
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Mission-Save the Prince from the Witch

"So, it's tomorrow."

"Yeah. It's from 11 a.m. to 12 or so." Hana answered.

"Okay then. Everyone knows what they are gonna do, right?" Mia asked.

They all nodded.

"But what are we gonna do of the class monitors? They will be looking after us when the teacher leaves." April asked.

"So Hee has taken care of it." Mia looked at her. She gave her thumbs up.

Everyone was ready for the big day. A little bit nervous, a little more excited.


Next day,

"So, students. Like you all know, we are going to the meeting now. So do the self-study as always and Class monitors, keep the class in discipline." The teacher gave instructions to everyone before leaving the classroom.

As soon as the teacher stepped out from the class, Mia, April, So Hee, and Hana exchanged gazes.

After 2 minutes or so, Mia got up from her seat. "Class monitor, may I go to the library to get some books?"

"Sure." The class monitor agreed and Mia quickly got out from the classroom. No one suspected anything as it was a normal thing Mia would do.

After 5 minutes,

"Uh!" So Hee who was sitting on her seat, grabbed her stomach and crouched down. Her face full of pain.


April quickly got up from her seat. "So Hee? What happened?" She stepped towards her.

Everyone in the classroom turned back to see what happened.

The class monitor also came towards So Hee's seat.

"Ow…" So Hee was really looking in pain.

"I think…I should take her to the nurse's office…" April said as she looked at So Hee with worried eyes.

Then she looked at the class monitor. She got the sign and she agreed to let them go out from the classroom.

April carefully got her up and started to walk towards the door.

"Should I also come with you?" One of the girls said as she looked at So Hee's painful face.

"NO!" So Hee's loud voice made everyone look at her with confusion.

"…Um..She means…It's okay…You don't need to worry...I will take care of her." April quickly controlled the situation.

So Hee also nodded weakly.

The girl sat down on her seat and then April quickly got So Hee out from the classroom.

As soon as they came out, April glared at her.


While, Hana who was sitting on her seat, sighed relieved.

The first phase of the mission was completed successfully.


Ye Rin who was already out from her classroom, was now heading towards the broadcast room.

"Bang!" She pushed the door hard.

There was someone sitting on a chair, a short and fragile looking guy.

He literally jumped up from his seat by the sound of the door; he kept his hand on his fast-beating heart.

Ye Rin was standing in the door with her hands on her waist, glaring at him.

The boy looked at Ye Rin with frightened eyes.

"W-ho are…you…?" A few words came out of his mouth somehow.

"You are Bae Min Ki, from class 1-C. Right?" Ye Rin asked.


"I am a member of broadcasting club." Ye rin said.

The boy looked at her carefully. "I have never seen y-"

Before he could say anything further, Ye Rin closed the door behind her with a kick and came towards him. The boy again got startled and a bit terrified too.

Looking at him, her hand went towards the inner pocket of her jacket.

A devilish look in her eyes made the boy really terrified. "I am sorry. I am sorry."

He sat down on his knees and started rubbing his palms together, kneeling down and apologizing to her continuously. "I am sorry...."

Looking at him on his knees like that Ye Rin tried to control her laughter.

But keeping her posture, she brought out her badge of the club from her pocket.

As the boy looked at it, he stopped doing whatever he was doing. He got embarrassed and stood up.

"I want to use this broadcasting room." She said.

"Oh..Sure...Sure.." He stepped away from the chair and let her sit on it.

"..I'll..go then…" The boy said as he was still afraid of her and wanted to get out from there as soon as possible. He turned back and as he touched the doorknob, "Wait!"

Ye Rin stopped him. He turned back to look at her.

"Where are you going?"


"Come here this instant!"

The boy quickly went towards her. "Operate this thing." Ye Rin said with the same cold gaze like before.

"Huh?" He looked at her confused.

"I said, operate this thing! It's an order!"

"Y-ES Ma'am." The boy stood stiff. The only thing which was remaining was, he saluting her!!

Looking at him like that, Ye Rin laughed inside, but didn't show a sign on her face.


So Hee and April were standing outside the classroom of 3-B.

Telling So Hee to stay outside, April entered the classroom.

The class monitor of that class came forward. April talked something with her and then the girl nodded.

"Kim Ray!" The monitor called out for Ray's name.

"Yes?" Ray looked up.

"P.E. teacher is calling for you," April said coming forward.

Ray looked at her confused. "Now?" He asked.

"Yes!" April answered confidently.

'According to Ye Rin, P.E. teacher doesn't go to the meeting. And as it's Tuesday today, he doesn't come to the school till 12 p.m….Great work, Ye Rin!' April thought to herself.

Ray got up from his seat and went out of the class with April.

While, Gyuri who was sitting in her seat, was looking at them suspiciously.

As soon as April and Ray went away from the class, Gyuri's phone vibrated.

