
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Meeting The King (2)

"He is who he says he is, I did indeed invite him with the intentions of introducing him to you, hoping you two could maybe be compatible with each other. It seems like fate or destiny had similar plans as I myself have." The King said slowly, making sure Alice heard and understood his words.

While Alice was standing there digesting the Kings words, he called for a messenger, and they soon arrived, and he gave them the order to find out where The Talen Family is located within the city and send someone to summon them to the Palace at once.


After the King gave his orders, he looks over at Alice and asks, "What are your thoughts my daughter, would you be interested in getting to know this young man? From the red of your cheeks to the tone of your voice, it sounds like you've been charmed by this young man!"

"Honestly Father, I felt a connection with him the moment our eyes met, it felt like I already knew him, I just couldn't remember ever meeting him before. The more we talked to each other, the more I found myself wanting our conversation to continue undisturbed, but I knew I needed to return to attend the Academy, like you wanted Father. So, to answer your question, yes, I would like to learn more about this person and why he makes me feel this way." Alice answered as truthfully as she could, speaking with her heart's current desires.

The King was a little taken aback by his daughter's honesty, and he wasn't really prepared for such an answer. After a moment of collecting his thoughts and calming his mind he said, "That's good, I'm glad you've finally taken an interest in someone. It shouldn't take long for my men to find them and bring them to the palace. In the meantime, why don't you go to your room and freshen up, I'm sure you've had a long day exploring the city. I will call for you when I know they've arrived."

"Yes, it has been a long day, I will take a shower and change into something more comfortable. I look forward to seeing and speaking with him again." Alice replied before turning and almost running in the direction of her room.

The King was stunned again by his daughter's growing interest in this young man. After Jacob had performed so well during the mission the King had posted in secret, the King had become quite curious of this Talen Family. From the information his men had gathered, there was quite a few rumors about the child known as Jax.

The most intriguing rumor was that the child had been born dead but came back to life shortly thereafter. The King had heard many such stories throughout his lifetime, but they were all proven to be fake. Based on his previous experiences he was reluctant to believe any such rumors anymore, but as King, he needed to keep an open mind about the many things humans still haven't discovered about themselves or the world they inhabit.

While lost in his thoughts, he made his way to his throne and took a seat, he then began making various plans and thinking of the different ways he could get this young man to willingly join his family. Then he wouldn't have any problems finding out the young man's secrets.

Meanwhile, during the time Jax bumps into Alice, Jacob and Sarah are visiting Herschel to get the information on the jobs he wants done. Jacob was anxious to get back to training Jax as soon as possible, he was confident Jax could handle low level monsters and Humans in small numbers. However, if a large force of numbers appeared or a high-level combatant, Jaxs chances of winning were slim, his best bet in that situation would be to retreat and live to fight another day.

Upon arriving at Herschel's residence, Jacob asked, "What are the jobs you want completed? I would like to start as soon as possible, Sarah and myself will split the jobs evenly and Jax will accompany us on the ones that aren't too dangerous for him."

"There's a group of bandits nearby that have been attacking merchant caravans. They are currently hiding in the hills to the east. A bunch of shops in the city have come to me asking for rare and hard to find goods, I have a list of things they've asked for and where they can be found or acquired. There are also a few missions where you'll need to either kill or capture a mighty beast. These missions and jobs have no immediate time limit, however the individuals that posted these or came to me personally with the request are wanting them completed as soon as possible."

"I also want to clarify that you'll be completing these tasks only for room and board. I will not be held responsible for you getting paid, for that you'll need to report to the poster with proof of completion, I will occasionally post missions myself as well." Said Herschel after giving them a general list of jobs and missions.

After receiving the list, Jacob and Sarah studied it and began making plans on the order they wanted to tackle the missions. They first sorted them by expected difficulty, and then split them in half. Jacob decided he would tackle the more difficult tasks first and work his way down. Sarah however, decided to start with the quicker and easier tasks so that Jax wouldn't have to help do the more boring tasks as he would often call them.

"While your here, would you mind staying for lunch and telling me how your life has been, Jacob? It's been several years since I last saw or spoke to you, how are the other's from back then? Are they still alive? Herschel asked.

Upon hearing Herschel offer, Jacob was about to agree, but when he asked his question Jacob froze. Jacob slowly turned towards him and said, "We would love to join you for lunch; however, we need to get back and go over our plans with Jax. As to your question, they're all long dead. We were sent on a mission that we weren't prepared for, only myself and one other made it out alive, and he swore a blood oath to get revenge on me for their deaths. Although I did everything I could to get them out alive, his son and daughter both died, and he blames me for their deaths because I was leading that mission."

Herschel was surprised at the sudden change in his friend, he had never felt such a negative feeling before. Whatever happened during that mission had done some long lasting damage to his once carefree friend. He looks Jacob in the eyes and says, "I'm truly sorry for the loss of your friends, and if you ever need help with the other one, just say the word. I didn't know the others as well as you, but I did consider them to be my friends too." He wanted to know the identity of this 'other one' Jacob mentioned but because Jacob didn't use his name, that must mean it's difficult for him to speak about that person.

"Please, forgive me for bringing up bad memories. I understand and we can have lunch another day. If there isn't any more information you need, then I will speak with you again after you complete the given tasks." said Herschel as he stood to lead them out.

