
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

The Spring Season is Special.....

Everyone was sitting at the table, at Nana's house, having dinner.

"So Mia, Jina how was the trip?", asked Jun's grandma.

"It was fun!", answered Jina sipping soup.

"Yeah, it was really great!

The mountains and the weather, everything was so nice…", Mia said.

"Your father really likes to go on trips and all, isn't it?

I wish, I was young enough to go on trekking and trips with you..", said Nana.

"Oh Nana, who said you are old?

You are the youngest member of our family!", said Mia

Then she took a bite of food.

"Ummmm…..Wow, this is tasty!

I love it!", Mia exclaimed.

"Thank you!", Grandma said happily.

"Well, someone helped me with it!

Otherwise, it wasn't possible to be this tasty!", grandma continued, as she glanced at Jun.

But he didn't react and kept eating.

"Junaaa…", called Mia.

"What is it?", said Jun taking a bite of food, without looking at her.

"Let's go on the hill beside the river, tomorrow."

Jun didn't answer.

"…Like we do every year, okay?"

He still didn't say anything and kept eating.

Mia got confused.

"What's wrong? Say something."

"Jun, why aren't you answering her?", grandma scolded.

"Do I have to answer that?

We go there every year, so we'll obviously go this year too."

"Yayy!!!", Mia exclaimed happily.

"Jina? You wanna come?"

"Um..No…I'll stay with Nana."

"Okay then."


Everyone chatted, laughed throughout the dinner.

They had met after a very long time.

So everyone was happy.

The food was tasty, the people were great. What did Mia want more?

Suddenly, while taking the last piece of the meat, Mia's and Jun's chopsticks came into the bowl at the same time.

"Huh?", both startled.

"…You take it.", Mia smiled and kept the last piece in Jun's bowl.

He looked at her.

And then suddenly Nana started coughing, "Cough…cough…"

"Oh, Nana..wait..", Mia ran into the kitchen to get water. She gave it to her and rubbed her back a little.

Grandma stopped coughing.

After that, Mia took her seat.

As soon as she sat on the chair, she found that the last piece of the meat was in her bowl.

'Huh?', she looked up at Jun.

"I am done.", he got up quickly and went into the kitchen.

Mia couldn't help but smile.

'Oh, Junaa…Why are you like this?'


"Okay Jina and Mia, see you tomorrow.

Good night.", said grandma.

"Goodnight!", said both the girls.

Then grandma walked towards the gate of their fence.

Jun also stepped outside.

Then without turning back, he said,

"Tomorrow morning, at 7 o'clock."

Getting what he is talking about, Mia answered happily, "Okay! See you tomorrow... Goodnight!"

He went towards his house with his grandma without responding to anything.

'When will he behave properly?

This coldness wouldn't take him anywhere…', Jina sighed looking at his figure from the back.



It was a very beautiful morning.

The air was fresh, the weather was nice, birds were chirping and the blossom tree in Nana's yard was waving its branches with the breeze.

It was looking really beautiful with all its pink cherry blossom flowers.

As it moved with the air, the petal shower would make it look prettier.

Mia was standing in front of the tree, looking at it, and was waiting for Jun to come.

She took a deep breath and let it out from her mouth.

"Haaaa...This feels so nice…..", she said to herself.

'I wish, I would live with Nana here for a longer time….Everything is so nice here…..

This blossom tree looks so beautiful...

And...It….It surely reminds me of him….'

"I miss him already….", she murmured.

"Huh? What did you say?", someone said, right near her ears.

"Eek!", Mia jumped a bit in surprise.

As she turned back she saw Jun standing there.

"Are you crazy? My heart would have leaped out at this rate…", Mia said putting her hand on her heart which was beating really fast.

"I called your name twice but you didn't even answer. Were you dozing off or something…", he said with his usual cold expression.

"No, I wasn't! Am I a horse to doze off, standing like this?"

"Well, what can I say?", he smirked.

"…I was just…lost in my own thoughts….That's it…", she said pouting.

"Okay, whatever…."

Then no one talked for a couple of seconds and kept staring at the cherry blossom tree.

'This spring season is very special to me…..It made me realize my feelings….My feelings about Ray!'

'The spring season is my favorite….Cause it's the only time, when I get to meet the girl, I wait for the whole year….Mia!'

A gentle smile appeared on their faces.

"Now, let's go.", Jun said smiling.

Mia looked at him confused.

'Did he just smile?.... Ow, thank god…It's been so long, I've seen him smiling at me like that…'

Realizing it, Jun quickly changed his expressions.

"Do you want to stay here forever?", he started to walk without even looking back or waiting for her.

'And he is back!.... Hehe..', Mia smiled.

And she ran to catch up with him.

Both of them went towards the hill beside the river.

Sorry my dear readers, for posting this late.....



The spring seasons brings love, they say.....

Let's see what happens....

Stay tuned!

dokooocreators' thoughts