
Become Boss When Vest Off

An outlier who hides in the security team, a scum who joins a wealthy family, and an outlier who becomes a big boss when he takes off his vest.

Mystery_Writer_W · Urban
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80 Chs

I Really Don't Believe It

Although Ye Chen was mentally prepared, hearing the number still made him wince.

These property management staff members were well aware of the size of his house, so they could easily quote a price. This wasn't surprising.

"Alright, please clean it for me! But I need it urgently. It would be best if it's cleaned thoroughly by ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"No problem. But Mr. Ye, the property..."

"The property fee, right? In a few days! I'll pay when I move in. I'll pay both last year's and this year's together."

Ye Chen said "move in" without specifying who would move in, but the property assumed it was him. There was nothing else to say.

Ye Chen transferred eleven thousand yuan, handed the keys to the property, and hurried back. Although he didn't delay for long, Ye Chen knew that it was already past lunchtime.

So he could only grab something quickly outside and then rush back. By the time he reached the building, Ye Chen glanced at his phone. It was ten minutes past one, and they were already halfway through their shift.

Ye Chen returned to the basement dormitory. The team leader and the others were on their lunch break. Ye Chen tiptoed in and lay down on his bed.

Just as he felt like he had just laid down, Ye Chen was called up. Of course, it was the team leader, Li Gang.

"Quick, change your clothes, wash your face, and get ready for work."

"What? So soon?" Ye Chen checked his phone and saw it was already 1:20.

He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep as soon as he lay down. That's why he felt like he had just lain down.

He quickly got up, changed his clothes, and washed his face in the washroom.

By this time, it was almost time for work. Ye Chen and Zhao Peng quickly headed to the mall.

Ye Chen and Zhao Peng continued their patrol in the morning area. There were fewer people here compared to other parts of the mall. It wasn't surprising; this was a luxury mall, not a regular one where people came and went frequently. However, fewer people didn't mean business was bad. Ye Chen had heard from the team leader that business here was booming.

Yes, they sold luxury goods here. For example, the jewelry sold here, just a few pieces from a counter, would amount to millions in revenue.

The cosmetics were also expensive. Each set cost thousands or even tens of thousands. Cosmetics had the highest profit margins. Selling a few sets from a counter and then selling other products could result in high daily sales.

Ye Chen was currently patrolling these two areas, so he didn't go anywhere else or see anything else, thus refraining from making any comments.

"Brother Chen, when did you come back?" Zhao Peng didn't have time to ask Ye Chen earlier, amidst the hustle and bustle.


"What about your friend?"

"He left. He just came to see me, and after eating something outside, he left."

"Oh, I see." Zhao Peng nodded.

Patrolling was boring yet meaningful. Not to mention this was a luxury mall; even in residential areas, security guards were a deterrent.

It wasn't that there was always trouble where security guards were stationed. People who didn't understand would always think that having security guards meant there would be trouble, but that wasn't the case.

If something happened frequently, the security guards' salaries would have been deducted long ago.

Of course, it wasn't that nothing ever happened. That would be unrealistic. As the saying goes, wherever there are people, there is a world, and how could there not be any trouble?

Indeed, trouble arose. A man in his thirties and a young woman in her twenties started causing a scene at the cosmetics counter.

The cosmetics section was under Ye Chen and Zhao Peng's patrol area, so they quickly rushed over.

"What's going on?" Ye Chen had been a security guard for seven years and had dealt with all sorts of situations, so he stood directly between the man and the salesperson to prevent any violence.

Zhao Peng stood behind Ye Chen, further separating the salesperson and the man, noticing the man's trembling legs. Ye Chen shook his head.

"They're making trouble for no reason," the salesperson said with a grievance.

"Explain clearly, what's going on?" Ye Chen frowned and asked.

"They bought a set of cosmetics and wanted to return it. I told them it had already been opened and couldn't be returned, and she started cursing at me." The salesperson pointed at the young woman in her twenties.

Ye Chen glanced at the young woman. She was very beautiful and young, but her behavior was a bit extreme, completely contradicting her appearance.

"Sir, is that true?" Ye Chen didn't ask the young woman but the man.

"What if it is? What's it to you? Who do you think you are? Just a small security guard. Do you believe I can make you scram in minutes?"

"Oh, really? Honestly, I really don't believe it," Ye Chen shook his head.

After being a security guard for so many years, Ye Chen's temper had improved a lot. If it were in the past, he would have probably thrown a punch already.

To put it this way, the reason he didn't even go to college, and even barely graduated from high school a few months ago, was because of this.

After seven years as a security guard, Ye Chen had changed a lot.