
Become Boss When Vest Off

An outlier who hides in the security team, a scum who joins a wealthy family, and an outlier who becomes a big boss when he takes off his vest.

Mystery_Writer_W · Urban
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80 Chs

Exorbitant Property Fees

After reporting to the police, Ye Chen searched online for a nearby locksmith company and called them to come and unlock the door.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't really need to call the police; he just needed to prove his identity. But he had no way to prove it, so only the police could help.

The police arrived before the locksmiths. Ye Chen quickly explained the situation and handed over his ID card to the police.

The police verified his identity, and just as they finished, the locksmiths arrived. Seeing the police there, the locksmiths had nothing more to say and directly began to unlock the door. This time, however, Ye Chen didn't ask them to forcibly break the lock on the main gate. Instead, he asked them to climb over the wall and open the villa door from the inside, hoping that the keys might be on the coffee table in the living room.

Sure enough, the keys to the front gate and the rooms inside were on the coffee table, along with the property certificate and car keys.

Yes, car keys. There were three of them, just like at the previous villa, but these keys were for different cars.

These three cars were a Ferrari, a Maybach, and a Rolls-Royce.

If he guessed correctly, the Ferrari should be a sports car, the Maybach an SUV, and the Rolls-Royce definitely a luxury sedan.

But Ye Chen wasn't concerned with these at the moment. He quickly handed the property certificate to the police. After a quick glance, the police left.

The locksmiths swiftly changed the villa's locks.

At this time, Ye Chen took a quick look around the villa. The furnishings were almost identical to the first villa.

Even the décor was similar, with all solid wood furniture and an indoor swimming pool. This was also a three-story villa.

This villa's footprint was even larger than the first one, with a total area of over 8,000 square meters.

The house itself was also slightly larger, covering more than 1,300 square meters, over 100 square meters more than the previous villa.

However, for villas of this size, the difference wasn't very noticeable, considering the extra 100 square meters were spread across three floors.

Within half an hour, the locksmiths had finished changing the locks. Ye Chen paid over 6,000 yuan, which pained him a bit—a single lock cost over 6,000 yuan.

Fortunately, only one lock was changed. If they had also changed the gate lock, it would have cost him several thousand more. Ye Chen couldn't understand the lifestyle of the rich—how could a single lock be so expensive?

After the locksmiths left, Ye Chen inspected the villa. There were four garages outside, built later, as the villa originally came with its own garage.

However, the cars weren't parked in the villa's original garage but in the added ones outside.

Just as Ye Chen had thought, the three cars were a Ferrari sports car, a Maybach SUV, and a Rolls-Royce sedan.

Ye Chen didn't know much about cars, but he had heard of these names.

As Ye Chen was about to take a look around the yard, the doorbell rang. He quickly went to the gate and saw two property management staff standing there.

"Hello, Mr. Ye. We are from the property management," one of them said.

It must have been the security guard who notified them; otherwise, they wouldn't have come so quickly.

"Hello, is there something I can help with?" Ye Chen asked.

"Well, Mr. Ye, your villa's property fee has not been paid for a year, so we need to discuss this with you," the staff explained.

Hearing about the property fee made Ye Chen's head ache. The property fee for the previous villa was over 500,000 yuan per year, and this villa was likely no different.

"Sorry, I just took over this property. Could you tell me how much the property fee is?" Ye Chen inquired.

"Mr. Ye, the property fee for your villa is 40 yuan per square meter per month," the staff replied.

"Forty..." Ye Chen almost exclaimed but restrained himself. "I see. I'll sort things out first, and then I'll come to the property office to pay the fee."

"Alright," the staff nodded and left.

Living in such a luxurious villa, how could one be short of money for the property fee? But Ye Chen was indeed short of money.

And that's just for two villas. He still had sixteen more villas and ninety apartments! The annual property fees alone would be astronomical. Even if he sold himself, it wouldn't cover a month's property fees.

"Wait a minute, why should I pay for all this? I'm not living in these properties. Even if I did, I couldn't possibly live in all of them at once. Why not rent them out?"

Ye Chen muttered to himself and immediately forgot about inspecting the yard. He took the property certificate, got into his car, and left.

His current plan was to post the property information online and rent them out. Of course, he had to keep one villa for himself. Now, it was a matter of deciding which one to keep.

After some thought, Ye Chen decided to keep the villa in Fengsheng Garden, mainly because it was closer to his workplace.