
Become a Pirate Princess

Irina thought that sleeping soundly in her boarding house was one of the most enjoyable things she could do after a tiring day of college assignments. However, she never expected that this fun thing would turn into something terrible. Who wouldn't be shocked when you thought you were still sleeping comfortably in bed and when you opened your eyes you suddenly found yourself in the middle of the water—on a ship—and surrounded by a group of strange-looking pirate men. At least, that's what Irina thought at the beginning. It's just that, from now on Irina will not be able to live a normal life like when she was in the real world. So, will Irina be able to return to her world, or will she be trapped with a group of pirates forever?

dewiwhy · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The only thing I can see clearly now is Debris's pair of eyes staring at me flatly, just after I screamed because I heard the reason behind what happened to Savana, so that the girl ended up falling into the sea and exchanging souls with me—yes, you name it like that. 

It seems, I need to blame the man who made this beautiful Savana end up committing suicide, even though in fact she didn't really die because now her body can still sit casually on the deck of the ship even though her soul is me. 

Apart from that, I need to look for any possible reasons why my soul could be trapped in Savana's body. Even though it sounds like it might be a disgrace to the famous pirate named Ivior, I will turn a deaf ear and keep looking for the truth. 

Sorry for you Ivior!

Even if the matter of Savana, who was none other than Ivior's beloved daughter—having been rejected—and ending up committing suicide by jumping into the sea would become a source of gossip for other pirates, I would still continue. Anyway, I don't have a choice.

Sorry Savana, you're going to be gossiped about in some time! I thought regretfully. 

Moreover, there was no need to look far to find out who the gossipers were, because within the scope of the Ivior ship itself, this embarrassing news had become the talk of the town among its own subordinates. So, what would happen if this problem was heard outside the Ivior area. He might never see his daughter's face again, who would probably start locking herself up in her room since the gossip started. 

But don't worry, the one in Savana's body is me, so I won't shut myself away just because other people are gossiping about it. So, be grateful you Ivior! My mind exclaimed proudly.

Of course the policy of no longer raising this issue is the right choice.

Yes, it's better that no one knows. Ivior has done the right thing by keeping this matter a secret.

But still, I'm still going to dig it. 

My eyes blinked at Debris, and then said, "So, because I was rejected by a man named Albert, I decided to commit suicide because I felt embarrassed by that rejection?" I saw a nod appear on Debris head which meant confirmation of my previous words. My breath came out heavily. I added, "then, can you tell me who this Albert is?"

But the reaction shown by Debris was far from what I expected. The man looked very stiff, his face became increasingly hard until I thought he was angry now. However, what made him angry? After all, this is Savana's problem, which is now me, so I need to know the problem, including the figure who broke Savana's heart.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" My arms folded between my chest. I looked at Debris with clear dislike, but it ended in vain because the man didn't move at all. I chose to sigh. "Okay, if you are afraid that my Father will find out that you have told me about this matter, then don't worry because I will keep it a secret myself. So, you don't need to worry."

However, my brow furrowed when I found that Debris looked increasingly stiff. Unexpectedly, the big man said, "Miss, Mr. Ivior has entrusted me not to tell you about the matter that almost took Miss's life. So, for that reason, I will not say anything about Albert."

I snorted. "But, didn't you share that story with me a few moments ago? And now you want to satisfy my curiosity?"

He shook his head. "Yes, and that was a big mistake I made. That's why I won't tell you anything else, especially about Albert."

Suddenly I felt frustrated. Even though I thought everything would go easily. But I didn't think that Debris wasn't an easy guy who could easily be tied up a second time. It seems that Ivior taught him well. Unlucky!

I took a breath, then left the deck of the ship without turning my face towards the big man. My vision seemed to be foggy with anger. "Don't follow me!" I bluffed. "I'll look for someone who can tell me all about this." My voice may sound very unfriendly, but I don't care. The only thing I want to do now is run away to show how angry and annoyed I am towards him. 

However, my steps stopped when I heard Debris behind me say in a calm tone, "Miss will not find anyone who can tell about Albert. They have all been warned to keep quiet so as not to say anything to Miss." 

I was astonished. Gosh, apparently Debris is the type of guy who is annoying when it comes to Savana. 

I growled in annoyance, "Whatever!"


The only place I can use freely without the escort that is often carried out by Debris and several other pirate members, is Savana's room. Even though I've never seen another room in this big ship, Debris said that my room was the biggest. 

From here, I can see how much Ivior loves Savana. Suddenly I missed my father's figure in the real world. Even though he won't be able to give me a room this big, he can make me happy just by looking at him. My father is the light for our family. 

"Looks like I won't be getting any information anytime soon," I complained while biting my finger nervously. "Then what should I do now?"

I took a deeper breath, trying to convince myself to think more calmly without involving emotions which often destroy all the rules of my life. I chose not to respond to this further, I think the time is not now. 

At least, I have learned some general information that will be useful for me in the future. 

The first thing I need to avoid is meeting Prince William. He is a fierce prince who is tasked with hunting down all the pirates on the face of Ice Land. This man was absolutely indiscriminate, he would arrest anyone, including men or women, as long as they were related to pirates. 

Meanwhile, Savana, who is currently me, has close ties to pirates, so it is not impossible that Prince William will target her. After all, Savana is Ivior's only child and will automatically become his successor. 

I got a little story about Ivior from a collection of newspapers that were deliberately collected to create history for the pirates. Ivior was a cruel figure who often robbed royal ships that crossed the waters. 

Their ships would be invaded, while all the essentials on board the ships to be plundered would be confiscated by force. 

Not quite there, the most famous description of Ivior states that he is a pirate who will show no mercy towards prisoners. Yes, almost all the ships he conquered would never leave a single human alive. The ship's crew will be slaughtered until nothing remains.

Honestly, I don't care about the story at all, because what I need to think about now is myself. As long as Ivior still thinks I'm Savana—his daughter—then my life will be fine. What I should have done was figure out how to get back to my world. Just that! 

For pirates, Prince William is a crazy predator who is ready to prey anytime and anywhere when he manages to get his hands on a group of pirates. He moves like a cannon that will explode when faced with his enemies. 

Not only do I have to be wary of the Ice Land prince, but I also have to be careful with Albert who has broken the flower in Savana's heart, even if I have to meet him to hear directly about the incident where the pirate princess launched down beneath the salty sea water. 

I need to find out why, that way, I might be able to find clues regarding the soul transfer that I experienced.