
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Relaxing Time....(Hot Spring-2)

"Ahhhhh!!!" Mia relaxed her legs in the water of the hot spring.

"Wooow! This feels so nice!" April also joined her.

Keeping the towel on the rock, So Hee checked the water with her toes.

And then slowly she entered it.

While Ye Rin was already immersed in the water till her face and was just enjoying her time, closing her eyes.


On the other side of the bamboo wall, the boys were sitting in the water.

"This is really nice, man. I needed this after all that practice." Ray said.

"Hmm." Jun just hummed before closing his eyes.

"Thank you Jun." Siwoo said. "For calling me to this trip."

"Don't ever mention this. After all, you were the one who enrolled my name in the interschool contest. So I am the one who's thankful." Jun said.

"So?" Ray looked at Siwoo before asking further. "You are in the School's music club, right?"


"And what do you play? I mean the instrument."

"Oh. Um I play bass guitar." Siwoo answered.

Ray nodded understandingly.

"By the way Jun.…" Siwoo said but then hesitated to talk further.

As he didn't say anything, Jun opened one of his eyes to look at him. "What is it?" He asked.

"…Um…That girl…with whom you came this morning…" He said hesitating.

"Oh! Mia! What about her?" Jun asked before closing his eyes again.

"…Yeah. That girl...Umm….Are you….Are you two dating?" Siwoo asked quickly.

Hearing that question, Jun opened his eyes in the instant with surprise.


"Yeah. I mean….you two seemed really close!"

Jun exchanged glances with Ray before bursting into laughter. "Pfftt! Hahaha….Me and that girl? Dating??? That's never gonna happen!!....Hahaha"

"…..Huh?.....Really?" Siwoo asked again.

"Yeah. 100%. That dumb bear girl!! ….Impossible!" Jun shouted.

"What???" Suddenly, Mia's squeaky annoyed voice came from across the bamboo wall. "Did you just call me a dumb bear girl? I heard your voice Jun! " She shouted back.

"That's why I was shouting!!" Jun said sarcastically.

"What?? Do you wanna die? I'll come there and beat you to your death!!" She screamed angrily.

"Sure!! You can come right now, if you want! I am waiting for you here….Naked by the way!!!" He said teasingly with a devilish smirk on his face.

The instant Jun said that, girls screamed from the other side. "Eeek!!!....You freak!!"

While Ray held his head, shaking it sideways. 'These two are unbelievable…!' He thought.

"Hahahaha!!" Jun started laughing loudly, clapping his hands and slapping the water.

Siwoo couldn't understand what to do so he just smiled awkwardly.

Looking at his expressions, Ray said, "These two are really close but…They are just neighbors and childhood friends. So don't worry. This is normal."

"Childhood friends?" Siwoo asked.

"Hmm." Jun nodded. "That's it. There is nothing more than that."

"But Siwoo why were you asking all that?" Ray asked.

"….Umm…. don't know…Just curious I guess…." Siwoo answered.

"Oh…Okay then."

Then all of them rested in the hot water of the natural hot spring and relaxed their bones.


'Khadak' The can of the drink came down from the vending machine. Mia took the cold drink in her hands and opened it.

Taking a sip of the drink she thought, ' Ahhh!!! I'm really feeling relaxed right now…..I really needed this drink…'

"Hey there!"

Hearing Ray's cheerful voice Mia turned back. "Hey!" She smiled brightly.

Inserting a coin in the vending machine he pushed the button of the drink he wanted.

"What are you doing out here?" Ray asked as he took out the can from the machine. "All others are still relaxing in the water…"

"Yeah. I know. But I get hot pretty easily so I really needed a cold drink." Mia answered and took another sip of her drink.

"Me too." Ray said. "Jun said he is just warming up, right now. But I kinda got hot early. So I also came out."

Then coming towards the balcony both of them enjoyed their drinks with the beautiful scenery before their eyes.

"This feels so relaxed, right?" Mia asked.

"Hmm." Ray said. "We should thank Jun for this." And he looked at Mia to see her reaction.

Mia didn't say a word but her pouted face and puffed cheeks said everything he wanted to know.

"….It would have been much better, you know…" He paused before saying, "…If you two had not fought!....Or at least, would have forgiven each other right away."

Mia lowered her eyes. "But…..It wasn't my fault…." She said and looked at Ray.

Ray was looking at her, raising one of his eyebrows.

"…I mean….not my fault entirely….He is also wrong…" She said.

"Yeah…You both are….But for such dumb fights, you shouldn't ruin this trip's mood, right?" Ray's voice with a sensible and mature tone made Mia think.

While, these two were talking, an old couple also came near the balcony to enjoy the view.

"It's that hill, right?" The old lady said.

"That's right." The old man said. "It's that cursed hill!"

Ray heard the couple's conversation and it made him curious.

"Excuse me, sir…" He said.

The old man turned to him.

"What do you mean by the cursed hill?" Ray asked.

The old man looked at his wife before answering him. "Don't you know the story of this place?" The man asked.

By this time, Mia had also got interest in the conversation.

Both Mia and Ray shook their heads sideways.

"It's an old legend." The old lady said. "Around 400 years ago. Two lovers killed themselves by jumping of that hill."

'That hill?' Mia thought. 'That isn't that high though…' She was confused.

But Ray was listening to the story really carefully.

"The girl was the daughter of a noble man of that time, while the boy was one of her guards. Obviously their love was opposed and so they killed themselves." The old man said and then looked at his wife again.

"And before attempting suicide, they cursed all those people, who would come to that hill, would be bound till the death!" The old lady's spooky voice made Ray and Mia's body shiver.

"B-Bound till the d-death?" Ray asked again.

"W-What does that mean?" Mia asked.

"That means…" The old man answered. "Well….you'll have to go there and find out yourselves!!"

"Huh?" Mia looked at Ray.

"What?" Ray was also confused.

"I meant, just go on that hill and find out the truth. You'll eventually find about it!" The old man said with a hint of a smile on his face.

"See you then, sweeties!" The old lady smiled and holding her man's hand she started walking away from them.

"What was all that?" Ray asked and looked at Mia's confused face. She didn't know what to say. She kept her silence.

While, the old man and the old lady giggled and looked at each other.

"You remember this, right?" The lady asked.

"How would I forget that? It was our first kiss!!" He smiled tightening his grip on his wife's hand.


It's gonna get interesting....;))) (mischievous smirk)

dokooocreators' thoughts