
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

The Promise... (1)

Spring of 1997-

Mia, Jina, and their mother and father had come at Nana's, as they would every year.

"Nanaaa…", both the girls ran towards their grandmother as soon as they saw her.

"Oh, my sweeties….", Nana hugged them tightly and placed kisses on their cheeks.

Mia and Jina were really happy. They loved to go to Nana's.

They would always wait for spring break when their whole family would come and meet their Nana.

After they had their lunch, Jina came running towards Nana with her tiny feet and asked, "Nana..Nana…?"

"Yes, my little cupcake?"

"Can I and sis go to play outside?"

"Sure sweety…but wait a minute…"

Nana went inside and brought a comb.

"Look at your hair....they are so messy...", Nana laughed.

"Nana..nana…", Mia said.

"Hm?", Nana asked while combing Jina's hair.

"Is Jun also here? I'll call him to play with us."

"Oh, Jun….Umm…He is here, at his grandma's. Go and ask him."

"Okay!"….and both the girls ran outside.

"Wait sis…", Jina stopped suddenly.

"I forgot my little Lily…"

Jina remembered that she had forgotten her doll in the kitchen.

"…Jina….Wait here….I'll bring her. Okay?"

As Mia went inside to get Jina's doll, she overheard a conversation.

"What? An accident?", Mia's mother's shocked, loud voice filled the whole room.

"Yeah…Poor little boy….", Nana said with a trembling voice.

"It is very unfortunate to lose both of his parents at such a young age.", Mia's father's voice was very serious.

"Hm…Seong Ja…She is…she is really worried about him….That little boy…Jun…..", and Nana started crying.

"Mother…Mother…", Mia's mother tried to console her.

While Mia, who was listening to all this, standing outside couldn't understand what was going on.

'Does that mean...Jun's Mom and Dad went to meet god? Just like grandpa did last year?'

"Sis!!!!", suddenly Jina called her name.

Coming back to her senses, Mia ran into the kitchen.

Then she came out to Jina with Lily in her hands.

Before heading out, she looked back towards the living room from where she could still hear her Nana's weak voice.



The door was opened and Grandma was standing at the door.

"Mia? Is that you? Areum's granddaughters!", Grandma asked.

"Hello grandma.", Both the girls greeted her, with their little bows.

"Awww. Aren't you two well mannered. So cute!

Jina, you've grown up so much, sweetie.", and she patted on her head.

Jina smiled as her cheeks turned even pinker.

"What do you want my dear? Did Areum send you with any message or something?" Grandma asked.

"Oh No, No Grandma. Nana didn't say anything.

We are here for Jun!"

"For Jun?"

"Yeah. We want to play with him."

"Really?", Grandma exclaimed happily.

"So, can we take him outside with us?"

"Sure, sure sweeties." She smiled and then turning her head back inside, she started to call for him from the door.


After a couple of calls, a skinny, pale-faced boy came from inside.

He looked quieter than usual and the look in his eyes was so dead that even Mia felt it.

'Is he okay?', She thought.

"Junaa…Look, who's here.

It's Mia and Jina. They are granddaughters of Areum, our neighbor."

He looked at them.

Mia and Jina smiled at him, but he didn't smile back.

'Huh….He seems… different than before…'

"You know them right? They come here every spring break and you've played with both of them, right?", Grandma asked.

But still, he didn't say anything.

"They are here to play with you. Right girls?"

Both the girls nodded.

"Go and play with them.", Grandma patted on his back.

He just looked at them and then at his grandma.

"I don't want to!", he said and turned back to go inside.

But Grandma wasn't wanting an answer as 'No', so she quickly held him and literally pushed him outside.

"Have fun!", she smiled and shut the door on his face real quick.

Jun was shocked by his Grandma's sudden and fast actions.

'What's wrong with grandma?' he thought.

'I hope he'll get better if he plays with the children of his age.

Sitting at home will not help him recover…', Grandma was thinking looking at the closed door.

"Go there, my boy. You can do it!", she whispered.

While outside, Jun was just standing in his door, looking down.

"Let's go!", Mia said cheerfully and started walking.

But Jun still didn't move.


"Come on! Let's go!", Jina held Jun's hand and pulled him to go with them.

Holding little Jina's hand, Jun also started walking.

While Mia, who was walking and jumping happily called their names from far,

"Jinaaa, Jun! Hurry up...."

As Jina's tiny legs started running, Jun also started walking fast, trying to keep up with her.

I love these baby versions of these characters so muchhhhh!!!!! UwU

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