
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

She's Home...With Him! (Part 3)

"Knock! Knock!"

No answer.

"Jina? Can I come in?" Jun asked from the outside.

"…..Yeah…" He heard a weak sound of her.

Turning the door knob, he slowly opened the door. "…Jina?"

"Why is it so dark in here?" He asked as his hands went to search for the switches and he turned the lights on.

She was lying on Mia's bed.

As the lights fell on her eyes, she closed her eyes, "Ow! What do you want?" She asked.

"Nothing….Just came to check on you." He answered.

"To check on me?" She chuckled. "Are you the real Jun oppa I've known for years?"

"Different, right?" He shook his head. "Even I also feel these days that I've changed!"

She laughed. "Yeah, right. This you understand but the things which are supposed to be, you two would never get it!"

"What does that mean?"


"Jina? What is wrong? Why are you acting like this?"


"…You are rude to your sister since she has come here. Do you know how much worried she is about you?"

"…So are you here because you are worried about her?"

"No. I'm worried about everyone." He said. "See, she has come home. It's the Christmas. The happiest time of the year and if you'll act like this then everyone will be affected."

"I am as happy as others are because she's home but…" She stopped herself in the middle.

"But what?" Jun asked.

"If I'll tell you something, will you promise me that you'll never tell it to enyone?"


"Promise me?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Umm…Actually…I don't like that guy…"

"Ray? Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone's very much aware about it that you don't like him. Probably he also knows that." He said laughing.

She didn't laugh instead her expressions were very serious, "Hear me out first." She said.


"I know that guy is not bad, Sis likes him afterall."

"Yeah. He is a very nice—"

"But he's not good enough for her!" She cut him in the middle.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, he might be smart, handsome, wealthy or whatever….But he's not made for her!"


"They just don't fit together!"

"Oh really? Then who does fit for her?"

"It's—" She stopped herself to complete the sentence. "…I don't know about that!"

Jun looked at her confused. "I really don't get from where you are getting these ideas. Now listen to me. I've known Mia from the childhood and I know Ray also. And both are just perfect for each other. And you know what's the best part, he loves her a lot and she loves him back…." Without Jun realizing it, the last part he said felt disheartening.

And it didn't slip through Jina's eyes.

"So is that why you think they are perfect for each other?" Jina asked.


"See, just like how you feel that they are perfect together, I feel they are not! It's just the matter of opinions. You stay firm with yours, I'll stay with mine."

"Huhhhh….." Jun sighed out loud. "You know what, I give up. Seriously." HE went towards the door. "But even if you don't like him at least don't show up that to everyone. Mia is here for one night only and him too. So just, let this Christmas night go smoothly…"


"Are you listening?"

"…Yeah….I'll try…."

"I want you to try your best. Please. For everyone, for Mia."

"…I'll see…."

"Huhhhh…" He sighed again as he went out from the room.


Everyone was gathered at the dining table for the dinner.

Being the Christmas night, it was a feast.

The aroma of the food was spread in the whole room.

Mia kept the plates in front of everyone as her mother brought the chicken which was just taken out from the oven.

Father and Ray sat across the table while Grandma and Nana sat on one side having one seat empty. Jun was alone on the other side having two empty seats on each side.

Jina was the one who came last. Looking everyone is seated and Ray sitting on the seat across her father, she narrowed her eyes.

She came and sat on the seat beside Jun, on the side where her father was sitting.

Grandma and Nana were talking constantly on which everyone was laughing.

"Mia, you sit now." Mother said.

Mia went and sat on the seat beside Jun, towards Ray.

Mother went and sat on the seat beside Nana.

Nana closed her eyes and put her hands together. Everyone followed her. "Thank you god for such a great company and delicious food. I am happy that I got to spend the Christmas with my loved ones. Keep looking out for all my babies."

And with those prayers, everyone dug into the delicious meal before them.

"Umm…Hmm!" Everyone was exclaiming as they were enjoying the tasty food.

After a couple of bites, Father looked at Ray, "So, Ray…"

"Yes, sir."

