
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

It was not a Complete Loss after all!

"Do Jun?" The man wearing a hat spoke first as he came towards them.

"Yes?" Jun asked.

"I have been looking for you everywhere."

Jun looked at the man being puzzled and then he looked at his friends.

"How can I help you?" Jun asked politely.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't introduce myself properly. I am Kim WooSeok." And with those words he brought out a card from the inner pocket of his jacket and then he held it before Jun.

Taking it in his hands hesitantly, he read the text. " Kim WooSeok. PSB Company."

"Yes. I am from PSB. And I—"

"Eeeee…" Suddenly So Hee's loud scream made everyone jump in surprise.

But she kept screaming, "PSB!!! It's PSB!!! One of the biggest music companies of Korea!!!!" So Hee couldn't hide her excitement as she got, who the man was.

"What?" Jun looked at the man in surprise.

"Yes." The man said calmly. "And Do Jun, I am here to talk with you as my boss ordered me to do so."

"Your boss?" April asked.

"The judge, who was sitting in the middle, Mr. Shin Jae Ho." The man answered.

"Ohh…." Jun remembered the judge, with the big glasses who was really strict looking and was kind of seemed scary to him.

"But, what does he want from Jun?" Ray, who was quiet for all this time couldn't understand where the conversation was going.

"Let me explain." The man took off his hat, showing his completely bald head. Wiping his head with a handkerchief he spoke further. "We saw Do Jun's performance in today's contest. And my boss loved him."

"Really?!!" Mia exclaimed in happiness.

"Yes. His vocals are beautiful; his guitar skills are also nice. It really impressed my boss."

"But…But I didn't win the contest." Jun said.

"Yeah…Because though you have talent, you also have lack of confidence. That's what my boss said."

Understandingly, Jun nodded his head slightly.

"But this is not an irreplaceable flaw. I mean, he can totally overcome it.

And for that, our boss wants him to give auditions." The man finally spoke his purpose.

"Auditions??" So Hee screamed.

"Yes. We have auditions every six months. If you pass them, we'll take you in as a trainee. You'll be trained for everything. Singing, dancing, speaking different languages and also Personality Development. This helps you to be a better artist."

Everyone was listening to the man silently, no one spoke a word.

His words made Jun think.

"We'll be having our next auditions in the month of January. So my boss wants me to tell you that, if you are interested, you can come and give it a try."

Jun looked at the man, he was really talking sincerely. But he couldn't understand what to say. "Uh..Umm…." He kept hesitating.

"Yes!!" Mia spoke up suddenly. "Don't worry sir. He will be there for sure!" She said.

"That's good miss." The man said to her with a smile and then he looked at Jun, who was still looking a bit confused.

"There is a lot of time to think. Don't be burdened. It's just an audition."

"This sounds great to me, Jun!" Ray exclaimed.

But Jun, who was uncertain, kept his silence.

"Give it a thought." The man said putting his hat on his head. "We hope to see you there." And with those words, the man turned back and walked away from there.

Everyone kept looking at his figure from the back till he disappeared.

"Junaaa!!!" Mia exclaimed. "Can you believe this?" She said shaking him hard.

"The PSB Company wants you to audition for them!!" Ray also joined her.

"It's superb!!" April said.

"I didn't think he was that talented. Now, I want to see him play once. I really wanna see if he is worthy of it."

"So Hee…" April said with a scolding tone.

"He is surely talented. Otherwise, why those people would come to him?" Ye Rin said.

"I also want to see him sing now." Hana said smiling.

Everyone was so excited and happy.

"This day was not a bad day after all." Ray said putting his arm around Jun's neck. "Let's celebrate this moment. An Ice-cream treat. On me!" He said dragging Jun with him.

"Yeahh…." The girls screamed as they all started walking out from the ground.


"Jun?" Mia knocked on his room's door before opening it.

She found Jun sitting at the window, looking outside, thinking of something very deeply.

"Jun?" She again called his name but he seemed lost in his thoughts.

So she entered the room and went towards him. Putting a hand on his shoulder she asked, "Jun? You okay?"

"Huh?" He snapped out from his thoughts and looked behind in surprise. "Oh! Mia!" He said.

"Are you okay Junaa?" She asked concerned.

"Huh…Yeah yeah…I'm fine…I was just..thinking about something.." He answered.

"I know…You've been like this, since we met that man. Ray and I, tried to cheer you up for all this time, but you didn't speak much. What's wrong?"


"Nothing? What do you mean nothing? I know something is wrong."

Jun sighed out loudly.

"Tell me. Maybe I could help."

Jun didn't speak anything.

"Ha!" Mia said as she remembered something. "I know the perfect place for this conversation."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jun asked puzzled.

"Don't say anything and just come with me." And she pulled him up.


"Let's go." With those words she dragged him out from his room and walked towards the end of the small corridor outside their rooms.

And she stopped at the very end.

"This is a dead end. Where are you taking me?" Jun asked with a bit frustrated tone.

"We can't go further but we can go up." And she pointed a finger upwards.

"Huh?" Jun looked above at the ceiling.


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