his orders, General Kepley heads for the stables. Once there, he begins evaluating the horse that on display for sale. Disappointed with what he sees, General Kepley decides to find the stable hand, to ask him where the stallions, that he originally came to see, are located.

"Hello, is anyone here that can help me?" Says General Kepley

Sir Damian, was just finishing up putting new shoes on a customer's personal horse, when he heard a voice asking for assistance.

"Sorry sir, give me a moment to put this horse back in its stall." Said Sir Damian. He quickly puts away the horse and rushes over to the front counter.

"Sorry for your wait, how may I help you today?" Asked Sir Damian with a bow.

"My name is General Kepley, of his majesty's army, I was sent here by the king to evaluate your best horses, but as I was looking around all I could see was second hand horses at best! Where are the fine stallions the king sent me to look at?" Angrily asks General Kepley.

"Oh General, I was expecting you six months ago. I sincerely apologize, but I sold those horses several months after you didn't shown up."

"I held them for as long as I could, but the demand for them kept increasing. The customer who bought the stallions offered full price for both horses and a wagon! After waiting for so long for you to arrive, I had to sell them to maintain a profit."

"I also have another three pairs of horses coming in this week and they are of an excellent breed. I can give you first picks and a 50% discount for all your troubles. What do you think, General?" Asked Sir Damian, he wanted to try an appease the General with gratuities.

"I can't speak for his majesty, but I must say, I am not pleased with this situation. We were under the impression the stallions were a gift to show your loyalty and commitment to the kingdom."

"I will wait for the next shipment, and I will take all of the horses, at an 80% discount! Or, would you prefer I send word to the King? My runners are quite fast you know!" Said Kepley menacingly, as he turns to leave without waiting for Sir Damian to even respond.


Jax, Jacob and Sarah had arrived at Orange River Town. The front gates were crowded with people trying to enter to see the sights and enjoy the festival. Jax learned during his studies with Sarah, the human denizens of Terra, celebrated the different Solstices.

Orange River Town was currently celebrating the Summer Solstice, and it was called The Summer Solstice Festival.

After another twenty minutes or so, they're finally able to enter the town. Jacob stops and says, "We need to find a room quickly before there all taken, stick close and follow me. It's very easy to lose your way in this giant crowd of people." They all form a line, with Jax in the middle, and head towards the nearest hotel.

AN - Thank you all for continuing to read and support my work.

Thank you to everyone who has commented or given power stones.

@hersheytemple - Your character name drop will be next chapter, hehe, thank you again for the six power stones!

As always

Blessed Be!!