
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Gyuri's Miserable School life...

From the broadcasting incident, Gyuri's life had become miserable.

As the whole school got to know her evil and cunning side, everyone started talking about her on her face.

Whenever she walked by, she would hear others talking about her and passing mean comments.

"Hey look, there comes that witch…."

"You know how she treated her best friend, right?"

"That b** is the one, who framed an innocent girl…"

"People like her should burn in hell…."

"How can she still come to the school?....Shameless!!!"

"She also stole the most handsome guy of the class, by tricking him too!"

"That wench…"


Some would stick a note on her back saying, "Yess! I am a witch! I trick my friends!" or a picture of a weird, ugly creature. And she wouldn't notice until, people burst into laughter, pointing at her.

Her notebooks would go missing, and when she would get them back, they were filled with mean comments and ugly pictures.

At lunchtime, whenever she tried to go and sit with people, they would never allow her to sit with them, and else they just insulted her.

Gyuri was getting really angry and she started throwing tantrums, but no one ever paid attention to her.

Not even Ray.

She tried talking to him several times, but he never turned back whenever she called his name.

They were sitting next to each other in the classroom but he wouldn't even look at her.


"Go Gyuri!" Suddenly an angry voice echoed through the hallways.

Gyuri stood stiff as she heard the voice. She turned back and saw the principal standing in front of her holding his hands.

"Y-Yes, sir?"

"To my office. Right now!"

Looking at his furious eyes, Gyuri's face turned pale.

"Y-Yes, sir!"

And following the principal, Gyuri started walking towards his office.

Everyone in the hallway was looking at them while whispering something in between.

While Hana, So Hee, April, and Ye Rin, all were looking at this from a distance.

"Wow! Someone's in trouble..." So Hee was happy to see this.

"Yeah, I've never seen our Principal this angry," April said.

"But why did he take Gyuri with him? What must have happened?" Hana asked.

All the three girls looked at Ye Rin who was leaning on the wall.

With a confident smile, Ye Rin came forward.

"Someone told the principal that the person, who did that broadcasting, was Gyuri!"


So Hee, April and Hana's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yep! And they even told him that she was confessing!"


"…Which is a half-truth actually. She did confess….but the confession was not the "romantic" one!" Ye Rin said with a smirk.

"Awesome!" exclaimed So Hee.

Her face was shining as she was really excited to hear this.

Hana and April exchanged glances and giggled.

"Do you know who did this? I really would like to thank that person." So Hee said.

"Ray's fan club!"

"Huh?" Hana was the only one who was surprised to hear this.

"He's got a fan club?" She asked.

"Do you really attend our school? How are you not aware of anything?" So Hee said sarcastically.

Hana pouted.

Looking at her face, April answered, "It's not a real fan club, Hana. They are just a group of girls, who has a crush on Ray. You know the girls who tried to bully Mia? Those are these."


"I should meet their leader, I guess. I would thank her personally." So Hee decided.

"Okay then, girls. See you later." Ye Rin said.

"Hey, where are you going?" April asked.

"To the broadcasting club."

"Huh? But you never liked it right?" April was confused.

"Yeah. You didn't go for the whole year." So Hee confirmed.

"I think, I never gave it a second thought. It is not that boring, as I thought it would be."

"Are there any handsome guys there?" So Hee asked excitedly.

"Umm….I wouldn't say handsome...Cute maybe? Like a baby? Soft and fragile!"

So Hee and April looked at her confused.

"Bye, then." With these words, Ye Rin walked away keeping her friends puzzled.

"What is wrong with her?" So Hee asked, while Hana and April just shrugged their shoulders.


"To all the teachers of class - 3, Principal Sir wants to bring the students of your class to the assembly hall, in 5 minutes."

As this got broadcasted, every teacher started hurrying to get the students out of the class.

"Why did Principal call us?"

"What it must be?"

"I don't know…"

"Let's see…"


Soon everyone gathered in the hall. Principal was standing on the stage with a mic in his hands.

Everyone was confused. No one had an idea, what was going to happen.

As they stood in line with their classes, Mia noticed that Ray was standing right next to her. She slowly took a step to the opposite side making a little gap in between them.

"Students!" Principal's heavy voice echoed through the hall.

"We all know what happened last week. The broadcasting incident."

On these words, students started whispering.

"No one is allowed to do such things in our school. This is against our school's rules and it is not accepted if any student uses our school's property to do such hideous things!

A confession on broadcasting? Are you guys watching too many dramas these days?"

So Hee and April who were standing next to each other, giggled.

While Mia was thinking, 'Did he get to know, who did all this?' Her expressions were frowned.

Ray noticed it.

