
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Fighting with Seniors!


Ray's hard punch, right on the guy's face threw him on the floor.

The guy didn't understand what just happened. He tried to look at the person standing before him, but he couldn't, as his vision was blurred. He felt pain in his jaw. Something drooled down from his mouth; he touched his lips and tried to look.

"B-Blood?" He said as he saw something red on his fingertips.

Ray was standing there, glaring at him furiously.

The guy's friends were also really shocked and stunned, but when they saw blood drooling down their friend's mouth, they came back to their senses.

"HEY!" One of them screamed at Ray. "How dare you punch my friend?"

Ray just turned his head towards them, his eyes were spilling fire.

"Hey, eyes down!" Other one said but Ray didn't even blink. "I said eyes down!!!"

Still no movement.

"Ha? You think you've got guts to look at us like that? Now let's see how you take this." And with those words the guy ran towards Ray, "Ughhhh...Yaaa..." Screaming hard he charged on Ray with a tight fist.

Taking a step back, Ray dodged the punch swiftly. And swirling around himself, he kicked the guy in his thigh. Screaming in pain, that guy bent down and came on his knees.

While Ray was dealing with him suddenly, one of the remaining guys, attacked him from the back.

But, before he could even touch Ray, Jun jumped on him. Both of them fell down on the ground.

"It's not fair to attack from the back, you know?" Jun said with a smirk.


"Hey, Kim Ray and Do Jun are fighting with the seniors!!" Someone shouted standing in the class's door.

"What?" As soon as Mia heard it, she got up from her seat. April, So Hee, who were sitting with her, were also shocked to hear that.

Without waiting for anyone, Mia ran out from the class room. April and So Hee followed her.

When they came in to the hallway, they saw that at the very end crowd was gathered.

Mia ran towards it. Breaking through the crowd she came into the front.

She couldn't believe the scene before her eyes.

Jun was sitting on a guy's stomach. Both of them were holding each other's collars tightly.

Losing his one hand from the collar, he aimed at the guy's nose and punched hard.

"Aaaa…" The guy screamed and leaving Jun's collar, he held his broken nose with both of his hands.

While on the other side, a guy was holding Ray from back, locking both of his arms with Ray's shoulders. Ray was trying to escape but he was held strongly.

And in front of him, a blood mouthed guy was standing, looking at him furiously.

"Now you'll feel the real pain!" and saying that, he punched Ray right on his face, just like he had done.

Ray spat some blood and looked at the guy. "That's it?"

The guy started laughing on his words, his bloody teeth and swollen face made him look scarier.

He suddenly stopped laughing and pounded some punches in Ray's gut.

Ray clenched his teeth, trying to endure the pain.

"STOP!!" Mia screamed. But no one paid attention to her. She looked at other people. "Please somebody stop this…" She said, but no one was enough courageous to go in front and stop them. So Hee and April also came in front and stood beside her. Looking at the fight, no one could understand what to do.

"We….We should do something…." April said. She was really afraid to see all this.

"…But….What?" So Hee said as she looked at the guy punching Ray, with frightened eyes.

Jun looked up and saw that his friend was getting beaten, he quickly got up to save his friend, but suddenly he felt something in his stomach, really painful.

The fourth guy had kicked him in the gut and Jun was thrown on to the wall.

"How do you feel now?" The bloody mouthed guy said coming in front of Ray's face.

"Hm!" Ray smirked. And before the guy could understand anything, he hit that guy's head with his.


He stepped back holding his head, Ray kicked the guy in the back. Picking him up from his arms, he flipped him. The guy fell down on his back in Ray's feet.

Ray turned to the bloody mouthed guy.

While, Jun had pinned one of the guys to the wall, grabbing him to his neck tightly.

This all was happening so fast that Mia couldn't understand what to do.

"Jun!! Ray!!! Stop!!!" She was calling them but they were not into the situation to hear anything from anyone.

Suddenly, a tall figure came out from the crowd.

"STOOOOOPPPPP!!!!!!" A very loud, strong voice of a female made everyone stop what they were doing at instant. Ray and Jun stopped in their ways, the guys and the other students surrounding them looked in the direction.

And there was standing the president of the Student Council, Ryu DaEun.

Coming in front with angry steps, she went towards the bloody mouthed guy. Ray got a step back from him.

"NamSik! You again?" She said angrily.

On those words, the guy really got frightened, "I…I didn't do anything…" He said.

The president came in front of his face and held his collar.

"I am telling the truth. He started it….He hit me first…Really…" He was shivering in fear.

The president narrowed her eyes. Then she looked at Ray.

Ray was panting; he wiped the blood from his mouth with back of his palm.

The president left his collar with a slight push. Then moving towards his friend she said, "I know four of you really well. Why would he hit you for no reason?"

The guy in her front didn't say anything. Bringing her hand towards his forehead, she flicked.

"Ow!" The guy held his forehead.

"You must have done something or said something. Otherwise why he'd hit you?"