She opened it to look at the message. It was So Hee. "Come to the rooftop. Someone is waiting for you there."

'I knew something was fishy…' Gyuri thought and making an excuse of the washroom, she also got out from the classroom.


"Why did he call me at this time?" Ray asked April as they were walking towards the staff room.

"He was talking about some Football tournament coming next month," April answered.

"Oh, Yeah. The tournament!" Ray remembered about it.

'Thanks to Hana that, she read about it on the notice board.' April was thinking.

'And as we'd never find the teacher, we'll go back to the classroom and till then Mia would get time to meet Gyuri and to make her speak up.'

A smirk appeared on her face.

Soon they reached near the staff room; one of the assistant staff members came out from there.

"What are you children doing here?" He asked.

April looked at him surprised. 'What is he doing here?'

"We are here to meet P.E. teacher. He called me here." Ray answered.

"Oh! He is not here." The man said.

"Yeah, okay okay. Thanks then." April said hurriedly. "We would look somewhere else. Let's go, Ray." April started pulling him.

Ray couldn't get what was going on.

The man was also confused by this. "But I saw him going towards the swimming pool." He said.

April stopped pulling.

"You did?" She asked as her eyes were widened in surprise.

The man nodded.

"Okay. Thanks then." Ray said as he started walking towards the swimming pool.

'Oh, cra*. The P.E. teacher is in the school? If Ray meets him, he'll know I lied to him.

Plus, he'd never get to listen to what we want him to! Because there are no speakers at the pool!'

April's face darkened as she realized that if she doesn't stop him, then their mission was gonna be a failed one.

Ray was walking towards the pool and April was following him. The tension was rising up. April was really worried now. 'What to do now? How should I stop him?'

They went down a floor by stairs. As they were about to walk down the stairs to the ground floor, they saw So Hee coming up from the stairs running.

'Huh? So Hee?' April looked at her confused.

Suddenly, BAAM!!!! And the next thing they saw was So Hee lying down on the floor.

"Eeek!" April screamed and she ran towards her. Ray also ran towards So Hee.

"So Hee? So Hee? Are you okay?" April was shaking her and was trying to get her up, but So Hee's face was down.

April looked at Ray worried.

"Hey, So Hee?" Ray also called her name.

So Hee took her head up, weakly looking at both of them.

"Are you okay?" Both of them asked.

So Hee nodded and tried to get up on her own but she couldn't do it.

"Ouch!" She looked at her knee and saw that it was bleeding.

"Huh? Blood?" April said. "Oh my god!"

Ray came forward and gave So Hee a hand to get her up. As he was doing that, So Hee looked at April and quickly winked.

'Huh?' April was surprised by all this. But soon she understood what was going on.

'Oh! So this was the plan- B!'

"April!" Ray called.


"What are you doing standing here like that? Get your friend's other hand!"


"Let's take her to the nurse's office."


"NO!" So Hee said. "I mean..not the nurse's office. It's on the next floor and I wouldn't be able to walk that far. Let's go to the classroom as it's on the same floor."

April understood what she was trying to say as there were no speakers in the Nurse's office too.

Ray looked at April. "Yeah. She is right!" April played along.

They got her up. So Hee stood up.

"Ray, you take her to the classroom. I'll bring the first aid box." April said and without even hearing anything from Ray she went up the stairs.

Ray looked at So Hee. She smiled at him goofily. He also somehow smiled at her and then they started to walk towards the classroom.



Gyuri said as she saw Mia standing at the railing of the rooftop with her back facing her.

"Why did you call me here?" Gyuri asked again.

Mia turned around. Her face was so calm and expressionless.

Gyuri came forward and stood right in front of her.

No one said anything but kept staring at each other, without even blinking!

"I wanted to talk with you about something very important," Mia spoke up first.

"What is it? Do we have to talk now? What if we meet somewhere else? Some other time?" Gyuri asked folding her hands.

Ignoring what she said, Mia continued,

"Once upon a time, there were two girls.

Go Gyuri! The only child of Go's family. And Lee Mia! The first child of Lee's family.

Go and Lee families were not at all separate, they were like a single-family. When Mia and Gyuri were born with a difference of just 2 months, every one of both the families was really happy.

Especially the fathers. As they thought that their daughters will grow up well together.

Mia and Gyuri were like twin sisters. They were brought up together by both families. They weren't just the best friends, but they were each other's worlds. They were inseparable!"

Mia was talking but her face didn't show a single sign of emotion.

"But one day, Go Gyuri started behaving –"

"Listen, I am not interested in your stories, alright?" Gyuri said with a disgusted face.

"What do you want to say, just say it."

"I know what you did with Hana."

"Huh? Hana! That squid? Is this all about her?" Gyuri asked.

"You told everyone else, that she's been saying wrong things about people.

But she was completely innocent. And you were the one, who was spreading those ridiculous rumors." Mia said.

