
Because I Cannot Hurt You

[Completed] Nine years ago, Soo Xinyi fell in love with the heir of Han Corporations, Han Zhiyuan. He was everything she ever wanted in her life. Unfortunately, it was a one-sided love as Zhiyuan already had someone else in his heart. But two years later, due to a series of strange circumstances, she was forced to marry Zhiyuan by his grandfather, Han Huizhong. Thus from Soo Xinyi, she became Han Xinyi. Xinyi had hopes that things would slowly get better one day, but she was wrong. Fate played a cruel game with her and in an instant, her heart was crushed forever. But what will happen when Zhiyuan's past love re-enter their lives? Will she be a threat to their marriage? And when a best friend turned enemy returns with her, every buried secret will bubble to the surface once again! "I love you. I love you so much that I cannot bear to hurt you. And because I cannot hurt you, I chose to bear that pain myself." - Han Xinyi. Sometimes, it's not about spending your life with the one you love, but with the one who loves you… **Cover is designed by artist Vatarison. Insta - vatarison.art** ----------- Discord - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow me on Insta - enthu_reader7

enthu_reader · Urban
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550 Chs

Keeping no secrets

Xinyi nervously got up. "Z-Zhiyuan..."

Zhiyuan nodded at her. "What is this about a diary?"

She stiffened. She quickly said, "It's nothing!"

Siying got down from Xinyi's lap and ran towards Zhiyuan. He hugged his leg. "Dada! Mama's diary is so pretty! Look!"

Zhiyuan glanced at her book. "Indeed," he curiously said, "I didn't know you write a diary."

Xinyi gulped. "Haha..I-It's not that serious. Just some scribblings."

"Oh, I see. Considering how much you like books, it is not a surprise, I guess," he chuckled.

She awkwardly smiled.

Zhiyuan picked Siying up and ruffled his head. "Hey, champ. How was school today?"

"It was fun. We played a lot and learned very hard words to write! I did my best!" He proudly smiled. "I drew many drawings too!"

"That's great. I am proud of you. Keep working hard like this."

"En! Dada. Leina will come to school tomorrow!"

He chuckled. "Yes, yes. Your Uncle Liang came to the office today, so he told me. I guess now you won't miss her."

His cheeks puffed up adorably. "I didn't miss her at all."

"Sure~ whatever you say."

Siying flushed a little and wanted to leave. "Dada. Please put me down. I have to do my homework. I have to memorize the words, draw a picture and write math tables," he dramatically sighed. "I am so busy all the time now."

Xinyi and Zhiyuan laughed. "Such drama."

As he left to embark on his journey to do his laborious homework, Zhiyuan chuckled. "When did he learn to act so dramatic?"

Xinyi said, "Maybe it's Zizi's effect."

"Well, I cannot deny that."

There was a moment of silence. Xinyi was relieved that Zhiyuan didn't pursue the subject of her diary any further. But she noticed that he seemed a little odd.

She softly asked, "Was there too much work at the office today?"

He said while loosening his tie, "The usual. Why do you ask?"

"Oh. You seemed a little lost when you came in, so I thought the day might have gone stressful."

He paused.

Zhiyuan remembered what Liang said to him in the end.

'You don't have to search for her anymore. Caihong is back with Zhu Xiaosi in Beijing.'

Xinyi observed him, and he seemed in a stupor once again. She waited.

Zhiyuan was contemplating something deeply in his mind. Then he looked at her with an unreadable expression.

"...She is back."

Xinyi blinked her eyes, and for a moment, she didn't understand who he was referring to, but then it clicked her. As she realized it, her shoulders slightly tensed up.

Zhiyuan sat beside her and slowly said, "Liang told me about it today."

"Oh…I see."

She didn't know how to react, but she tried her best not to look upset.

Caihong is back…

Xinyi thought that she was upset, but now she wasn't so sure of her feelings towards this news. It came so suddenly that she had no clue what her heart felt about her return.

She looked at Zhiyuan. He didn't particularly look anxious or worried or tense. He just calmly stated the fact.

Xinyi slowly nodded.

"You didn't have to particularly tell me about it. I-I mean, I don't mean it rudely…"

"Xinyi," his soft voice called out her name and gently stopped her. He looked straight at her and smiled. "I know. You don't have to explain yourself. I know how you are. And even if you feel upset, it's fine too. It's natural."

His words warmed her heart, but at the same time, her gaze dimmed.

But Zhiyuan...you don't know that I love you. So, is it alright if I get upset? You love somebody else, so wouldn't my feelings bother you?

Zhiyuan continued. "I told you because I don't want to hide anything from you, especially if it regards her. Sooner or later, you two might bump into each other, though I think we all would rather not want that. At that time, I don't want you to misunderstand me, thinking that I purposely hid it from you even though I knew it beforehand."

Xinyi's lips automatically curved into a smile.

"Zhiyuan. I would have never misunderstood you because I know, too, how you are. You don't have to explain yourself either. But still...thank you for telling me this. I really appreciate it."

Zhiyuan nodded.

Once again, there was a moment of silence.

Nothing needed to be said further.

Zhiyuan already said that he wanted to ask Caihong something. She even knew the question he had in mind.

That's why, apart from not making her misunderstand him, he mentioned this fact because she knew that he would definitely meet Caihong once to have that conversation.

So, once again, he just wanted everything to be clear between them.

"I will go take a shower."

"Oh yes. I will keep your clothes ready."

She heard the sound of the shower running. Then she looked at the table where Zhiyuan kept some files.

Xinyi picked them up to properly keep them in the cupboard. Her sight fell on to a picture and a letter that seemed like an invitation.

She curiously opened it and saw a big and luxurious ship's picture above the letter. She was mesmerized by the ship.

The ship is so beautiful…

She then read the invitation letter.

'Mu Chuanli cordially invites Mr. Han Zhiyuan on this wonderful cruise trip, sponsored and arranged by yours truly on the occasion of collaboration between Han Corps and Mu Constructions.'

She remembered Mu Chuanli as she had worked with him before. Honestly, that was the best experience she had working with him. He was a chilled out and relaxed man. Even though she made mistakes sometimes, he didn't mind it.

I see. So, Zhiyuan will be away next week for the cruise trip.

Xinyi wondered how the trip would be. She had never gone on a cruise before. She had only seen ships in pictures and movies.

Suddenly, she had an urge to go on this cruise.

The sea would look so beautiful, wouldn't it?

She started imagining how fun it would be to wander in that beautiful ship amidst the cold wind and the sound of the waves.

"I see, so you saw the invitation."

Xinyi was startled as Zhiyuan suddenly spoke close to her ear.

She jerked her head towards him, and her nose hit his broad and muscular chest. It made her freeze on the spot.

Zhiyuan was half-naked, his chest still a little warm and moist with the bath he just had. Small pearl-like water droplets glistened down his skin. The aromatic fragrance of the soap and shampoo wafted through her nostrils, and they twitched.

Since she was too shocked to move, she didn't realize that her face was buried in his chest.

When the reality sunk in that she was partially in his half-naked embrace, her face flushed furiously, and her cheeks turned crimson.

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