
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

His weird compliment......

Gyuri saw Mia running towards her with one hand kept on her forehead.

"Hey, Mia.....what's wrong? what happened to your forehead? Remove your hand. Let me see."

There was a small bump on Mia's forehead. "Aw, what is this? Did you bump into something?",Gyuri asked worriedly.

As soon as Mia heard her question, she remembered the moment when she almost bumped into Ray. And all that incident made her blush. Looking at her red face Gyuri said, " I knew something was wrong with you. Your face is so red. Do you have a fever?", saying this she touched Mia's forehead. "It doesn't look like you have any. But we must do something about that bump.....Let's go to the nurse's office."

Gyuri took her hand and they headed towards the nurse's office.

"What is wrong with you today? The Mia I know, doesn't act so carelessly. Before, you were spacing out, then you forgot things and now you've come to me with a bump on your forehead....Oh my....what do I do with this girl...", Gyuri was going on scolding. She seemed worried more than angry.

But Mia's mind was not in the right place. She wasn't even listening to it.

The memory of the incident, which had happened before was going on and on in her mind.



When both of them returned to the classroom, the class had already started.

They quietly headed to their seats.

Mia went to hers keeping her head down so that no one could see her face.

As soon as Mia sat down, Ray whispered, "Hey, Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

Mia shook her head. And looked in the front trying to pay attention to the teacher.

Ray got up from his seat slightly and leaned forward to see her forehead. There was a white, circular bandage right on the middle of her forehead.

"Pffftttt.....Hahahahaha", Ray burst into laughing. Everyone in the classroom including teacher looked back at them. Min Anha, who was sitting at the left to Ray threw an annoyed look at him.

Mia lowered her head with embarrassment.

Ray stopped laughing when he noticed that everyone in the classroom was staring him.

He stood up immediately and said, "Sorry....teacher..."

Teacher said," It's okay. Sit down." And he started teaching again.

Ray sat down. Now he wasn't laughing but giggling.

Mia was feeling so embarrassed, that she kept her head down on the table and closed her eyes tightly.

'Ughhh....Do I look that funny?....Why is he laughing so much....I had told Gyuri that there is no need for this stupid bandage.....I must be looking like a fool....'. She was getting angry.

After some minutes, when Ray controlled his laughter. "Hey.....psssttt....are you listening?"


"I'm sorry that I laughed. But you know what....You look like a One-Horned Baby Rhino to me..."

He giggled again.

Mia was really angry now. 'Did he just call me a Rhino?....A RHINO????'.

She looked at him furiously. And noticed that his eyes were filled with tears because of laughing. She was about to say something to him but..

Before she could say even a word , Ray added, "I like baby Rhinos. They are cute!"

Hearing his words, Mia's temper dropped down the next instant.

The face of her, which was red because of anger was now red because of blushing!

She quickly looked away to hide it.

Clenching her fists tightly which were on her laps, she bit her lips slightly.

'What is wrong with him?.....Who complements someone by saying that they look like a Rhino?'

"...Weirdo....", she murmured without letting him hear.

This is the first proper interaction between our Mia and Ray.

Cute? Right?

More of such cute interactions coming ahead.

Stay tuned!

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