
Become The Duke's Wife Or Die

Waking up to find a naked man sleeping beside her is a common thing. Life is an adventure, as well as an area for fun, so she will make the most effort in it. But what would happen if a morning she found Duke Kleochard, the most ruthless duke who liked to execute people, sleeping beside her? “Holy crab, did I just spend the first night with Duke Kleo?” she, Lyra, said nervous and scared. “Didn't he just execute a maid of his palace for accidentally touching his body in a fall? Then what will he do to me if he wakes up and finds me sleeping beside him? No! I have to run!” But before her feet could reach on the floor, a hand grabbed her slender arm, followed by a heavy, pagan alto. "Where are you going, Miss?" It's Duke Kleo. “You have to take responsibility after taking my first night.” "Don't kill me! Don't kill me, My Lord!" she pleaded. "I still want to live." "I will not kill you as long as you want to be my wife. But if you refuse it then you must die." "No!" Shook her head quickly. “I cannot be your wife, My Lord. I don't want to get married. I beg for your forgiveness.” "Then do you want to die?" he asked, giving her a cold, hideous look. This is a story about a girl who loves having one night with many men, with a man who doesn't even have a single woman in his life. How will their story end? ***

RoyalBleed · History
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245 Chs


Drunk, Lyra was like to float, her weight seemed to have decreased by almost a hundred percent. Her eyes were blurry, though she occasionally shook her head to come to her senses. Her hands fumbled through the air until she found a man lying beside her.

"You," she whispered, then crawled and plopped down on his stout chest. "You're finally back? I knew you would come back to me," she mumbled again. Then she rested her cheek, breathing very softly. "You have no idea how much I hate you. But I won't deny that I still want you."

Yeah, she was in a semi-conscious condition. All drunk people often tell the truth.

"I remember when we slept together, when you took mine, my first night. I know you'll be back. You're not so bad as to just dump me like you used to." She looked up again heavily, her eyes seemed difficult to open wide. "I miss you. Why are you silent?"

The man just grunted instead of answering.

"You still deny that you want me? I'll make you realize." Still staggering, Lyra crushed her lips on him, sweeping like she was clawing, then she tried to shove her tongue.

Unexpectedly, he jerked her back. Her body was sprawled, flat on the very soft bed. Apparently, she didn't want to give up. So she crawled again, sat on his waist, pulled his face, and smashed her lips on his. This time more passionate than before, as if she was hungry as if she was thirsty, and the only thing that could quench it was him.

She slid her tongue, sweeping through all the cavities, forcing it to fill his throat. Then her body fell back again after he pushed her once again.

"Don't touch me!" he growled. But his body didn't move, even though he seemed to want to. "Or you will die." Yes, that man was indeed Duke Kleo, who happened to be heavily drunk. Because if he didn't then he would have been able to jolt Lyra even harder, making her fail to even touch the ends of his hair.

However, he was glued to the bed, having trouble moving.

As for Lyra's gaze, she saw another figure instead of the duke.

"You want me to die? You already did. You've ruined me. Now I will never obey you." She jumped again, like a squirrel, landing on the same spot. Then she kissed his lips again, grinning as if she had won. Her finger snaked to get his trouser, sliding in, and then found something. She petted it, stroked it, hearing the hoarse moan from him filled her ears, just like a melody of love, heating the intimacy sensation.

"What….. what are you doing?" he said, wide-eyed and struggling to breathe, gasping for air in the middle of the kiss. He wanted to dodge and leave but his body indicated against it. Instead, he leaned on the bed, replying to her kisses brutally.

His body was helpless when she tasted the swollen thing of him, playing him like he was nothing to fear. Once again he wanted to dodge, but he responded against it. Instead, he grabbed her head, asking her to do more to get enjoyment.

Almost came, he felt himself almost explode until then gushed extremely heavily. Now he couldn't wait, yanked her, and leaned her upon. He smacked her lips, feeling so thirsty, while he grabbed the bouncy fat, then played with them, twisted, squished as hard as he could. He didn't know how badly he wanted her, never knew why.