"It's quite alright Herschel, I just wasn't expecting the question is all, there's no need to apologize. We will definitely take you up on your offer for lunch another time, for now though farewell." replied Jacob as he and Sarah stood and made their way to the door.

Once outside, Jacob inhales and exhales several deep breaths to calm his nerves, he wasn't mad at Herschel for asking about the past, but he really wasn't expecting to be reminded of that terrible day. Sarah, sensing the turmoil in her husband's heart, she hugs him tightly and says, "Don't focus on the past my love, we can't change what's already happened. All we can do, is prepare for the future to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. We will deal with whatever comes our way together."

"I know my love, I was just caught off guard, I'm okay really. Let's return to the hotel and wait for Jax to return, we have a lot to discuss, and we need to make plans on which ones to do first and how were going to complete these tasks." replies Jacob thankful for his wife's support.

Jacob and Sarah then begin making their way back to the hotel, not having any clue as to what awaited them on their return.

During the time Jacob and Sarah are meeting with Herschel, the soldier the King had tasked to find the Talen Family had already searched every hotel and Inn in the city save for one. He was on his way to the last hotel in town and was surprised that the people he was tasked to find would willingly stay in such a remote hotel. Once he arrived at the Temple, he made his way inside and asked, "I'm here on official business of the King! His Majesty wants to know if there is a family with the name of Talen currently staying here."

The innkeeper was shocked by the soldier's sudden appearance and statement that she didn't know what to say at first, after finding her voice she replied, "I don't know the names of our guests unless they tell me, but I can check the registry for that name, please give me a few moments to check."

The soldier said nothing, so the innkeeper took that as an ok to search the registry, she then gets up and goes to another counter and retrieves an enormous ledger from underneath. She sets it on the counter and opens it, she then asks the soldier, "What was the name again sir?"

"It is the Talen Family, ma'am." the soldier replied.

"Ok, let me look." she says as she begins turning the pages looking for that name. She looks through almost the entire ledger before finding the name the soldier was looking for. "You are in luck; we currently have a Talen Family registered for our biggest suite. If you'd like I can lead you there." she said after a few more moments of looking through the pages of the massive ledger.

"That would be most helpful and appreciated, thank you." said the soldier.

The innkeeper stands and makes her way around the counter and heads for the elevator, once inside she presses the button for the third floor and a few moments later the elevator door opens, she steps out and heads to the right side of the hallway. There are only four rooms on this floor, but all four of them take up the entire floor. She then stops at the door with a large number three on it.

She turns to the soldier and says, "This is the Talen Families room; however, I do not know if they are currently inside. It's not our policy to keep tabs on our guests, so if they aren't here, I apologize. I will return to my duties unless you require further assistance."

"I no longer have need of your assistance, but you have my thanks for your help thus far." the soldier said while also handing the innkeeper a few gold coins. She bows deeply and says, "Thank you kind sir, I was only performing my duties as an innkeeper and citizen of the Kingdom."

After the innkeeper departs, the soldier turns to the door with the number three and goes to knock but is interrupted by the door suddenly opening. There in the doorway stood a young boy who seemed to be around the age of ten or eleven. The soldier places his outstretched hand across his abdomen and bows to the boy while saying, "I have been sent to find the Talen Family and to let them know they've been summoned to the palace by his majesty himself."

Before Jax can speak, another voice sounds in the hallway, coming from the direction of the elevator. The voice says, "If you are looking for the Talen Family, you are in the right place, however I would like to know the reason for the summons."

The voice belonged to none other than Jacob. He and Sarah had just arrived when the soldier was finishing his introduction, so they hadn't heard everything the soldier had said. He was certain this had something to do with Jax, but he couldn't think of anything that would have attracted the King's attention.

The soldier was just about to speak when he was cut off again, only this time the one speaking was Jax. He said, "I'm certain I will be able to answer all of your question father, however, now wouldn't be a great time to discuss it. Noble soldier, please return to the palace and inform the King that we will arrive within the hour. We must make ourselves presentable for an audience with his Majesty."

"I will do as you say, there will be a carriage waiting outside to take you to the palace when you're ready. Please do try to arrive within the hour, the King doesn't like to be kept waiting." the soldier replied before bowing and turning towards the elevator.

After the soldier was gone, Jax glanced at his parents and wasn't really surprised to see them both glaring at him. He decided to tell them the truth so that even if they were still mad, at least they know he had a good reason to reveal himself.

"Do you both remember the story I told you of how I died in my past life and about the single regret I have from that life?" He asked, and without letting the answer he continued, "Well as I was exploring the city today, I happened to bump into a young female who was exiting a restaurant. I immediately started apologizing and checking to see if she was okay. When she spoke, her voice sent chills through my body and seemed to wake up something deep inside of me. When I looked at her face and into her eyes, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This person looked exactly like Alice from my previous life, she even has the same last name save for the Helgard part."

I'm very sorry for the long wait for a new chapter. I didn't feel very well for awhile.

I am feeling better now and I want to get back to writing more. I'm working on several chapters and will start releasing them as I get another one finished.

Thank you again for continuing to read and support my work, I apperciate you all.

Big shoutout to hersheytemple and justreadingdastuff for the powerstones.

As always, if your liking the book, leave a comment, a review and share it with others to spread the word about it.

Thank you and Blessed Be!

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