"Go Gyuri!" Principal called out. "Come to the front!"

With heavy steps, Gyuri came out from the crowd and stood in front.

"This is the girl, who broke the rules!"

'Huh? Gyuri?' Mia's eyes widened.

The principal continued talking, "Some girls told me her name, so I called her to my office. But she kept saying that she was not the only one who was there.

So? Who else was with her? Come forward."

On this, the hall went into pin-drop silence.

No one said a word.

While, Mia was getting a bit upset, 'Who told her name to the principal?

She was not the one, who did that….It was our doing…

Is it okay if I stay quiet? Isn't it bad, that she'll be the only one, who'll be punished?

Should I not say anything? Or should I admit that I did it?'

Mia's head was down and her fists were clenched.

Her whole body was shivering.

"So? No one's gonna admit anything?" Principal asked as he was looking everywhere, at everyone in the hall.

Mia started to raise her hand up. 'I should admit it! It's not good if I stay quiet. I won't take other's name. I would just admit that I was with her. Yeah! That's it!'

Suddenly, Ray grabbed her hand and took it down.


She looked at him shocked. He was looking right into her eyes.

He shook his head sideways telling her not to do it.

Mia looked in the front, at the principal, at Gyuri who was standing there with her head down, then she looked at Ray who was looking at her concerned.

"Please….Don't do it…." He whispered.

'But…But it's not right….' She thought to herself as she looked in front again.

Taking a deep breath, she quietly raised her other hand which Ray was not holding.

As she opened her mouth to talk,

"I did it, sir! I was with Gyuri!" Ray's voice was echoing in the hall.

Mia looked at him with shock. Everyone in the hall turned back to look at him.

The principle pushed up his glasses to look clearly.

"Who is it? Come forward." He said.

As Ray took a step,

"Sir!" Suddenly, So Hee spoke up. "I was also with two of them!"

Now, everyone turned their head towards her. The Principal too.

"Me too!" April raised her hand.

Hana and Ye Rin also raised their hands at the same time.

Soon, one by one students started raising their hands saying, "Me too!"

Mia couldn't understand what to do. Everything was going so fast, that she was just turning head to the direction from where she heard, "Me too!"

The principal and the teachers were also confused by all this.

Nearly every student from class – 3 was raising their hands.

"What is all this? Are you all playing prank on us?" Principal said with a furious tone.

"Tell me the truth! Who were really in this? If you tell me then I won't punish you.

But if you all stay like this, everyone will have to go through a punishment!"

Though, not a single hand came down!

Looking at all this, Mia took a deep breath and started walking towards the front.

"Wait.." Ray called but she didn't stop.

Coming to the front, before the principal, she stopped.

"Oh, Lee Mia!" Principal exclaimed.

"So you are here to tell me the names. Very good!

Look at her. Such a good girl."

Everyone was looking at her concerned; they knew what she was doing.

Mia bowed down to 90 degrees. "Sir! I am the one who did it!"


All the teachers and principal were shocked by all this.

"Are you…Are you telling the truth?" Principal asked. He couldn't believe that a girl like her would do this.

Mia looked up. "Yes, sir! My classmates are just trying to save me, but I don't want them to get punished because of me."

Mia bowed down again. "I am sorry, sir!"

The Principal was really surprised by all this.

Turning back towards the students, she bowed down, "Thank you…."

And then she looked at Principal again waiting for his orders.

The principal cleared his throat. "Okay. Lee Mia, you have admitted it. Go Gyuri and Lee Mia; bring your parents, to the office, tomorrow!"

Mia nodded while Gyuri didn't move.

"No, wait…" So Hee shouted.




Everyone started calling him. That made a lot chaos in the hall. Teacher started shushing students, but no one was listening.

The principal didn't say a word and came down the stage.

Looking at Mia once, he sighed and walked out from the hall.


The next day, the parents of both the girls came to the school.

Principal and Gyuri's parents scolded her a lot.

But Mia's parents couldn't believe that their girl would do such thing, would break rules, or use the school's property for such reasons.

They just kept looking at her with concerned eyes while the Principal was talking.

Mia stood there with her head down. 'I am sorry Mommy and Papa…..I can't explain anything….I am just sorry that you had to see this....'


After that, when Mia's parents went home, Mia was standing in the hallway, at the window. Alone.

"Mia?" A worried voice called her name.

She recognized it. It was Ray.

Without saying a word or even looking at him, she turned back and just passed by him.

"Mia? Wait!" He called but she didn't stop.

Completely ignoring his existence, she entered her classroom with heavy steps.


What do you think of these turn of events?

How will it affect Mia?




Stay tuned!

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