All this time he had been sleeping with all of his desires buried in-depth, but not anymore, not after the wild inside him already aroused. It's not his fault, no.

Until then he thrust rapidly down the moist cave. Damn, why was she so addictive? They stroked together, got the same moan drawn in the air together.

Lyra grimaced, closing her eyes as she choked repeatedly. Now her breath was gasping shortly.

'I never remember he's this big. His muscles, his shoulders, and then his…' All of her minds drifted away as her body shivered more after a violent jab filled all over her walls, just like wanted to give the bruises inside.

Her shoulders trembled, as her nails clawed his shoulder. Tears streamed down her cheeks, along with pain and a joyful sensation.

Waves down under her stomach, rushing all the way to the end, then helping her to blow up the dam, spilling all of the spouts together. They hugged, as he nibbled her shoulder, and then he whispered, "Now you can't go anywhere, 'cause I already claimed you as mine." As she panted, exhausted and drunk.

All were hurt, all of her body, then the inside part of her thigh. She still didn't remember what happened last night, all the heating sensations, the flow of the warm waterfall from two different points. She really didn't remember, not any. Until then she woke up, writhing while feeling dizzy.

Her slightly blurry eyes blinked repeatedly, finding a ceiling she had never seen before. Finally, she found a speck of memory in her head.

'Oh, last night I turned down Baron Jason's proposal again,' she thought. 'And he's a bit angry about it. So he said if I want to be free then he should dump me first. And he did. After that, we had dinner, as a farewell. And then….'

And then Baron Jason gave her some wine to drink. After that, she didn't remember anything else.

'Did he sleep with me last night? Ah, no problem as long as he doesn't kill me.'

That perception then changed drastically as she almost got out of bed. She just realized that there was a hand hugging her waist, a big hand. As her eyes traced it, finally came to an answer.

"Du-Duke Kloe?" All of her consciousness seemed to be lost, even though she didn't faint. Her world was sucked into an airtight jar, which made her brain unable to function properly. He was naked, completely. No single clothes were stuck on him. The only thing that covered him was a blanket that covered them both.

Lyra also just realized that she was in the same condition. Everything was missed until she found her dress sprawled on the floor.

"No, it's impossible. It's not what I thought." She shook her head in frustration, then she tried to come up with the most plausible reason. "I must have drunk last night with Baron Jason. Then I came out of his room and got lost here. But…" She shook her head again. "I have to get out of here immediately."

Her hands rubbed her sticky face and body, then she pulled the blanket off so she could quickly escape. And how surprised she was when she saw them patched, with Duke Kleo's sank inside her.

Her hand quickly covered her mouth, along with a tremor that filled her entire body even to the tips of her hair. Her legs felt weak, colliding with her furious heartbeat.

'Okay, calm down, Lyra,' she thought to herself. 'If you can't calm down then you can't run away. You must escape from this place before Duke Kleo wakes up. Don't worry, you can survive as long as he doesn't know. So do it smoothly and run away.'

Lyra shifted herself, moving the duke's hand away from her, including moving her other self away, releasing them. She almost felt that her efforts would succeed, she could almost feel the free air outside, the freshness of spring that she loved so much. She could carry on with her normal activities after this, then intended not to run into Duke Kleo again, ever.

Correct! That is life! She should enjoy it cheerfully.

A little bit more.

Oh, freedom was finally in her hands. It didn't matter that she had a debt with Mr. Pinn, she would pay it with all heartfully.

'So I beg you, just this once, let me escape!'

A few more inches, her smile stretched beyond the Mediterranean lines until it was all shattered when Duke Kleo woke up.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a deep, hoarse voice. "Do you want to run away from responsibility?" he continued.

A cold aura suffocated her. She had been caught off guard, and maybe that meant she was going to die.


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