"What kind of business does your father do?"

"Well, we are in the garment industry. My grandfather, who moved to New York, started this business from scratch."


"Now we are one of the biggest brands in New York and South Korea too."

"What is the name of you said?"

"KDW industries."


The spoon which was going towards father's mouth, stopped in the middle as soon as he heard the name.

Everyone exchanged glances in disbelief.

"So…You are the grandson of Kim DaeWon?"

"Yes, sir."


Father couldn't ask anything further and kept eating. The air became a little tensed.

"It's okay everyone…" Ray said smiling. "You don't have to feel burdened because I'm his grandson. I'm still a normal guy and I want you all to treat me like I'm one of you guys…"

Listening to his words, father got a little relieved.

"One of us? Tsk!" Jina rolled eyes. "If you really think like that, then can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure Jina." Ray said giving his best smile.

"Have you kissed my sister?"

"Ting!" It was the sound of Mia's spoon dropping down.

Everyone else's hands also stopped with their mouths being wide open.

No one expected such a question will be asked on the table. Even Ray was caught off guard.

Mia looked at Jina furiously.

Jun also looked at her and shook his head telling her not to do this.

A weird silence was spread on the table.

"So? Did you guys kiss? Or did—"

"Jina!!!" Mother glared at her. "Shut up and have food."

"What did I say?"

"Just eat your food!"


Mother narrowed her eyes and Jina went silent. "I'm not the one who said that I want to be one of you people." She murmured.

"It's okay Ray sweety..." Mother said as she awkwardly smiled at him. "Jina has a habit of joking. Don't mind—"

"So did you or did you not?"

Father's voice made everyone look at the other end of the table in shock, jaws dropped down to the ground.

Mia sank down in her seat while Jina had a mischievous smirk on her face.

Mother opened her mouth to say something but Father stopped her with just a gesture of his hand.

Ray looked at everyone's faces, and when he saw how father was serious about this and was waiting for his answer, he took a deep breath.

"Sir…" He finally broke the silence. "I fell in love with Mia when I was in middle school. Probably on the first day when I saw her and talked to her. I don't know, I'm not sure about it."

"…." Everyone was listening to each and every thing he was saying, very carefully.

"…But I'm sure about one thing that I love her a lot. I love her more than anything. What and how I am right now, she plays a very big role in that. I agree we had some downfalls but I never stopped loving her…"

He looked at her; her eyes had welled up with tears and a smile was resting on her face.

"And to answer your question. Don't worry sir. I have not kissed her yet nor I've touched her in that manner…I understand being a father of two beautiful girls would have been a very big responsibility and I totally get that you are concerned….But I promise you sir, I will never hurt your girl…"

Father nodded being satisfied with his answers.

"Come on." He said. "Go ahead and have food before it gets cold."

Everyone went back to eating.

Mia, who was literally in tears, was looking at him. He looked at her, he kept his hand on hers which was on the table and slightly squeezed it.

Smiling, he gave her nod on which she also smiled back.

Jina's expressions were like of a defeated worrier. She didn't say anything for the whole time after that.

Jun was completely lost in his own thoughts at first but then he came back to normal and started enjoying the time with his family.

As the dinner came to end Mia said, "Oh mom! It's the best food ever! Seriously."

"Say thank to your grandmas also. Seeing you in the door, those are the two who got so excited and made all this. For an instant I also thought if I'm the younger one or them!" Mother laughed.

"Who told you I'm old?" Nana said.

"Yeah. We two are the most energetic people on this table right now."

"Yes! Though we look all wrinkly and old, our hearts are still like a lady of 21 years old!" Nana said acting to puff up her bob cut hair.

On which everyone burst into laughter.

"Then you are around my age Nana." Mia said laughing.

"Of course my child. Just give me a make over and take me to your college, no one will even get a hint that I'm not among them!"


And with that, the Christmas Dinner was a whole bunch of emotions.

But the time everyone was having with each other was the most precious.

Mia smiled as she realized how lucky she was to have all of them in her life.
