
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Here Starts the Ride!

As per the plan, Mia along with Jun and the boys were waiting at the entrance of the café at 7 o' clock in the morning.

Everyone was excited, especially the boys as it was a well-waited holiday for them after months of training.

Tae Won and Chan Woo were going through the lists for the last time.



"Swimming shorts?"




"Extra underwears?"


"Guyss!!!" Mu Yeol stopped them being embarrassed as he looked at Mia.

She laughed, "Its' fine guys, go ahead. I'm kind of used to it…Hehe…"And she looked at Jun from the corner of her eyes.

He quickly looked the other way, "Hey, is that Ray?" He changed the topic as he saw a silver shining car approaching them.

"No no…It's not his car—" Mia stopped talking as that car stopped right in front of them.

Everyone bent down trying to look who's inside and then only the roof of the car swiftly went back and opened.

Dae Won and Chan Woo's jaws had dropped down at the ground.

"Good morning, all!" Ray smiled as he pulled down his sunglasses.


"Awesome car, dude!!" Chan Woo exclaimed.

"Thank you boys! Come on hop in!"

"Wait wait wait…" Mia interrupted. "We were going by train, right?"

"Yeah, we were…" Ray said. "But the plan got changed last minute."

"What do you mean?" Jun asked.

"Well, So Hee called me last night. She told me to bring the car, we'll go by car. I couldn't tell you all because it was very late. Sorry guy…"

"Sorry for what?" Dae Won said.

"Yeah, we should actually say thank you for such a cool ride." Chan Woo said.

"It's good that you liked it!" Ray smiled.

"Liked? We loved it!" Dae Won said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Come on!"

Dae Won and Chan Woo looked at each other and jumped in the back- seat.

"Sweet!!!" Both of them high-fived.

Mu Yeol glared at them because of their behavior. He was going to say something, but Jun held him back. "Let them be…" He whispered.

"That's the spirit!" Ray said as he saw both the guys' enthusiasm.

"But Ray…" Mia said. "What about others? How everyone's gonna fit in—"

Just when she was asking that question, she heard screams from a distance, calling for her name, "MIAAAAA!!!!!"

And they all saw an open jeep driving towards them, with So Hee behind the wheel with Ye Rin beside her. April and Hana standing in the back, shouting Mia's name.

As soon as So Hee stopped it, April and Hana jumped out from the back and ran towards her to hug her.

"I'm so happy to see you again!!" April grabbed her tighter.

"Aww!! Me too guys!!"

Everyone was smiling ear to ear.

"Not without me…" So Hee said as she also came into the hug followed by Ye Rin.

"I missed you all!!" Hana said.

They let go off of the hug and looked at the guys.

"It's so refreshing to see all these girls together, isn't it Juna?" Ray said.

"Yeah, totally!"

"Hey Jun!!" April smiled at him, tucking her hair behind her ears.


"You have dyed your hair?" She asked looking at his dark-brown hair.

"Oh…Umm…Yeah…We kinda had too…" He said as he brushed them back with his hands.

"Looks nice!" She smiled again, "It's been a while, isn't it?"

"Yeah…Almost 3 years now…" He said.

She looked down shyly.

"Ahem ahem!" So Hee interrupted, "He is not the only one we are seeing after 3 years. Ray is also back after years!"

And then turning back towards Ray, she waved at him, "Hi Ray! How are you?" She asked walking towards his car.

"I am good." He said.

"Ooo! What do we have here?" She looked at the car as she took off her sunglasses. "Nice car!"

"Well, it's nothing in front of the devil you have brought!" He said looking at her Jeep.

"Yeah I know!" She chuckled proudly.

"That is the reason she changed the plans on the last minute!" Ye Rin commented.

"Yeah I got that…" Ray said laughing.

As these all were talking, Dae Won, Chan Woo and Mu Yeol had gone awkwardly silent.

April noticed it, "So… who we have here?" She asked to Mu Yeol as she walked towards him and stretched her arm for a hand-shake, "I am April!" She smiled.

"Uh..Umm…I am Mu Yeol…" He answered as he shook hands with her.

"And you too must be Tae Won and Chan Woo, right?" Ye Rin said looking at the two guys who were sitting in the back-seats of Ray's car.

"Hey!!" Both of them greeted.

"Mia told us about you all…" Hana said.

"Nice to meet you! This is So Hee, Ye Rin and Hana!" April pointed at each girl and introduced them, both the guys smiled shyly.

"So now, as everyone has met everyone, I think we should start out journey I guess." Jun said looking at the time.

"Yeah totally!"

"Let's go!"

"So who's gonna sit where?" Mia asked.

"Jun, come with us in the back!" April said.

"Ohkay!" Jun agreed.

"And Mia or Mu Yeol, one of you two can come there." So Hee said.

The passenger seat in Ray's car was empty.

Mia looked at Jun and then at Ray.

"Mia, go ahead…" Jun said. "Sit with Ray, Mu Yeol and I will go with the girls."

"Oh…Umm…." She hesitated.

"Come on, Mia!" Ray called her.

"…Yeah…Coming." And she went to sit with him.

While all were getting seated, Dae Won and Chan Woo looked at each other, 'We should have waited…' Both were thinking the same thing. Firstly because So Hee's ride was way cooler and Mu Yeol and Jun, the most uninterested guys were surrounded by girls.


Something interesting's on it's way.....

I hope you guys are ready!

dokooocreators' thoughts