
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

She tries to talk with Him...

"Hey, Mia...Wait for me..", Gyuri ran towards Mia to catch up with her.

"Good morning, Mia!", she greeted.

"Good mo~rning", said Mia and yawned.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you looking so tired?"

"Hm? Am I?" Mia rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah. You look so sleepy. Are you sick or something?"

"Oh, No. I just couldn't sleep last night.

I couldn't find the answers.", Mia said.

"Answers? What answers?"

"Um...It's …It's….actually some problems of Mathematics…Which I couldn't answer….that's all.."

Suddenly, a sound came from behind,

"Oh, Mia, why do you study so much?"

Mia and Gyuri turned back and found Min Anha standing there.

"Anhaaa…", Mia went and hugged her.

"Where were you?

It has been 2 days, since the school started, and you didn't come." said Mia.

"Yeah, where were you Anha?", Gyuri asked.

"I was not feeling well…that's all…", Anha answered.

"Oh, but are you fine now?", asked Mia worriedly.

Anha nodded.

"So? Which class?", Gyuri asked.


"Yayy! She's with me.", Mia said happily.

"Yeah, but I've got the best class.", said Gyuri folding her hands with her nose high up in pride.

"And why is that?", asked Anha lifting an eyebrow.

"Because I've got the best seat ever.

I am sitting next to the most handsome guy in our class!"

Anha glanced at Mia being uncertain.

'What is she talking about?'

'I don't know.'

"So, as there is a handsome guy in your class, you are forgetting me already?" Mia pouted.

"No, Miaaa…You know me very well…" Gyuri giggled.

By the time, all three of them reached the classroom of 3-B.

Gyuri went inside, skipping with joy.

"Now, I really want to know, who the guy is.", said Mia.

"Well, I'm not interested in such things.", Anha said and she started to walk towards their class.

"Wait.", Mia caught her and dragged her into the class 3-B.

As they came inside, Mia looked everywhere and she saw Gyuri standing at someone's table, talking and laughing.

Mia tried to look, to whom she was talking, but she couldn't see anything but Gyuri's back.

So she went further.

Suddenly, Gyuri went aside and sat down on the next seat.

Mia looked at the guy.

He was no one else but….Ray!

Mia's eyes widened in surprise, as she saw his face.

'What? Ray is the guy she was bragging about, all this time?

…He…He is the most handsome guy of their class?.... To whom Gyuri loves talking?... Why didn't she tell me before?'

Mia was confused by all this.

While, on the other hand, Anha's face was turned completely pale.

'No…Is he Ray? The guy who….'

The whole incident which had happened last year flashed before her eyes.

'No..No way…How can he look like that?'

To confirm that he is Ray, Anha went a few steps ahead.

Ray, who was busy talking with Gyuri all this time, looked at Anha coming towards him.

As soon as his ice-cold gaze met with Anha's, her whole body shivered.

'It's him!!'

Anha quickly turned back, and before anyone could say anything, she stepped out of the class with long and hurried steps.

"An…Anhaa..", Mia called her name but she was already out.

'What is wrong with her?'

Mia again looked towards the table where Ray was sitting, hoping to talk with him or at least to greet him 'Good morning.'

But there was no one!

'Huh? Where did he go?'

As she looked through the classroom, she found him with a bunch of other boys, talking and laughing.

'Huh? When did he go there?

Now…I couldn't go and talk with him like this…

Why…why is he doing this…?'

Mia sighed sadly.


Mia turned back and saw Gyuri's smiley face.

"Isn't he handsome? Well, you know him already but,

He is so much changed than last year, isn't he?" said Gyuri as she looked at Ray.

"Yes. He is completely changed!", Mia's sad and rough voice made Gyuri look at her.

"What's wrong?", She asked.

"Nothing.", Mia answered and quietly left the classroom.


'This is too much…He is ignoring me…avoiding me…

And I don't even know why...I must ask him….I will ask him…'

Mia decided to herself.


As soon as Mia finished her lunch, Mia ran towards the class 3-B.

She saw from the window, Hyun Tae and Ray were at Hyun Tae's table talking about something.

"Ray?" She called his name.

As soon as he heard it, he got up and started to walk out of the classroom.


He came outside the class, in the hallways.

As she walked towards him, he started walking faster.

She increased her speed, he doubled his.


All other students in the hallways were now looking at them.

Mia soon noticed it and so she stopped right away.

She saw Ray disappearing in the crowd, before her eyes.


After school, when Mia came out of the school building and was walking towards the bicycle stand, she saw Ray with his bicycle talking with a guy.

'Right…Now I'll try…'

She hurriedly walked towards him and stood right in front of him.

"Ray. We have to talk."

Ray and his friend got a bit startled by this.

"What is wrong with you? What happened—"

As Mia started talking, Ray quickly sat on his bicycle and started paddling.

"Ray!" Mia tried to grab his bicycle from the back but she couldn't.

"See you tomorrow, Jin Kyu.", he shouted without even looking back.


She shouted but he was already gone.

She looked at the guy who was talking with Ray.

He smiled at her teasingly.

She quickly turned back and ran towards the bicycle stand.


On the next day,

Mia caught Ray on the way to the library.


He started walking faster but still, she kept following him.

"We need to talk…Will you tell me?

Is there any problem?.... Did something happen?"

Mia was talking, trying to catch up with him.

But Ray wasn't stopping at all.

People were watching but she didn't care now.

She was still trying to talk with him.

'He is not even listening….'

So, Mia ran ahead of him and stood right in the middle of the corridor.

Stretching her arms, trying to block his road.


Ray took a quick right turn and Mia saw him entering the Boys' washroom.

'What?!!!? NOT AGAIN!!!

How…How can he just…..Ughh!'

Mia was still standing in the road, dumbfounded.

The students passing by were staring at her. The girls were whispering and giggling.

Mia's face was turned red, not with the embarrassment but with anger now!


A couple of days later,

It was a sports class.

The whole class 3 was on the ground.

Mia was stretching and exercising with other girls.

But, her eyes were pinned to Ray, who was playing football with other guys.

'As soon as, I'll get a chance, I'll talk to him.

This is it. NOW OR NEVER!!'

Suddenly, someone kicked the ball in their direction.

Mia saw that Ray was coming to get the ball so she ran and caught the ball herself.

'This is the chance!'

Ray was running towards her to get the ball.

He came and saw her holding the ball in her hands.

As he came forward to take the ball, Mia quickly took back her hands.

"Ray! I want to talk to you.


Before she could say anything further, he turned to other side, ignoring her completely.

He took another ball from the basket and ran towards the ground.


Now, Mia was really frustrated by all this.

Whenever she had tried to talk to him, he had avoided her, ignored her, run away from her.

He hadn't talked a word. He hadn't even looked at her.

And she didn't even know why!

These all things were now getting on her nerves.

In anger she threw the ball on the ground very hard and with long, grumpy steps she walked towards the changing room.

While, other girls were watching all this, they started whispering in between them.

Some were talking seriously, like they knew something, while others were commenting and giggling.

Gyuri, who was standing in a corner, was looking at all this. And then she looked towards the direction where Mia had gone.

It might seem frustrating, that she is trying so hard to talk with him and he is ignoring her, but this way I wanna show, how much Ray means to her.

She is trying her best to keep this friendship which she treasures a lot. That's why, she is trying again and again.

But, she also has her limits.

She can't follow him all the time like an idiot, as he is not even looking at her.

So, at the end, her patience crossed the limit and her temper took its place.


Stay tuned!

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