
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Officially A Member.

"Here." Nurse handed a file in her hands to Mia. "This contains all the test results and the medical subscriptions. The latest one is the one he's having now."

"Yes." Mia said. "Thank you so much." She bowed several times. "For the past few days you took a very good care of our father."

The nurse smiled, "It's my job. And I'm happy for all of you. But…."


"But…Where is Jun? I didn't see him since morning. Your father is discharging and he not being here is highly unlikely of him." The nurse frowned.

"Oh he had to go due to some work…" Mia answered.

"Ohhh….By the way kid, I have to tell you this. Jun is very very good guy and I hope you don't lose him."


She came closer to Mia and whispered, "He is a keeper!" And winking towards her she walked away.

Her words kept revolving in Mia's mind, 'Don't lose him…He is a keeper…'


Mother was busy packing Father's stuff in a bag when he got up from his sleep.


"Oh Honey, you got up…." Mother came hurriedly towards him and handed him the glass of water.

"Yeah…I don't know when I fell asleep…" He said.

"It's okay to feel sleepy due to all these medicines…"

"Yeah…Are we ready to go now?" He asked looking at the half packed bag.

"Oh yes, I'm almost done…Mia and Jina had gone to talk with the doctor for the last time…They'll be back any minute."

As she was saying this, both the girls entered the room along with the doctor.

Father got up and sat properly.

"How do you feel now Mr. Lee?" Doctor asked.

"Yeah I am fine doctor. Just a little sleepy."

"Yes, it's absolutely normal to feel like that. But you must be happy now that you are getting to go home finally."

"Yes doctor."

"Very well. But as you are going home, it doesn't mean your life is back to normal and you can start working like before."


"Take rest and let your family take care of you. Got it?"

"Yes doctor. At this rate I might even get spoiled." Father joked.

"Haha. Why not?" Doctor said. "If you've got such a caring wife, wonderful daughters and a responsible son, then it's totally fine to get a little spoiled, isn't it?" And the doctor laughed again.

Mia, Jina and mother exchanged glances and looked at father.

No one corrected what doctor said and just smiled.

"So now, all of you take care. Rest well Mr. Lee." Saying that the doctor stepped out from the room.

Mother again started packing as Jina went to help her.

"Mia!" Father called.

"Yes father?"

"That reminded me, did Jun reach Seoul safely? He was here for the whole night, yesterday and then he went early morning…"

"Yeah he reached already." Mia said and looked at the clock; it was 11 in the morning. "He might be signing his contract by now���" She said.

"That kid." Mother said in a complaining tone. "I told him not to stay at the hospital last night. But at times he doesn't listen at all."

"He is a stubborn guy." Jina shrugged her shoulders.

"Look, who's saying?" Mother said on which everyone laughed.

After a while when father got ready and mother was done packing everything, Jina said, "I'll go ahead and get a cab for us."

"Yeah yeah. Go fast." Mia said.

"Cab? What for?" Ray entered the room with a wide smile.

"Oh Ray. You are here." Mia welcomed him with a smile.

"I thought you won't come as you got caught up with some work again." Jina said folding her arms.

"Jina!" Mother said.

"It's okay aunty. I deserve that." He said. "I know I couldn't be here much of the time and I am really really sorry for that."

"Oh what are you saying Ray." Father said. "We understand that you were caught up in some things. I've been there too."

"And still you regularly called Mia and me, to ask about him." Mother said. "Drove all the way here whenever possible and took care of us. That is more than enough sweetie."

Ray smiled. "So, that's why, I am here again to take you guys home safely."


Jun had stepped out from the CEO's office and was greeted by all his friends.

"Congratulations!!!" Everyone said at the same time and he thanked them one by one.

Mu Yeol, Dae Won and Chan Woo, who were standing in the front, grabbed him by his neck and pulled him in a group hug.

"Finally, we are officially a team now!" Chan Woo said.

"Yayyy!" Dae Won started jumping in excitement.

"Jun, we want you to meet our other two members." Mu Yeol said letting go of the hug and looking at the two guys standing behind them.

Jun looked at them and his face lit up, "Haru!!!" He went towards one of them, the lean guy with red hair and gave him a brief hug.

