
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

The Letter!

The whole Lee family and Jun were sitting at the dining table having their dinner as always.

Charlie was near Mia's chair cleaning his food bowl, licking.

"So, your train is at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon?" Mia's father asked as he looked at Jun.

"Yes, uncle." Jun replied and took a bite of the food.

"That's nice son that you want to go and meet your Grandma before going to Seoul. She would be really happy. Send my regards to her." He said.

"Sure. I'll do." Jun replied. "And if I do not go to meet her, she would kill me the next time she sees me…." He said jokingly on which everyone laughed out loud.

"Honey…" Father looked at Mother. "Pack some food for him for the journey."

"Don't worry. I have already brought all the ingredients. I am going to make a great lunch for him. All his favorites!" She said excitedly.

"Oh no aunty! I'll be there in only 2 hours. Please don't worry about me." Jun said.

"What are you talking about? Children your age should eat a lot!" Father said.

Mother nodded agreeing to him, "And you are not allowed to say 'No'. Besides, it's only the starting, when you'd be going to Seoul, I am gonna pack a big bag full of food for you! Don't starve yourself there. If you are hungry, you can always come back home, here. It's only 1 and a half hour journey. Isn't it honey?" and she looked at Mia's father.

"Yes! Jun…" He turned his head to him, "Whenever you feel so, don't think much and come here. The doors of this house are always open for you. And I don't think, Mia would let you live there without a frequent phone call to her." He said laughing.

"Yeah…" Jun laughed too as he looked at Mia, whose been quietly eating her food with her head down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jun asked.

Mia looked up, her eyes a little moist, but contrary to that, she held the chopsticks in her hands before his face fiercely, like a weapon and said, "You better call me often or I'll kill you!"

Jun who was startled by her actions, pulled himself back a little but then a smirk appeared on his face as he said, "Well….Well…..I'd think about it…" He nodded to himself. "Not sure if I'm allowed…to call….my dork friends!" He said as he raised an eyebrow towards Mia, teasing her.

As soon as Mia heard it, she charged on him with her chopsticks to attack, but the next moment Jun was blocking her chopsticks with his, a victorious smile on his face.

"You!!" Mia growled.

"Kids!" Father's demanding voice echoed in the whole room. "No Chopstick fighting on the dinner table!" He said.

Both, Mia and Jun backed up quickly and without wasting any time they started eating their food.

'This is going to be a lot boring now…' Jina was thinking to herself as she was eating. 'I have to admit, without these two fighting with each other like cats in this house….This is going to be a lot quiet place now…Huhhh….'


Jun was staring at the letter in his hands, which Ray had given him earlier on that day.

He looked out of the window, as a wind blew and the leaves of the tree rustled.

'Now she just needs to get this…' He thought. 'And my work here is done!'


The next day arrived soon.

Jun was done all the packing already. Finishing everything, he looked up at the clock and it was around 12:15 p.m.

"It's past 12 already?" He said to himself as he hurriedly went towards the drawer of his table and opened it. Picking up Ray's letter in one of his hand, he made a fist. "I can do this!"

He said and smiled as a thought came across him, 'I am just supposed to deliver the letter and I'm nervous. Now I see why Ray was freaking out that much! Poor him. I think I scolded him too much for that. When all this ends smoothly, I'll apologize to him….'

Then running towards the door of his room, he peeked outside. No one was in the passage.

He went to Mia's room and looked inside, no one was there either.

He could just hear Mia's mother's voice from the kitchen, probably scolding Jina. And the voice of the T.V. from the living room.

He went in Mia's room sneakily, making as less noise as possible of his feet. Walking on his tiptoe.

'Now….Where should I put this?....' He looked around.

As he looked at Jina's side of the room it was all messy. 'Definitely not there!'

Then he looked at Mia's bed. 'Here?' As he went towards it and kept the letter on the bed. Making a disliking face, he shook his head. 'Nope!'

Then he took it in his hands again, and walked towards the table.

'Yeah, maybe she'll notice it here, easily.' He thought and as he was about to keep it on the table,

"BOW!! BOW!!" Charlie barked loud from the door and that made Jun look back, startled.

Charlie came towards him, running, wagging his tail. "Bow! Bow!"

Sighing relieved, Jun sat down on his knees, "You scared me there little guy!" He whispered.

"Now don't bark, otherwise someone will—" As Jun was saying this he realized something, "Wait! How did you get up here? You can't climb the stairs!"

Jun looked up and there he found Jina, standing with her hands folded, leaning to the door.

'Oh sh**!'

Looking at his face, a devilish smirk appeared on Jina's face.

Jun quietly took the hand in which the letter was, behind his back.

Narrowing her eyes, Jina asked, "What are you doing here?"

Standing up, keeping his hand in the back, Jun spoke up confidently, "I came here to find my earphones!"

"Your earphone?" Jina raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" Jun said as promising as he could. "Have you seen it?"

"Umm…No…And I don't think, it's here!" She said. "But are you sure? You were here just for your earphones?" She asked as she tilted her head, looking at his hand which was in the back.

"Yes. Of course!" Jun said. "You know, I can't live without them."

Jina didn't say anything and just squinted her eyes, looking at him suspiciously when suddenly,


"COMING MOM!!" Jina yelled back and then again looked at Jun.

"You heard her, right? Let's go downstairs." She said.

"Yeah…Yeah…I'll bring my bags too." He said.

"Okay." And Jina turned around. "Let's go Charlie!" She called for him and Charlie ran towards her.

As soon as both of them passed through the door, Jun sighed in relief.

Turning back towards the table, he looked down at the letter.

"Phew! Thank god!"

"Come quickly!" Jina's words from the stairs made him move faster.

Keeping the letter on the table in hurry, he ran towards his room to get the luggage.


"Where's Mia?" Jun asked to her mother as he didn't see her in the house.

"Didn't she tell you? She went to enquire about some summer study classes." Mother said.

"Ohhh Yeah…." Jun remembered. 'Summer classes, Huhh….As expected from her….'

"She'll come at the station directly." Jina said.

And Jun nodded to himself.


"Bye. Bye. Junaaa!!" Mia said as Jun started walking towards the train. "Give my love to Nana and Grandma!"

He looked back at her and smiled.

Then the next second, he disappeared in the crowd as he got in the train.

Waving him goodbye happily, Mia waited there till the train left the station.

As she was about to go, her phone rang.

Taking it out from her bag, she looked at the screen.

'So Hee?' Mia thought and picked up the call.


"Oh! Hello Mia!" So Hee said from the other side.

"Hey....What's going on?" Mia asked.

"There is something really important, I need to tell you. Can you meet me?"

"Okay. When?"

"As soon as possible. Where are you right now?"

"Umm…At the train station."

"…..It's 1:30 now…..Can you come to my house by 3:30?"

"3:30?....Uhh….Okay….I'll go home now, will have lunch and then meet you at 3:30."

"Great!" So Hee exclaimed happily.

"Okay then…" Mia said. "…..But what do you want to—" But So Hee had already hung up the phone.

Mia took the phone away from her ears and looked at the screen, confused.

'What's wrong with this girl now?' She thought. 'What does she want to talk with me? Is everything alright?....But she didn't seem upset or worried…..God knows, what's going on....'

Thinking this to herself, Mia walked out from the station, towards her house.

Thanks to all you great readers, I also get motivated to write....

I know I don't post regularly, but I try to get as much time as I could from my college and write this all for only you people.....

I am sorry!

But don't forget....I Love u all!

dokooocreators' thoughts