"Why are you bringing that girl here? Listen, it's all been in the past. This news is old now. And besides, because of your "heroic lecture", no one talks anything about her. So, the problem is already solved!"

"But why? Why did you do that? What wrong she did to you that you had to go till that extent?"

"Why? You are the one, who's asking me why? Haha!!

You are the reason! You are the one, because of whom she had to go through all that!"

"What? Me? I was the reason?"

"Yeah! It was because you abandoned me and went to her."

"What are you talking about?"

"She was your new best friend, wasn't she? You used to have lunch with her, you helped her in her studies, you'd go to the library together. She was stuck to you like a gum!"

"Gyuri? Is...is this the real reason y—"

"Yes! That's why I did all that to her. To teach her a lesson, thinking that you'd come back to me.

But…But you didn't! Instead, you kept sticking to her. You stood up for her, didn't you?"

Hearing Gyuri's words, Mia couldn't understand what to say.

"But …you were the one, who didn't have time for me—"

"Listen, Mia. I don't have time for all these ridiculous things. This all has happened in the past.

I don't care now, with whom you are hanging out or who your best friend is.

I have moved on with my life and it will be better if you do that too." Saying this, Gyuri turned back.

"If this was all you wanted to talk, then I'll go now." She said further.

"Moved on with your life? Really?" Mia spoke up.

"Making my life miserable, you have moved on?"

Without turning back, Gyuri said, "Look, I really don't have time for all this. I am going now. And about that girl Hana, you don't have any evidence to prove that I did all those things."

Gyuri took a couple of steps towards the door.

"What about Ray?"

On this question, Gyuri stopped in her way. "What about him? He is my boyfriend now. And no one can deny that!"

And she took few steps again.

But then,

"I LIKE HIM!!!!!" Mia shouted.

At that instant, Gyuri's feet stopped and she turned back.

Her face was darkened. Her eyes were turned red.

"I know what you did at April's birthday party!" Mia was talking confidently.

"He was a very good friend of mine and you broke us apart!" she said further.

Gyuri started to walk towards her.

"You knew that we were getting along well and that's why you came in between us!"

"Hahahahahaha...…" Gyuri's laughter got filled in the air.

Mia was looking at her, laughing like that. 'She is laughing like a witch…..' The thought crossed her mind.

"..Mia...Your choices are weird…" Gyuri finished laughing.

"You know what… At first, I didn't like him at all! He was really weird! No one would fall for a guy like that. I don't know how a girl like you liked him…" She smirked.

"I would be honest with you, at April's party, I was just trying to push him away from you as I didn't want anyone to be your best friend beside me….You know, the same reason for Hana's case…"

Gyuri started walking around Mia, as she was talking.

"…At that time, I didn't have any intention to fall for him…But...

Before the school got started, I met him once more. At Joy Park!"

"Joy Park?" Mia looked at her.

"Yep! You were not in the city at that time, you were at your Nana's…."

Mia lowered her head.

"So…Ray…My sweet pie was coming there every day to talk with you…to apologize to you!

But you never came.

Else, I met him there first! And boy, he was completely changed!

If you would have looked at him, his perfectly fit body, shining in his own sweat like that, you would have probably gone crazy!

Just like me!"

Mia again looked up at her. Her eyes were moistened. 'He came there for me?'

"That's right, girl. That was the time when I fell for him. He took me home on his bicycle. Those 20 minutes were the most romantic minutes of my life!"

Mia was quietly listening to all this.

"I wanted him so bad that I had to erase you from his mind!

That was a bit difficult at the start, but he fell for it. Soon he trusted me more than you!"

A teardrop fell down on the ground from Mia's eyes.

"And at the end, after trying for sooo many times, I played my last ball. The thing about you harming me.

And the next thing that happened was - He Was My Boyfriend!!!"

Gyuri smiled, her eyes sparkled in the feeling of victory.

"And Mia, you or anyone else, no one can do anything about it!

You like him?! No use! He is mine now!"

"You are going to pay for this!" Mia said as she glared at her.

"Hahaha…You are so funny Mia….

How's that gonna happen, by the way? Are YOU gonna tell him?"


"That's right. You shouldn't do it. Cause he doesn't believe you. He has trust in my words only.

And I am not stupid, to tell him all this, right?"

Mia didn't respond.

"By the way, it was a nice talk with you. I feel so light and fresh now, as I've talked about these things.

Thanks, Mia."

Gyuri turned back and started to walk away.

"So guys, this was not a stunt or any prank. Whatever you heard right now is the truth!"

Gyuri turned back and saw that Mia was talking on the phone.

"Don't trust people so badly, that they will stab you in the back one day!

Have a nice day, everyone."

And Mia hung up on the phone.

The mission was a success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you liked it!!!!!!

This was the longest chapter till date....

Comment down, what you feel about it!!

And like I always say........Stay tuned!

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