
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

The D-Day!

"Mother…" Mia said as she was having her lunch with Jina. "I'll be going to So Hee after lunch."

"At So Hee's? Why?" Jina asked interrupting.

"…Um…I don't know….She said she had something to tell me…." Mia answered.

"What is it about?" Jina asked again.

"I told you, I don't know!"

"Stop bothering her Jina." Mother said. "You can go Mia. But don't be too late. Okay?"

"Yes Mother."


It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when Mia turned off the T.V. and got up.

Taking her bag in her hand, she looked around for her phone. "My phone?" She murmured to herself.

Jina, whose been lying on the couch, upside down, looked at Mia tilting her head. "Are you searching for your phone?" She asked.

"Yeah…" Mia said as she started looking below the pillows.

"It's upstairs." Jina answered right away. "On your table!"

"Huh? But I didn't take it there."

"I know because I did. It was running low on the battery so I took it upstairs to charge."

"Huh?" Mia couldn't believe these words. "You? You took my phone? And went upstairs? And plugged it in to charge?.....You? Really?"

"What? What's so surprising about it?" Jina said acting offended.

"Haha…" Mia laughed sarcastically. "When I tell you to pass me the remote which is lying right below your butt, you act like you never heard me. And now, suddenly, out of nowhere, you did all this? This is not you!"

"Stop over-reacting." Jina said. "It's not like I never do anything."

"Yeah, right." Mia rolled her eyes.

"I always do the things which are needed to do."

"Sure. Sure…" Mia nodded as if agreeing to whatever she was saying.

"Now stop nodding your head here. Go get your phone and go to your friend's house."

"Oh right!" Mia said looking up at the clock and ran upstairs.

'There you go!' Jina smiled to herself. 'Now go and read the letter Jun has kept for you. Oh god! How much I do for her? But she never appreciates this!' Jina thought to herself as she closed her eyes and decided to take an afternoon nap.

"Mom! I'm going!" Mia's voice came from the door and Jina opened her eyes instantly. 'Huh? She read the letter already? That was fast!'


When Mia reached at So Hee's house, she found a person standing at the gate.

She was wearing a long coat, sunglasses, a mask and a cap.

Mia didn't even recognize her at first but then,

"What were you doing? You are late!" So Hee said as soon as Mia came.

"Huh? So Hee? Is that you? What is all this?" Mia said looking at her from head to toe.

"Disguise!" So Hee answered.

"What? A disgui—"

"Here, I got for you too!" Saying that, So Hee started getting out some things out from the bag she was holding.

"Now wear this! Hurry up! We are already late!" So Hee said in hurry.

"But what's going on? What is all this?" Mia was really confused by everything. "Why are we disguising?"

"I'll tell you! I'll tell you on the way!" So Hee said.

"On the way to what?"

"Ray's house!"


"Ughhh….Just stop asking and wear this!!!" So Hee took the coat and helped Mia to wear it.


"Shushhh….." So Hee said and then called out for a servant.

A man came out hurriedly.

"Take Mia's bicycle and put it inside. Tell the driver to bring the car out." So Hee ordered.

Bowing to her, the servant went in running.

Soon a car came in front of both the girls and So Hee literally pushed Mia inside, before she could even say a single word.

"To Ray's house!" So Hee ordered to the driver as soon as she sat in and without any time wasting, he started the car.

Some minutes passed and soon So Hee realized Mia's glaring eyes on hers. She looked at her and smiled goofily. "I'm telling you. I'm gonna tell you." She said.

"Then you better hurry." Mia said in a frustrated tone.

"Okay…." So Hee said and took a deep breath.

"Ray is going to confess his feelings to that girl!" She exclaimed, but she was more delighted than being upset.

"WHAT?" Mia's eyes widened as soon as she heard it.

"Yes! That's right!" So Hee said. "He is going to confess today."

"What the hell are you talking?"

"It's true, Mia. According to my sources, Ray is going to do it. TODAY!!!"

"What sources?"

"Well I can't tell you that." So Hee folded her hands.

Mia just looked at her with cold eyes.

"But…" So Hee said reconsidering. "…As you are my partner in this now, I think I should tell you. It's Jin Kyu!"

"Jin Kyu?" Mia said. 'Are you serious? That guy?'

"Yes. Jin Kyu! You know, when Ray rejected me and I decided to find that girl; I hired him to bring me the information."

"You hired him?"

"..Pchht….Leave it….That's a whole different story and is not even important. The main point is, we are going to find out now, that who the girl is!" So Hee said as her eyes twinkled in the excitement.

"…But…." All this was really hard for Mia to digest. She couldn't understand what to say to this.

"You must be wondering, why I chose you, right?" So Hee asked. "Well, first of all, April would kill me if I tell her that we are going to spy on her brother. Secondly, Hana is not that good at such things and for Ye Rin; even if she is the last person on this whole planet, I would never go to her for this!" She explained.

