
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

The Football Match.

"Let's go Junaa…..We are getting late!" Mia was shouting, standing at the door.

Jun was still upstairs in his room, while Mia was totally ready to go to the Football match. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a simple white t-shirt and sneakers.

After a minute, Jun came downstairs. But he was not alone; his guitar was on his back.

"Why are you taking your guitar?" Mia asked when she saw it. "We are going to the football match..." She was confused.

"Yes, I know." He said putting on his shoes hurriedly.


"I'll tell you on the way. Come on. Let's go." Jun got up and went out from the door; Mia followed him.

Before sitting on the bicycle, he took down the guitar from his back, "Will you hold her?" He asked Mia.

"Um..S-Sure!" She took the guitar from his hands and put it on her back.

Then Jun sat on the cycle's seat with one of his feet on the paddle and then he signed Mia to sit in the back. Holding the guitar carefully, she sat on the carriage.

Without wasting any time further he started paddling towards their school, where the match was going to start in about 15 minutes.

It was about 8:45 a.m. in the clock, a little warm summer morning air was feeling really nice going through the hair.

'I am going to watch Ray play today….His first match…' Mia thought and smiled to herself. Soon realizing the weight of the guitar on her back she remembered, "Jun?" She called his name.

"Yeah?" Jun replied without looking back.

"What about the guitar? Why have you taken it today?" She asked.

"Her." He corrected. "Not "It". Say "Her."…." He said.

"Huh?...Oh!....Okay okay…Her!" She corrected herself.

"I am going to perform today!"

"Huh?" Mia's eyes got widened in surprise. "Y-You are going to perform???"


"What? When? Where? When did you decide to do it? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

It was like a bucket full of questions was poured on Jun's head. Mia couldn't stop asking him.

"Wait. Wait. Slow down!" He tried to calm her down. "Take a breath in between!"

"….Huhhhhh…." She breathed out. "….Now. Tell me!"

"Yesterday night, I got a message from one of my friends from the music club—"

"Friend? From the music club? Who??" She interrupted him with more questions.

"Do you want to hear or not?" He looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"…Yes. Yes…Sorry…" She said. '…I thought Ray and I are his only friends….But it's nice…Friends from the music club…Hmm…Interesting!....I should meet them….'

"So, he messaged me that there is going to be a small contest at our school where students are going to perform. And it's not only our school but other schools too…"


"…And at the last moment, he suddenly remembered about me, because I had told him once, that I also love singing…

So he messaged me to ask if I was interested or not and — "

"You said "YES!" right away!" Mia completed his sentence.

"Yep!" He nodded. "..Why?...What happened?....I shouldn't have?" He looked back at her.

"What? Are you kidding? YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GO FOR IT!!!!!" She shouted, as she was really excited to hear this.

"Really?" He asked again.

"100% YES!! It's a great chance to show everyone your talent!!!" She said patting on his back.

Jun smiled but he was still a bit nervous.

"HA???" Mia suddenly yelled.

"W-What? What happened?" Jun looked back, confused.

"What about the match then?" She asked.

"Don't worry." He said. "The contest is in the afternoon. At about 2:30 p.m."

"Oh…." Mia started thinking for a second. "But what if our school team goes to the finals? The finals are also in the afternoon!!!"

"…Yeah. I know." Jun said calmly. "I would tell Ray afterwards. I know he'd understand."

"…..Hmm….Okayy…." Mia nodded still lost in her thoughts.


"Wow!! It's pretty crowded…" Mia said as she saw all the bleachers packed with people.

"Yeah…" Jun said with aw. "…Where are your friends?"


Hearing So Hee's voice Mia looked in the direction of it; there she saw So Hee sitting with April, Ye Rin and Hana in the very first row.

Mia waved at them.

"Let's go…"

Making the way in the crowd Jun and Mia reached to them somehow. Looking at everyone so dressed up, she was confused.

"How do I look?" April said getting up and swirling her dress.

"Cute!...As Always." Mia answered.

April looked at Jun who was standing in the back, expecting he would be looking at her too.

But he was just looking at the whole crowd with mesmerized eyes.

"Jeans and T-shirt?" So Hee spoke up. "Why do you wear so casual clothes always…"

"Umm…It's…just…" Mia felt a bit embarrassed. "It's just a football match….right?"

"Yeah. It is." April said. "But –"

"But there are lots of good looking guys here. Can't you see?" So Hee interrupted her.

"Yeah…There are…But…"

"Don't you ever feel to impress anyone?" So Hee asked.

"Umm…" Mia had no answer for that.

"She doesn't need to impress anyone with her fashion." Ye Rin said.

"Huh?" Mia looked at her confused.

"She is impressive already." Ye Rin said.

