
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Making Decisions

While waiting for Jax to wake up, Jacob and Sarah discussed their plans for the future.

"Sarah, we need to decide our next course of action. After Jax wakes, I think it'd be best to prepare to leave the city. I'm worried about what will happen if the kingdom finds out about his potential. I know of a remote place we can go , it's surrounded by forests and mountains, should be the ideal place to raise and train him." Says Jacob slowly.

"I agree, I just hope he can become strong enough to protect himself from the evil people in our kingdom. We also must prepare him to face the destiny that Magnus mentioned. He will need great strength to overcome the obstacles in his path." Sarah says after a moments silence.

"The Spiral Mountains would be a great place to take him to train, the monsters there aren't very strong or intelligent, if you know where to go. According to Magnus, his power levels are already high, he just needs to gain combat experience." Suggests Jacob

"That sounds like a solid plan, after we spend a few years training him, we can take him around the continent to challenge the other young prodigies. We also need to find an area with dragons, so that he has a better chance of securing a beast to bond with. The sooner we find one , the greater the chance of the bond being successful, it'd be even better to find a baby dragon." Replies Sarah

"Finding a baby dragon might not be too difficult with his affinity, he will be able to sense them when he gets within a close distance of them. The problem lies in dealing with the parent dragons. If they are anything like the dire wolves when choosing a bonding partner, he will need to prove his strength to them."

"When I chose my partner, I had to fight the Alpha and survive. I was hanging on by a thread, but I wouldn't give up and the Alpha decided I had proven my strength of will and determination to succeed. I was relieved and surprised when he acknowledged and spoke to me."

"Based on history, dragons are more prideful and extremely strong. Plus, most of them have elemental or special properties, that enhances their already formidable strength." Said Jacob seriously.

"We will spend the next five years preparing to go to the Spiral Mountains. Hopefully there's an old hunting hut or cave we can use once we go there. We'll have to make a few trips to check out the area." Said Jacob

"In the meantime, I'll try to gather necessities from around town. We can't do anything until Jax is at least old enough to walk on his own, especially since he won't know how to control his powers. I'm hoping that system Magnus mentioned will help him manage them until he gets older and stronger." Said Sarah

The Spiral Mountains that Jacob wanted to take Jax for training, was an enormous mountain range that ranged over 10,000 miles. Over 100 different mountains made up this massive mountain range.

There were several small and medium sized forests throughout the range. However, the four biggest forests at each point of the compass were truly deadly. All forests had monsters ranging from basic beasts to epic beasts.

The ones at the cardinal points of a compass however, housed far greater threats. It's said that in the deepest parts of those places, if one has truly accursed luck, they might come across a legendary or divine monster!

One of the many legends of the founder of Helgard, states that before establishing Helgard City, he ventured the land slaying many monsters and beasts of all ranks and specialties. It's said he found and fought an ancient monster that nearly killed him!

After many days of continuous battle, and many near fatal attacks, both monster and human were tired, injured and getting weaker. In a last ditch effort the founder of Helgard, used the last of his power and a little of his own life essence, to deliver a fatal stab at the monsters weakest point.

In the end he prevailed, but the legend states the power he used that day decreased his life span by nearly a fifty years!

Sarah wasn't thrilled about their destination, but she knew it was necessary for Jax to get stronger and be able to survive in this chaotic world.

Sarah wanted to make sure, that if running into a monster like that happened, they would be able to either deal with it, or at least flee. She was prepared to risk her life to protect her child's life and future.

"It might be wise to teach him as much as we can about the world and the different continents, even if he might never go there. We should teach him how to wisely deal with the world, and be weary of people trying to use or take advantage of him or his powers." Says Sarah

"I plan on teaching everything we both know and anything new we can learn on the way. There are several towns and cities between us and the Spiral Mountains, many places to learn about people and the way we treat each other." Replies Jacob

As Sarah and Jacob are discussing their plans for the future, Jax begins to stir. He slowly wakes up from his sleeping sleep. He opens his eyes and looks around as best he can.

'From what I can see and here, it seems I'm currently alone. Good, I wanted a chance to talk to Thorn about the system notifications about him, and what exactly happened to him, before I converse with my new parents.' Thought Jax when his mind cleared of sleepiness.

"Thorn can you hear me, are you still there? I have a lot of questions about what happened to you and how to use the system. That Magnus guy said the system would answer my questions, but the notification said you'd become the system soul or something like that." Asks Jax using his telepathy ability.

"Yes, I can hear you Jax. However, the system which is me I guess, is in some kind of dormant stasis, I can speak and access the system knowledge to answer your questions. You won't be able to access the other functions of the system until your old enough to handle the strain on your body from your powers. You don't realize it yet, but as you are now only some truly strong humans or monsters could harm you."

"Your body's physique, your soul's strength, and the overwhelming amount of energy residing inside of you, is enough to make your body explode ten times over!" Replied Thorn after checking the system's status.

"Well it wouldn't be a good story if I was op from the start now would it? Oh well, can you at least tell me how gold I have to be to fully unlock the system?" Asks Jax with slight hopefulness.

"Um, I don't think you really wanna know the systems estimate on that?" Replied Thorn with apprehension.

"That really doesn't sound good or make me feel optimistic. Lay it on me, how old do I need to be?" Jax says, almost demandingly.

"Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you! At this time the system has determined, that with your potential and abilities, the best age for a full system unlock, is sixteen years of age!" Replies Thorn with hesitation.

"Sixteen!" … "WTF!" …

AN - I just wanna say thank you to everyone who has read and collected my book!!

I'm doing my best to write enough to have a few chapters a week at least. So, I'm asking for your opinions.

Would you rather have 2 or 3 2000 word chapters or up to six 1000 word chapters per week?

And I've come to a point we're, I can either to a large time skip with numerous amounts of details, or multiple 5~10 year time skips. Which would you find more enjoyable?

Please, if you are reading and like the book let me know in the comments which you'd prefer.

Also a very big shoutout to hersheytemple for the 3 power stones, I'd really do appreciate it.

Let me know if you'd like to have a name drop in the story!

As always thank you for reading, and please comment your thoughts or ideas!!

Blessed Be