
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Dear old friend...

"Aunt, you sleep on Jina's bed, as she is not home today.

And Jun, you can sleep in the guest room which is beside Mia's room.", said Mia's mother.

"Oh, that little Jina. I wanted to see her too.", said grandma.

"Yes aunt, but she didn't know that you were coming today.

Besides, she will be coming there with Mia this break.

So you can meet her then."

"Hmm", grandma sighed.

Jun grabbed his bag and his guitar.

He went upstairs, towards the guest room.

On the way, he saw that Mia's room's door was open and the lights were on.

'I thought she's asleep…'

"Mia…", he called before peeking into the room.

"Yeah?", Mia answered as she was arranging the pillows of Jina's bed.

And then she turned back and saw Jun standing in the door.

"I was making bed for grandma.

See, Jina doesn't even arrange her things neatly. Her plushies are scattered all over the bed.", Mia said in a complaining tone and continued cleaning Jina's bed.

Jun didn't react and looked at Mia's bed.

It was neat and tidy.

Beside the bed, there was a big book shelf completely packed with books.

On the table, there were more books.

The pin board was full with small notes on which formulae and important points were noted.

On the wall behind the bed, there were some paintings made by her.

From the ceiling, origami swans were hanging down till the table lamp.

There were also some origami roses on the table.

'So, this is how her room looks like…..

As expected….', he smiled.

"Why are you standing in the door?

Come inside.", Mia said while spreading the cover on the bed.

Jun entered her room and went towards the book shelf.

"Did you read all these books?"

Mia turned.

"Yeah. Now I am gonna buy some more books in these holidays."

"And what's with these birds and these roses?"

"I learned origami from one of Jina's friends.

Aren't they pretty?", said Mia as she came next to him.

Then she lifted a blue colored rose and said,

"Here, you can have this. As a small gift.", she said with a smile.

Jun looked at her suspiciously.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What do you want?", he asked.

"Huh? What do you mean, what do you want?

I am just giving my friend a rose. What's wrong in that?"

Jun didn't say anything but just lifted one of his eyebrows.

'Hehe....so he caught me....'

"Actually…..Will you play a song on your guitar, please?", Mia said smiling goofily.

"I knew, it was coming.", said Jun with cold eyes.

"Please, please.

It's okay, if you don't sing.

I know you don't like when someone hears you singing.

But at least you can play the song on the guitar.

Just one song.", Mia requested.

Jun stayed silent for couple of seconds.

As he was about to say something --

"What are you two doing?"

Both turned back and found grandma by the door.

"Oh, grandma. I was just telling Jun to–"

"I am going to sleep. I am tired.", Jun said hurriedly and went out of the room.

'What's wrong with him?', Mia thought.


"Good night, Mia."

"Good night, grandma."

Mia turned off the lights.

Lying on the bed she pulled over her blanket.

Some minutes passed, but she couldn't sleep.

"Umm…grandma….", she whispered.

But no one answered.

'Maybe she's asleep... She must be tired because of travelling...'

Mia closed her eyes.



Mia opened her eyes quickly as she heard the music.

A gentle, soft sound of guitar was spread in the air, within the quiet night.

'Is he…Is he playing the guitar?'

And she quickly got up.


'Yeah! It's Jun!

….And….is that my favourite song….?!'

A gentle smile appeared on her face.

She slowly lied down on her bed again.


'…..He is good...'

She didn't realize when she fell asleep with a soft smile on her face.



Next morning, Mia went to train station to send off grandma and Jun.

"Mia, come soon alright?

We are waiting for you."

"Yes, grandma.

Me and Jina, we'll be right there after our trip.", Mia said smiling gently.

Then she looked at Jun who was standing there quietly, looking down.


He looked up.

"Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For this surprise visit.

It really meant a lot to me."

"I told you, it wasn't for you...", said Jun looking to the other side.

Mia just smiled.

"And thanks for the song also..."

"Song?....W..What song?"

"My favourite song.

The song you played yesterday night, on your guitar!"

"What song Jun?

You played a song for Mia?", grandma interrupted their conversation.

A teasing smile was appeared on her face.

Jun hurriedly said,


The song was not for her.

I was just practicing a bit.

and I thought, you all slept so I just...."

"Okay. Okay.

We got it.", laughed grandma.

Looking at Jun's reaction Mia also smiled.

While the train came.

"Okay bye then, Mia.

Come soon.", said grandma and went on the train.

Jun didn't say anything.

He was just looking down. His ears were turned red in embarrassment.

"Take care of grandma.

We'll be there soon. Hm?", Mia said.

Then she tilted her head, trying to see his face.

Realizing this, he quickly turned back and without saying anything he went on the train.

The doors closed and the train started.

Through the glass window, grandma waved at Mia happily.

While Jun wasn't even looking at her.

Mia kept waving at them with a smile on her face.

She was happy for one reason.

Jun didn't say anything to her...

But when he turned back, she saw her origami blue rose, which she gave him yesterday, tied to his guitar case's zipper, hanging like a key chain.

'Oh, my dear old friend...you may act cold and stubborn…but I know you very well...

you are very special to me…..and always will be…..', Mia thought as she saw the train getting away from her sight.

Well....Keep Reading ;)

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