"Yeah! I like Mia just the way she is." Hana said with a smile.

"Oh! Thanks Ye Rin and Hana…that was a…sudden compliment! Hehe…" Mia laughed goofily.

"But I need to give you some fashion lessons!" So Hee said.

"…Yeah…Hehe…sure…." Mia said.

"Now come on. Sit here." April slid to a side and made some space to sit for Mia and Jun.

Jun got down his guitar from his back and put it in the front.

"Wow!!" April exclaimed. "Is that yours?" She asked Jun.

"Yes." Jun answered.

"It's really nice!" She said.

"Do you know how to play it or you just wander around with it?" So Hee said with a sarcastic tone.

Jun didn't think answering that question was necessary, so he stayed silent and kept looking in the front.

She glared at him, noticing that he completely ignored her. "How rude!!" She huffed.

"Hey…So Hee…..He knows how to play it…." Mia answered the question instead.

"Yeah, whatever. Like, anyone's really interested to hear how he plays…Hmph!" And with those words she looked in the other way.

"Sorry…Juna…." Mia whispered.

Jun shrugged his shoulders. "Who cares!" He said calmly as always.


"Good morning everyone! It's such a beautiful summer morning, isn't it?

Nice weather for today's matches. It's gonna be exciting!

There are total 4 schools who are participating in the Inter-school Football Competition of this year.

The first match is going to be between S.N. High school and our own G.Y.S. High school!!" The commentator's voice came out from the speakers everywhere. And with that everyone started cheering for the teams. The whole place was filled with their voices.

"...And here come both of the teams. Cheer harder for your teams everyone!!!!"

The teams of both the schools entered the ground from the opposite directions of the ground.




Everyone started cheering as loud as they could. Mia and her friends were also screaming.

As the teams came onto the ground, Mia's gaze started searching for the person she hasn't seen for a while now. And she found him. Standing in a line with the team.

'…There he is….He is wearing our school's jersey….Hehe…That's new….' She thought.

"Wow!!!April. April?" So Hee was really hyped up. "Look at him! Look at him! He looks so handsome, doesn't he??" She giggled.

"Yeah…Yeah…Calm down…So Hee…" April said.

"OMG!!" So Hee was really excited.

Looking at her like that, everyone couldn't help but smile.

The team members shook hands with each other's and took their positions.

The commentator was busy talking and hyping up the crowd.

Ray went towards his position he was defined to. Looking at the crowd he was really surprised, 'I never thought, this many people would show up…Wow!!!....But…Where are they?....'

He started searching for his friends, especially Mia.

'…Is she here?....I hope she has come…wait...not again...Ugh!' As he was thinking that, he suddenly saw the girls sitting in the very front row; looking at him only.

"Hey!" A huge smile appeared on his face when he saw them. As soon as he looked at them, all of them started waving at him cheerfully.

Ray was really happy to see them all. With this bunch of noisy girls, a guy was sitting next to Mia. He wasn't jumping in his seat or screaming but was just smiling at him.

'Jun!! There you go my buddy!' Ray smiled at him. 'I don't know if he could handle those girls…Hang in there bud!' And he laughed to himself.

Soon the whistle blew and the game started.

The commentator's voice; everyone's cheers and screams, sound of the horns….all this filled the whole area.

"G.Y.S.!! G.Y.S.!!! G.Y.S.!!!!" More than half of the crowd was cheering for G.Y.S. High School as the match was going on in their home-ground.

While the remaining were cheering for others.

Suddenly ball came to Ray and he started running towards the net.

Mia's eyes were pinned to him. '….RAY!! RAY!!!!..' She was cheering for him but inside.

"RAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!" So Hee's scream made others sitting next to her, jump in their own seats, while she was standing and jumping taking his name.

Ray passed the ball to his team member. And he passed to another.

They were all really fast. The ball was moving from here to there at instants. The last person, closest to the net kicked the ball really hard towards the net; the goalkeeper jumped for the ball,



"Wohooooooooo….!!!!!" Everyone started screaming and jumping.

"And with this the score is 1-0…." The commentator's voice was inaudible in the crowd's cheers.

Mia was also clapping, screaming and jumping with joy and enjoying her time. Jun who was noticing all that, chuckled to himself.


"And with this, our G.Y.S. high school has won the match by 3-2!....Wohooo…" The commentator screamed. "And G.Y.S. is the first team going to the finals!!!"

Everyone started screaming on that.

"…The next match between other two schools will start in half an hour, at about 11:30 a.m.

The winner of which will play against the G.Y.S. High School….

Now I'm gonna take a break. Meet you all after the break, everyone…."


The next match was won by P.N. High school with the score of 3-0.

So the last and final match between G.Y.S. High School and P.N. High School was scheduled to be at sharp 2 p.m.