"And for you Mia, you are the best person for this as you know and understand how I feel. And you are the only one, to whom I've talked about this. Plus, you are also curious to find out who the girl is, isn't it?"

Mia was just looking at So Hee, her jaw dropped and her eyes wide open.

Then suddenly,

"We are here, madam." Driver said turning back to them.

"Very good!" So Hee clapped her hands once. "Now don't go closer to the gate. Park the car, from where we could see, who is coming out from the gate." So Hee ordered again.

"Yes madam." The driver nodded.

'What the hell is going on with me?' Mia's brain finally started working. 'What am I doing? Sitting in this car with So Hee, spying on him? Ughhh….I can't understand what to do?'

While, So Hee had taken out her binoculars and was now looking at Ray's house through them.

"Where are you? Where are you Kim Ray?" She talked to herself.

The time was passing. And every minute, the storm of thoughts in Mia's mind was making her weaker and weaker.

"So Hee!" Mia grabbed So Hee's hand which were on the binoculars. "I can't do this! I don't think this is right! We shouldn't do this!"

"What are you saying Mia? We are not doing anything wrong here. We are here, just looking for the girl. That's it!"

"But I don't feel this right….I just get this feeling, like….like something bad is going to happen…"

"What nonsense! What bad will happen, we aren't gonna go and rob someone, Mia…We'll be just sitting and looking….That's it!" So Hee said and put the binoculars back on her eyes.

Mia was still uncertain and wasn't wishing to do this.

"Look!" Suddenly So Hee exclaimed as she pointed towards Ray's house, "He is out!"

Mia looked in the direction and she found Ray with his bicycle, a bag hung to the handle.

He closed the gate behind and sat on the cycle. Looking at the both sides, he crossed the road and then paddling, he passed by So Hee's car.

So Hee quickly ducked and pulled Mia down too.

"Let's go driver." She whispered and he turned the car around.


After around 15 minutes, when they stopped the car, they were near the river. Across the road, they could see Ray getting down his bicycle near a bench on the path, right next to railing of the river bank.

Putting it on the stand, he brushed his pant and shirt with his hands a little, making it neat and presentable then ran his fingers through his hair several times.

Taking the bag in hands, he walked towards the bench and taking a deep breath he sat down.

His feet constantly tapping on the ground indicating his nervousness.

"See? My information was right?" So Hee said turning back to Mia who was also looking at all this over her back. "Seeing his actions, he is here for the confession! 100%!"

So Hee handed the binoculars to Mia, "Have a look!"

Mia pushed it back. "No. That's fine." She said.

So Hee shrugged her shoulders and again started looking at Ray with the binoculars.


Ray looked at the watch in his hands. It was around 4:50 p.m.

'I think I am too early…' He thought to himself. 'My god! I am really nervous.'

The tapping of his feet became faster.

He took several deep breaths. But he didn't feel any better. 'I think I should call Jun, maybe his words will make me feel better.'

Taking the phone out, he dialed Jun's number.

"Hey..Man…" Ray said nervously.

"Hey there buddy!" Jun's cheerful voice came from the other side. "How's it going? Are you prepared?"

"…Yeah…I am near the river right now….I told her to come here by 5, in the letter…."

"Great then!"

"...She got the letter, right?" Ray asked nervously.

"Yes! Totally. I kept it on her table. She would have read that by this time…" Jun answered.

"Okay…Then…It's just that, I am really very tensed right now….In a good way. In a good way!"

"That's fine, Ray! It can happen. And don't worry. Everything will be fine! I know it will be!"


"Yep! So stop worrying, take a deep breath and do it already! Okay?"

"….Okay!" Ray smiled as his friend's words gave him strength.

Hanging up on the phone, he looked back at his watch and then looked around to see the face, he was waiting for.


"Ring~ Ring~" Mia's phone rang.

She took it out from the bag and Jun's name was blinking on the screen.

So Hee also saw it.

Clicking the button, Mia put the phone to her ears.

"Hello…" Her voice was weak.

"Where are you right now? At home?" Jun asked from the other side.

"No. I'm not home right now. I'm out." Mia answered as So Hee was looking at her.

"Where are you exactly?" Jun asked again.

Mia looked at So Hee, who was making a cross with her hands and mouthing. "Don't. Don't tell him."

"I…I am…." Mia hesitated first but then, "….Why should I tell you? Huh? It's….It's none of your business. I'll do whatever I want."

Though she had said those words rudely so Jun would stop asking, she didn't see the smirk which had appeared on his face across the phone.

"Okay…." Just saying that, he hung up and then texted Ray right away.

"She is on the way!"


The time didn't stop and with it passing, Ray whose been sitting there quietly at first was now walking to and fro.

Looking at his watch time to time.

Every single minute was feeling like ages to him now.

It was 5:45 p.m.

One hour had already passed since Ray had come there.

