
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Another chance

"Don't be sorry fool, I win , I've taken your life and your belongings. Just die already, with you gone I will be able to be with Alice!" Mark doesn't even give Jax a chance! After shooting Jax, Mark kicks Jax out of the chair and it breaks when it hits the floor.

As Jax struggles to stay alive he tries to crawl away only to be shot again, this time finally ending his life. As his mind starts to fade he regrets trusting his friend, and wishes he could have a chance to have a better life.

As is soul starts to begin its journey to the path of reincarnation, a shadowy figure appears before his soul and say "You wish will be granted, you have lived a decent life and have excellent karma! You will have a chance at an extraordinary life but, it will come with many dangers that you must be able to overcome!"

The figure then waves his hand and opens a giant golden portal and grabs Jax's soul from the path of reincarnation, and tosses it into the portal.

"This world I'm sending you too is very dangerous for a mortal like you, so I will grant you a powerful soul and a helpful system to guide you in this world. It is up to you to survive." With that said the figure pulls a golden orb from the ring on his hand and sends it with Jax's soul thru the portal.

In the portal the golden orb quickly catches up to Jax's soul, when they connect a dazzlingly bright light appears and the two begin to merge. After a few seconds the light fades to reveal a new soul where Jax's had been.

This new soul was bigger and brighter than Jax's old soul. It also gave off a feeling of sentience as it floated thru the golden portals space tunnel. After an undetermined amount of time the new soul found an exit in the portal, as it got closer a force started pulling the soul to the exit.

As the soul exits the portal it's immediately drawn to a world with green trees and blue skies. The closer it gets to this world the stronger the pull the soul feels.

This world is called Terra, and on this planet there is a man and women crying over the body of their newborn baby.

The man, whose name is Jacob, sat silently crying while holding his wife Sarah who is distraught over their child being stillborn.

"I am truly sorry my love, the doctor told this could happen after your accident! Please, try to calm down, we can always try again." Jacob says to his wife in an attempt to calm her.

"I can't calm down, our child died because I wasn't strong enough to protect myself from that monster attack!" Sarah yells back, not wanting to be calmed. She blames yourself for her child's death, if she was stronger the monsters wouldn't have killed so many villagers and she wouldn't have gotten injured.

As they were talking about who's to blame or not a bright golden orb suddenly flys thru the window and stops just above their child's lifeless body. As it's floating it starts pulsating with a bright golden light.

Surprised, Jacob jumps up to cover his sons body so that the strange orb can't do anything to it, but he is too slow because the orb falls upon his sons body.

At the moment of contact, the orb shines extremely bright and vanishes, the next moment a high pitched cry is heard in the room. Jacob and Sarah both are dumbstruck to see their son crying and looking around.

"What happened, what was that orb? How is our little Jax alive?" Says Sarah after snapping out of her daze.

"I don't know what that orb was or where it came from but this is a miracle. Our son is alive." Jacob said joyfully.

"What about the golden orb, is it really ok that he's alive after the orb entered his body?" Sarah ask worriedly. "We should have the doctor came and check him over to be sure he's really fine."

"Yes I believe your right, but we shouldn't say anything about the golden orb or him being stillborn, the doctor would think something is amiss and report us to the kingdom."

"If the kingdom finds out something so extraordinary happened, I'm afraid they would want to take our little miracle away." Jacob reluctantly agrees, but also gives his wife a warning.

Meanwhile, while Jacob and Sarah are discussing the miracle, Jax finally wakes up and realizes that he's not dead as he thought.

'What happened to me, I remember dying and seeing a bright light. Then I heard a voice talking to me but couldn't understand what it was saying.' Jax says when he notices he's alive. He tries to move , only to realize he can't move or speak.

He struggles to open his eyes and look around, he doesn't recognize anything but he's surprised to find two people looking at him with big smiles and teary eyes. 'Who are these people? Why to they look so big?' Jax couldn't figure out what was going on, until the female stranger spoke.

"Hello there little Jax, I'm your momma and this is your father. We are so glad your really alive, we thought you were born dead but that golden orb must have healed you or something, we are just very happy your ok." The women who's is now Jax's mother said happily.

'I guess I must have reincarnated into this body, but why do I still remember my old life?' Jax thought 'Is it really ok that I've taken over this body?'

As Jax was trying to figure out how this happened, Jacob returns with the doctor to check over the baby.

"Here he is doc, can you check him over and make sure he's healthy, we had a scare when he was born, it took him a minute or two to start breathing." Jacob asks the doc as he leads him in the room.

As the doctor enters the room he notices the newborn baby in question is not crying or making a fuss, he's laying in his mothers arms with wide eyes, looking around like he understands what's going on around him.

"I will need you to lay down the child so that I can check him properly, if you don't mind." The doctor directs Sarah to lay Jax on the table and begins to examine him.

"Are you sure the baby took a minute or two to begin breathing? Health wise there is nothing wrong with him! He is the healthiest newborn baby I've ever seen." Said the doctor while giving Sarah a bright smile.

"Would you like me to check his affinity and potential? I just returned from the kingdom and they gave me a new crystal for the children to test them with."

Jacob and Sarah look at each other with worry and Jacob asks the doctor "Is there anyway we can keep his results private, if he has great potential we don't want to waste it but if not we also don't want him to have a bad life. We want to protect him for as long as possible from the hardships of the world."

Chuckling the doctor answers "That is understandable and completely reasonable. I have no problem keeping his results private for now, but once he's old enough to join the academy they will test him again and everyone will know the results then because the test is performed in front of the whole village!"

"That's fine doc, by that time he will have been trained enough to look after himself. We plan on training him day and night no matter his potential, we just don't want any unnecessary complications to happen during his training and upbringing!"

After agreeing with the boys parents the doctor then retrieves a fist sized clear crystal ball from his bag and says "This is the new crystal the kingdom has given me too test the newborns potential. All you have to do is put a drop of blood and the crystal will show you the color of your sons potential."

"The crystal will also determines what beast he has an affinity with, if he's lucky to have an affinity with a powerful beast and is able to tame one, his popularity and status in the kingdom would be enormous!"

"The colors are as follows, Gray represents people with very little to no talent or potential at all"

"Yellow is next, and people with yellow potential aren't much better than ones with Gray."

"Next comes Red, people with Ref potential are the most common. They are your average workers, soldiers and citizens."

"The fourth color is Blue. Individuals with Blue potential aren't as common as Red, but there isn't a lot of difference between them. Blue color individuals have a better chance of a high affinity with powerful beasts."

"The fifth color is White. White potential individuals are your main kingdoms warriors, mages and make up the bulk of the kingdoms forces. They have the best potential out of ordinary people."

"The sixth color is Black. There have been only five people to have a Black color potential in the last hundred years. All five of these people have gone on to lead the kingdom at one point in our history! They are all widely recognized as the strongest people in our world!"

The doctor pauses here and lets out a heavy sigh, then continues, "The last color is only a myth that has been passed down from generation to generation, and that color is Golden!"

"It is said that the founder of our kingdom was and has been the only person to have a Golden color potential. He has even been rumored to have become a god before he disappeared 10,000 years ago."

At the mention of the Golden color potential, Jacob and Sarah couldn't help but start to sweat, they remember very clearly that golden flashing orb merging with their sons body.