
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Jacob fights the Cursed King

Jacob slowly started to come too. He couldn't remember how he got here, he'll he wasn't even sure where here was. He just knew he was in trouble.

When he tried to move, a wave of nausea washed over him, and he couldn't help but retch. His head throbbed to the beat of his heart. He knew he needed to calm down and slow his heart or he'd pass out again.

He was afraid if he passed out again, he wouldn't be waking up ever again. His wife and sons faces flash in his mind. Thinking of them, he finds the will to fight his own body.

After several minutes of struggle, Jacob finally managed to dispel the haze in his mind. With his mind clear, he was able to regulate his heart and breathing. When his body felt almost normal, he tried moving again.

This time he was able to get to his knees before getting dizzy and needed to stop or risk passing out. On his third try, he managed to stand. When he looked around, he realized he was in a cave like the one he found. The only difference between the two is this cave was several times bigger than his.

It also had a creepy, deathly aura coming from its depths. The more he concentrated on this aura, the more he felt the need to leave as soon as possible. Thanks to the time he was able to rest against the wall, Jacob had recovered most of his energy. He then started to make his way towards what he thought to be the exit.

He was halfway across the room when he heard a sinister voice give him a command and ask a question, "Stop! Where do you think your going?" The voice was so sinister, it alone terrified him to the core.

When Jacob turned to look at the source of this voice, he found himself staring straight into the eyes of a Cursed Soul. However, this wasn't just any Cursed Soul, this Cursed Soul was the Cursed Soul King. He wore a crown of bones, that looked ancient and felt very powerful even from across the cave.

'He must have just came in, there's no way he was here and I didn't notice even a trace of his aura anywhere until he decided to reveal himself.' Jacob thought to himself

"Pardon me for interrupting your thoughts, but if your wondering when I got here, I was here long before you arrived here. I've been patiently waiting for you to recover. It took quite a lot of time for my subordinates powers to were off. Even longer for you to recover enough to wake." Said the Cursed Soul King with a sneer.

"I only let you recover because I like to fight my meals. It makes life more exciting to fight when both parties have full use of all their body's power and abilities. It would be incredibly boring for me to just kill you while your weakened. I have to much pride to use such tricks. For me, this is a one v one sword fight." Says the Cursed Soul King

"I guess I have no choice but to fight, just tell me one thing, how did you find out my location ." Jacob asks while unsheathing his swords and taking a fight stance

"Since this will be your grave I will tell you. I sensed an incredibly powerful energy around you. With you here before me, I can tell the energy isn't yours, but someone your close too. A wife or child perhaps?" Says the Cursed Soul King with an evil laugh.

Jacob is momentarily stunned at the Cursed Soul King's answer. He then says" Sorry to disappoint you, but I won't be the one dying today. I would never allow a Cursed Soul like you to gain more power." With that said Jacob rushes forward to attack the Cursed Soul King.

The Cursed Soul King sneers at Jacob, he lifts his hand and says, "Come, Cursed Kings Blade, devour my enemies." After saying so, a large one handed long sword appears in the Cursed Soul Kings hand.

Jacob can feel the evil energy coming from that sword and he knows he can't afford to play around in this fight. He's heard of this sword before. When the Cursed Soul King was still living, he used this sword to kill many Legendary Dragons and other Beasts.

Their swords meet in blaze of sparks, Jacob was forced back at least ten steps from the collision, but the Cursed Soul King only took one or two step back. The difference in their power and strength was obvious.

Jacob continues his relentless assault on the Cursed Soul King. He knows if he lets up for a second, it could lead to death. The Cursed Soul King is taking it easy at first not bothering to be serious. He didn't expect the sudden viciousness of his prey.

'This human has a great willpower and strength. I wonder if he'd join me?' The cursed Soul King say to himself

At this time, Jacob is starting to get tired. He has been attacking the Cursed Soul for awhile and had barely done any damage. He needed to end this fight before he ran out of energy.

"I can tell your getting tired and that your attacks are getting even easier to dodge! Why don't you just stop fighting and join me? As long as you give me the source of the powerful energy around you, I will let you and your family live. I only want the energy to help me leave this Cursed Forest!" The Cursed Soul King says when they stop fighting for a second.