He sat on the bench. Stood up again. Started walking. Looking everywhere. Looking at every single girl passing by, expecting it's the girl he wanted to see.

"Don't tell me, the girl is not gonna show up!" So Hee exclaimed. "Unbelievable!"

While Mia felt like a twist in her heart as she was looking at Ray from across the street.


'She didn't come! She….She didn't come….She is not gonna come…' Ray's head started spinning as these thoughts finally took him over.

It was already dark and the night lamps were on.

The hands of the clock stroke 7 and he sat down on the bench, holding his head tightly with both of his hands.

He stayed like that for quite a long time and then suddenly he stood up. He took the bag in his hands and took out a flower from it.

Staring at it blankly for a second, he just stood there.

But then, that blankness was replaced with the rage of fire in no time.

The next instant, he threw the flower on the ground and stepped on it, rubbing it beneath his shoe.

The tear which had slid down his cheek, he wiped it right away.

The street light which was lighting on top of him blinked several times and went off.

"Huh?" So Hee said. "I can't see him now."

She took her head out from the window. Mia also followed her actions as she was really worried about Ray.

But then both of them saw him, under the next lamp as he rode off from there on his bicycle.

"Oh! Look! There he go!" So Hee pointed.

"Should we follow him madam?" The driver asked.

"…No. No need for that. Let's head home." So Hee said and looked at Mia smiling.

"Why are you smiling So Hee? Didn't you see how much hurt he was?"

"I know that Mia. But can't you see? The girl he liked stood him up! And looking at his reaction, I don't think he would ever think about her again."

"Huh?" Hearing So Hee's words made Mia hold her own head and then she pulled her hair in frustration.

"Now, it's the right time to approach him!" So Hee was still talking. "With his heart broken so cruelly in so many small pieces, he just needs a shoulder to lean on right now….and that person who'd be giving him the shoulder would be me!"

"THAT'S IT!!!" Mia yelled loud which made not only So Hee but also driver jump on their seat. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!!!"

Mia pushed open the door and gushed out.

"Where are you going?" So Hee yelled coming out from the window.

"HOME!" Mia shouted.

"Why are you walking home? I'll drop you!!!" So Hee said.

"NO NEED! I CAN GO ON MY OWN!!!" And with that, Mia disappeared in the dark.

'What is wrong with her?' So Hee thought as she didn't get why Mia was so angry.


It had been 2 days since that evening.

Mia hadn't returned So Hee's calls since that time. Nor she had called her to thank her, when one of her servants brought back her bicycle.

The thought of Ray being heartbroken and his darkened face of that day was coming before her eyes over and over again.

She wanted to do something for him. But she couldn't understand what.

If she asks him directly, he would know that they were spying on him; which will make it even worse.

'Who was that stupid girl? How can she stood him up? I mean, he is the best guy, you could ever find.....And she just decided, not to show up? What an idiot!'

The thoughts of it were making her more and more disturbed. 'Poor Ray! That face of his....He was looking so vulnerable that time....If that girl was me, I would have gone there on one foot!'

Looking at her, her family was also getting the feeling that something was wrong with her.

When mother saw Mia, sitting on the couch, staring in the blank, she finally spoke up,

"Mia? What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Huh?...No....No…I'm fine…." Mia said.

"Why don't you go out and have a walk. You've been sitting in the house for two days. Go out and get some fresh air. Maybe you'll feel better then."

"Hm….Maybe…." Mia said as she agreed to her mother's suggestion.

Walking towards the door, she took out her shoes from the shelves when she found one sock missing.

She looked around, under the shelves, but she couldn't find it.

Then suddenly, she saw Charlie, staring at her from the door of the kitchen; something was in his mouth.

"Is that my sock?" And she walked towards Charlie but he turned around and ran inside.

Mia also ran behind him.

Chasing him around the dining table, she came in the passage under the staircase, where Charlie's basket was kept.

Charlie jumped inside and Mia dived to catch him.

"Give it…Give it back to me…." She started pulling the sock from his mouth.

He finally let it go.

"There you go! Don't do it again. Okay?" Mia said as she put him down.

But then, she saw something coming out from the blanket which was spread on his basket.

"What is it?" And she took away the blanket.

"Oh god!!!!"

There was a whole heap of things which had gone missing in the last two weeks.

Jina's grey sock.

White sock.

Father's tie.

Mother's spatula.

Jun's earphones which were chewed down till the extent that the inner wires were visible.

Some torn newspapers.

A handkerchief.

"Huhhhhh....." Mia let out a huge sigh. "So you're the one who's been hiding all these things for these last 2 weeks?"

"Bow! Bow!" Charlie barked wagging his tail.

"Oh my god! When I look at you, I can't even punish you!" On which Charlie barked again.

Rubbing his head once, Mia started getting out things one by one.

When suddenly, she found out a paper in the pile of pieces of the newspapers.

Taking it out, she looked at it confused, 'Huh? What is this?' She thought to herself.