"I can't believe we are in the same group now!" He said happily.

"Yeah, me too. I am so happy. On the day of contract signing….I got to know that you and I are together….. I am really….excited." The Japanese guy said with his learned Korean.

He knew the language but while talking he'd stumble to remember some words.

"Your Korean has got better, bud!" Jun said looking at his friend talking.

"Yeah. I am…learning." Haru said smiling.

Then Jun looked towards the guy standing beside him, "Hello, I am Doh Jun." He introduced himself, stretching his hand for a handshake.

The guy was young looking and was kind of nervous as he hesitantly shook his hands with Jun. "My name is Zhang Yong…"

"Oh! A Chinese member! How old are you?" Jun asked.

"I am 18 and….And I just wanted to say that I have admired your singing a lot. I really like your voice." Yong said, still a little shy.

"Thank you so much!" Jun smiled. "And I gotta say that I admire your Korean. You are speaking really well."

"Oh…" He felt embarrassed as he said, "Thank you, hyung."

"Is he the maknae of our group?" Jun asked looking at others.

"Yep!" Mu Yeol answered. "Maknae and main rapper!"

"Ohh…" Jun raised his eyebrows being impressed.

"So, we have here an awesome group of six super-awesome guys!" Dae Won said.

"Yeah!!" Chan Woo agreed to him enthusiastically.

"I'll tell you everything." Mu Yeol said. "Yong and Chan Woo are Main and Lead rappers. Dae Won and Haru are our Lead and Main Dancers. Jun is our Lead singer and —"

"And Mu Yeol here is our Leader and Main Singer!" Jun completed his sentence.

"That's right!"

"Now this deserves a whole group hug!!" Dae Won said as he pulled everyone together. Yong hesitated but Jun pulled him in, "Get used to it." He said. "Because Dae Won just loves hugs!"

"Too many hugs for the day!" Mu Yeol said as he tried to stick out his head to save his glasses from getting crumbled in the middle.

"So what's the plan now?" Chan Woo asked as they let go off of the hug.

"No plans!" Mu Yeol said, "We are going back to practice room."

"Whaaaat? No…" Dae Won whined.

"Yeah. This is party time. Our friend Jun is officially with us now. This needs celebrations!" Chan Woo said.

"We already partied when we signed the contract. Now it's practice time." Mu Yeol said.

"Yes, he's right." Jun said. "And besides, I wasn't here for the past several days. I need to cope up with you guys."

And with that everyone started walking towards the practice room, Dae Won and Chan Woo still sulking about it.


Mia and Ray were standing near the gate as his car was parked behind him.

"Thank you Ray, for coming all the way here just to drop us home." Mia said.

"Oh come on. Don't be so formal. And besides this is the least I could do." He said.

"It would have been better if you would have stayed for the lunch. Mom was also asking me for that."

"You know, I would love to but I just couldn't. I have to get back for a conference."

"Yeah I know."

"I'm sorry…I couldn't be here with you all the time…."

"It's okay Ray; I understand you had work. And you were here for the first two days, right?"

"Yeah I know, but still….The spring season is coming, then the summer so that's the season for us. New products, new plans and my father calling me from there all the time to look at each and every details…and then…It's just—"

Mia came forwards and kept her hands on his arms, "It's okay, Ray. It's absolutely fine. We all understand. Actually my mother was worried about you because you were looking at your business plus you were driving here alone just for us. She was worried that you might get sick because of us…"

"Oh no no. Not at all." He said.

"Yeah…so don't worry about how much time you spent here or how much you did. Besides, Jun was here with us and he literally looked at everything..."

"Yeah…" Ray nodded. "Just because he was here, I was relieved."

"Hmm…" Unknowingly, her lips curved up in a slight smile.

Ray noticed it but didn't say anything.

Taking a deep breath he hugged her goodbye. "Take care of everyone." He said.

"You too. Drive safely." She smiled.

Getting into his car, he waved at her as she waved back and soon his car drove off from their house; Mia still looking at it as it disappeared before her eyes.


Which of my readers here are K-POP lovers??

Well, I am! A huuuuuuge one!!!!!

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