"I can't allow that to happen, if you got out of this forest, it would be a disaster. Why don't you let me help you pass on? You'd be with your family again?" Jacob says in an attempt to mess with the Cursed Soul Kings mind.

The Cursed Soul King had been stuck in this forest since his death, not able to leave or move on to the path of reincarnation.

"It's been almost 500 years since I died in this place, at that time I didn't know I'd be stuck here if I died inside the forest. There were rumors of such a thing, but we never paid them no heed. I lost everything dear to me in this forest. My wife, my son and daughter, they all died here because of me." Said the Cursed Soul King

Jacob couldn't tell if he was talking to himself or to Jacob. He didn't give it much thought as he ready himself for another attack on the Cursed Soul King. While the Cursed Soul King's mind was occupied with his past memories. Jacob begins gathering energy for his strongest skill.

Even though the Cursed Soul King is distracted by his memories, he's still aware of the build up of energy around him. 'I can sense this attacks power is several times more lethal that all his other attacks combined. If that attack hits me I will vanish from this world.'

'Should I allow myself to die again? He's right, I could see my wife and children again, or should I just kill him and take his soul. If I take his soul, I could gain enough power to finally leave this forest but, if I choose that path I'll never be able to see them again.' The Cursed Soul King was having a hard time making a decision.

On one hand he wanted to get revenge on the ones who killed him and his family, but he knew it was impossible. It had been more than 500 years since he died, all of his enemies would be dust now. On the other hand however, he just wanted to see their faces again.

He turns towards Jacob, as he launches his attack. With his decision made, The Cursed Soul King asks before letting the attack hit him, "When I'm gone from this world, take my sword and let the world know it's power." With that said the Cursed Soul King steps into the path of Jacobs attack.

With his attack already in motion, Jacob didn't have time to redirect it. He wanted to know the reason for the Cursed Soul Kings actions, but it was too late his attack landed and split the Cursed Soul King in half!

Right before the Cursed Soul King disappeared, Jacob hears the words "Thank you for freeing my soul, I can finally start my last adventure. Take my sword and give it to someone who will help change the future of this world."

As the spirit of the Cursed Soul King disappears, a beautiful silver blue long sword appears. Jacob approaches the sword and slowly puts his hand out to take it.

When Jacobs hand touches the sword, he feels a heavy power wash over him, and he hears a deep voice in his mind.

"Are you the one who has freed me?"

Jacob didn't know where the voice came from, but he had a feeling that he should answer. "Yes, I am the one who killed the Cursed Soul King! Who are you, where are you. Show yourself, stop hiding and talking in my mind." Jacob replies

"I'm not hiding, I'm in front of you, and speaking in your mind is how I communicate, I don't have a mouth you see." Replies the voice somewhat playfully.

'The sword is talking to me?' Jacob ask himself confusedly. He couldn't believe a sword was speaking to him. He was assured though, with the voices next words.

"Yes, I am the sword your currently holding, I was created long ago by a very powerful wizard. He sacrificed his life to create a soul within his weapon. With his final breath and last bit of power, he gave me a name and sent me to his grandson thru teleportation." Explained the swords voice.

"So I'm guessing, the Cursed Soul King that I fought, was he the wizards grandson? Will you tell me your name? Will you allow me to wield you?" Jacob asked

"Yes, the one you fought was the wizards grandson, he wasn't able to control my power and got corrupted by it. My name? Ah yes, My name is Thorn, and I'm sorry but no, you can't wield me, unless you want to end up like the wizards grandson! It's takes a very powerful soul to control my powers." Thorn says after a moment of silence.

At the mention of a powerful soul, Jacob recalls the Golden Orb merging with his son and an idea comes to his mind. He turns and asks Thorn, "What about someone with a Divine Beast Affinity?"

Thorn is taken aback by Jacobs words, he then says, "If there is such a person, that person would be prefect to wield me. My powers stem from ancient Divine Beasts, that the wizard had collected or killed!"

Jacob replies, "Well that person happens to be my son. He was just born several days ago so he will need time to grow up before he can wield you."

"You must bring me to him, if his soul has the power to wield me, I will make a soul contract with him, with that he will be the only person who could wield me, and my power will be his!" Thorn said with uncontrollable excitement.