Sighing to herself she murmured, "On the last day before the summer holidays...I am sick of these bast***s…"

"Hey, what's going on here?" Suddenly a teacher came out from the crowd.

"I heard a fight's going on here…What's happening?... President?"

"Don't worry teacher. Everything is under control now. Right, boys?"

"Y-Yes teacher…" All the four guys said hurriedly.

"Alright!" And she laughed.

"Take care of this mess, DaEun. As always." Nodding and leaving everything on her, teacher went.

"You two.." She was talking to Ray and Jun. "…You okay?"

Jun nodded. While Ray was standing still with his head down.

"You…What's your name?" He looked up. "…Ray…." He said.

"Right, Ray. You are bleeding. So….Umm….You!" She pointed at a person standing in the front, worried, "…Umm….Mia? Right?"

Mia looked at her surprised. "Huh?"

"Yeah. Lee Mia. Get this guy to the Nurse's office." She ordered.

"Y-Yes!" Mia quickly went towards Ray.

"…All six of you, meet me after school! And you four!! Come with me right now!!!"

She ordered and those four exchanged glances with each other in fear.

"Everyone else! Back to your classes, right now!!" She shouted.


"You…okay??" Mia asked as she was walking with Ray towards Nurse's office.

His arm was wrapped around her neck.

Ray looked at her; her eyes were filled with worry.

"Don't worry…I am fine…." He said.

"Are you sure?"

Ray smiled weakly. "Hmm…."


She seated him on the bed in nurse's office.

"Now…where is the first aid box…?" She talked to herself as she searched for it.

As she found the box she came to Ray and sat beside him.

He was really quiet.

"What happened?" She asked. "You look…worried…."

Ray looked at her. "I am worried…"

"Why? What happened? Did they hit you really hard? Is it painful?"

"Slow down…slow down…" He said smiling. "It's just that…I am worried about my football coach…"


"He'd kill me if he'll get to know that I had a fight. A couple of weeks before our match!! Hehe..." He laughed goofily scratching back of his head.

"It's good then! He must scold you!" Mia said folding her hands.

"Huh? You too?" Ray said confused.

"Who told you to fight? And with the seniors? Are you two crazy?"

Mia opened the first aid box. "You two are really something…I donno what I'm gonna do with you…"

She said plucking some of the cotton. "Let me meet Jun…I'm gonna hit him really hard!"

"Haha…" Ray laughed. "Don't hit him, okay? He is my best bud!!"


Bringing her hand towards his face, she started wiping the blood from his chin and his lips.

Carefully and gently.

Mia was fully concentrated on her work, while Ray was just sitting there, staring at her face from that close.

His ears turned red; his heart started pounding really fast.

The stinging feeling of the wound on his chin or the pain in the stomach; He forgot everything. All the things which happened, nothing was in his mind right now.

The only person in his thoughts, was sitting right before him. With a concerned look in her eyes.

Mia cleaned the small wound below his lips with the antiseptic and got the cream out from the box.

Putting it on the cotton she started applying it.

'…She is so close to me...Her face…Her eyes..Her lips…The bangs resting on her cheek....Oh God! Why do I always feel this way whenever she's so close to me?

My heart just goes super crazy....Out of control!'

Ray's cheeks started turning red.

'Mia....You are the only person, who has been with me and who has always thought good of me....I was a jerk but still you forgave me so easily...I couldn't apologize you more....nor thanked you enough for that!!!

You are the one who changed me...in a good way...

You are the reason that makes me wish to end the night as soon as possible, so that the next day will rise, and I'll get to see your face again.....!!'

His eyes softened as he was looking at her.

'Does this mean I am in love with you?...'

"By the way…" Mia talked suddenly.

"Huh? What? Huh?" He startled.

"Why are you so surprised?" Mia looked at him confused.

"..N-Nothing…" Ray swallowed and looked at the other side, avoiding eye contact with her.

"I was gonna ask that, why did you guys fight with the seniors?"


"Why did you fight? What had happened?" She asked again.

"Oh! The fight!!...Um…Nothing special…Hehe…"

"Nothing special? It looked like you'd have killed them!"

"No…No…It was just…normal….It was a guys' thing…Yeah a guys' thing!

It has nothing to do with you girls…"

"...Umm.…Ok-ay!" Mia frowned as she placed a bandage on his wound.

"So….Now you should take some rest…I'll go back to class…" She said getting up.

"When the nurse will come, tell her to do something about your stomach….Some painkillers or something….

And rest well. If you'll do that, you'll feel better." And she smiled at him.

"Don't forget you have a match to play!" And with those words Mia stepped out from the Nurse's office.

Ray lied down on the bed and placed one of his arms on his face.

'What were you thinking just now??...Have you lost your mind?...Get back to your senses, Ray!!!! Get back to your senses....'

Ray is denying his feelings for her...

Will he be able to accept that he really is in love with her?

What are your thoughts on this?

Let me know in comments down below....

Stay tuned lovers!!!

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