

feeling down I told my middle brother (26) about what happen. He laughs and said " you're fat ass need to get back in shape because yo ass looks like a frog" I laugh and said " you dam near a pig no wonder yo ass is single" He laugh and said " dam don't hurt my feeling like that now what do you want to eat " not knowing what I want to eat I said " anything" he looked at me like I'm dumb or something then said " ok Chinese buffet , let me invite Grandma and angel real quick, go get ready". feeling lazy I put on boy shorts and a big t-shirt.

~30 minutes later ~

my middle brother walk out of the room in gray sweats and a t-shirt that shows off his muscles.

~20 minutes later ~

my sister ,angel (9), shows up in black leggings with a big blue jacket. jokingly I said " angel you gonna die from the heat " she frown and sat on the couch with my middle brother , I laugh and said, " I was joking love you angel " brighting up she came up and gave me a hug . sometimes I think it's cute how she get butt hurt easily and cheer up real quick .

~ 5 minutes later

I asked " where is Grandma I thought you invite her, is she still in the backyard" my middle brother shrugged. " look Grandma is in the car already " angel shouted looking out the window . I thought to myself dam this old lady is fast

since my grandma got to the care first she gets the front seat. One thing I forgot to mention is that I have motion sickness. so I end up sitting in the back . As my brother started driving I can felt my world spinning. it took about 30 minutes to get to the Chinese buffet due to traffic. When we got there my brother siad " eat a lot so it worth the money"

my first bowl I grab a lot of food but after my first bowl I can't eat a lot no more. As for my siblings and grandma they can eat a lot.

Are filling our stomach we left home leaving a few dollars tip for the sever due to the mess that we created. On the drive back my grandma and sister fell asleep in the back of the car. As I was about to doze off my brother said " it's okay to be hurt, it good that your crying because that how you know you're still human, use that pain to make you a better person and right now you may not know it but as time move on you will look back and said dam I anit shit , he is not worth my tear" I cry and he just pat my head like I'm a five year old he add on " yo fatt ass need to loose some weight" I frown