
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

My Best Friend....

"I knew you'd be here…" Mia said as she peeked out from the window and saw Jun sitting in their secret spot.

"And I knew you'd come here finding me…." Jun said teasingly.

"Yeah…Well…" She came out from the window and went towards him. "What are you doing here? It's pretty late and cold out here…"

"Yeah….I know….But it's just that, I'm so nervous for tomorrow." Jun said as his hand went inside the pockets of his jacket. "Here…Take this…" He handed her a hot pack.

"Thanks…" She sat beside him. "So….nervous huh?"

"Yeah…Who wouldn't be?"


"By the way…" Jun talked as he took his guitar in his laps, "Today's surprise party was great, isn't it?"

"Great? It was Superrr Great!!!" Mia's face was sparkling with the happiness.

Jun stared at her face. "Yeah…I can see that…" A smile appeared on his face.

"But.." Mia said and then stopped. Then she gave him a fiery look.

"…B-But what?" Jun asked confused.

"But what?....How can you ask me that when you didn't give me any gift! Not only that, you didn't even wish a happy birthday to me!" She said glaring.

"Ahh….That!" Jun said as he rolled his head to the other side.

On this reaction, Mia brought her face closer to him, narrowing her eyes. "Grrrr!!" She growled.

"What?" Jun pulled himself back. "You were the one who said "I don't want any gifts as long as you all are with me"." Jun said imitating Mia's voice.

"You—" And Mia started beating him.

"Ow! Ow! ….It hurts…It hurts…" He shouted trying to dodge her beating.

Mia stopped and then folding her hands she just sat there puffing her cheeks.

Jun looked at her for a second, sitting like that and then burst into laughter. "Hahahaha…..Your….face….It's so funny….Hahaha…" He fell back, laughing, holding his stomach by one hand and the guitar in second.

"That's it! I'm going." Mia said angrily and got up.

As she turned to go, Jun quickly grabbed her hand, stopping her to step forward.

"What now?" She turned back and asked him glaring.

"Don't you want your gift?" He asked looking into her eyes. His eyes were as gentle as water and gaze as warm as the summer.

Looking at his sincerity, Mia turned back and a sat beside him.

"What is it?" She asked. "And where is it?" She tried looking to the other side of his, thinking he might be hiding it.

"It's right here!" He said pointing towards himself.

As he did that, she looked at him coldly. "If you say "It's me!!"….Then I'll punch you really hard. I'm telling you." She said rubbing her fist in her other hand.

"Hahaha….You are really weird…Do you know that?" Jun laughed on her actions but she didn't stop.

"Wait! It's better that I stop playing and do it right away!"

"Do it?"

Jun smiled and then neatly grabbing his guitar he strummed the strings. "This is for you Mia. On this great day of the year. Happy Birthday to this little nerd."


"The song is called 'My Best Friend...'"

And then, his fingers started stroking the strings. The little upbeat and playful voice of the guitar lightened the night.

"You ~ You were always this girl

Who was strong and brave

& I~ I was always that guy

Who liked living in his cave

But then I met you, your smile brighter than the sun

I never had thought before, that like this our friendship would've begun…."

As Jun was singing the song with beautiful voice of his, tears started welling up in Mia's eyes.

"I~ I might be stubborn, picky and co~~ld

But n~ever forget that I'm the one who saves you all the time, being bold!"

A hint of tease made Mia smile widely. "Hehe…Liar!" She murmured.

"I know~~ I annoy you~ I annoy you a lot

But I just want to say that, you're the only best friend I've got!

So much things this song has for you to say~~

But don't get used to this, cause this is only for your Birthday!!"

And with that Jun's song for Mia came to an end.

He looked at her, hoping that she would have got annoyed by the last line, but she was just looking at him with tears streaming down her cheeks and both of her hands covering her mouth.

When Jun saw that unexpected reaction, he couldn't understand what to say.


But his words got cut by Mia's sudden hug.

She hugged him tightly and started crying.

Still lost of actions and words, Jun stayed like that, staring in the distant. He was sitting so stiff like a rock, like he had stopped breathing too.

As she caught her breath, only two words came out of her mouth. "…Th-Thank you…."

A warm wave got spread through Jun's heart. He lowered his eyes to look at her. His gaze being gentle and full of worries. "You okay?" He asked.

She let him out from her embrace and looked up at him.

Her face stained with tears, her eyes and nose red.

"Pffttt…Hahaha…" Jun laughed. "Weirdo!"

Ignoring his laughter, she wiped her nose with her sleeves. "You can laugh as much as you want, but only for today!"


"The song was beautiful!" She said looking ahead in the dark night.

"Hmm…" He smiled.

"I wanna come too."


"At your auditions!"

"Umm…It's no use…I mean it's gonna be a very long line, there will be a lot of people and plus they wouldn't let you in with me as you are not a participant."

"So then you're gonna go alone?"

"Hmm….Though I wish, it would have been better if you were there. Cause I need someone who'd cheer me if I froze again, you know….Hehe…" Jun said referring to his competition he participated at the school.

Hearing his words, Mia started thinking. And then in couple of seconds, she removed the rubber-band of her ponytail.

"What are you doing?" Jun asked as he saw her do that.

But she didn't answer and took his right arm in her hands and before he could react she tucked the band to his wrist.

Jun looked at his hand and then at her. His eyes questioning.

"If you froze, just look at this and imagine my scream "You can do it Junaa!!"

And then everything will be alright!" Mia answered and looked at him.

An amusing smile was resting on his face. "Okay…I'll do that!" He said.

And then both of them looked above at the sky. Stars were twinkling in the darkness.

"The sky is clear today…" Mia said.

"Hmm…." Jun agreed still looking up.


Next day, Jun returned from his auditions in the evening.

"How was it?" Mia asked worriedly.

"Nice....I guess....I think, I could have done better..."

"You must have done great! I know you! I get the same feeling after every exam." Mia tried to convince him. "Now? Now what?"

"Now wait! Wait for them to call or contact you..."

"I think you're totally gonna get it."

"Donno...All the judges' faces were so plane that I couldn't understand how they felt...I'm just so nervous...."

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I know you'll make it." She smiled to cheer him up.

"Thanks...Let's hope for the best then." He smiled back gently at her.
