
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Christmas at Lee's (25/12/18)

The Christmas morning-

"Oh Mom, please look at this cake...

Do you think, it is done?", Mia asked worriedly as she took out the cake from the oven.

Her mother came and poked the cake with a knife to check it from inside.

"Perfect!", she exclaimed,

"Really? Thank god!", Mia relieved.

"I thought, I would never be able to do this."

"See, you can do it if you try…"

"Yeah…Hehe…", and she looked at the corner of the kitchen counter, where a burned cake and an uncooked batter of something were kept.

"I'll throw this out, now..", her mother laughed.


"Welcome Aunty!", Mia smiled happily.

"Oh, thank you, dear."

"Oh, Hello JiWoo. Merry Christmas!

You've grown up so much! Such a cutie!", and Mia took the small kid in her arms.

This was all about a Christmas party at Lee's.

All the family members were invited and Mia was busy welcoming everyone.

This was the first Christmas celebration after Mia came back from overseas and announced her marriage.


"Oh, Mia! You are looking so thin now. Are you dieting or something, for the wedding?"

"No sis. I am not.

Besides, he hates dieting!

He always tells me to eat healthily.", Mia said smiling.


"Ji Woo, Jino! Don't try to pull those bulbs from the Christmas tree!"


" Aunty, can I get you something?"


"Uncle, my father is calling you..."


"Oh little, Seo Yunaaa, Stop crying….

Your mother is coming, don't cry….don't cry…"


This was a lot chaotic.

The children were running, babies were crying, aunties and Mia's cousins were talking and laughing in the kitchen.

Men were in the living room and chatting on the sofa.

People were still coming.

Mia didn't even have any time to breathe.

She was really busy attending to everyone, looking at the kids, and welcoming whoever was coming.

Everyone was happy to meet all their family members after a very long time.

Great laughter and chatting voices filled the whole house.

After all, it was Christmas!!!!

'Now this feels like a real Christmas….I missed it for years!!!', Mia smiled.


"Mia?", called her mother from the kitchen.

"Yeah, Mom?", Mia entered the kitchen.

"Where is he?

He should have been here by the time. Don't you think?", said her mother as she looked at the clock.

"Ha? It's this late?

Why isn't he here yet?", Mia exclaimed looking at the time.

"Wait, I'll call him."

And Mia went in the balcony, to call him.

~ ~ The person you're trying to call is busy. Please try again later ~~

'It's engaged.'

Mia tried again, but then it was switched off.

"Why is it switched off?

Where are you?"


"What happened, Mia? Where is he?", her mother asked as she came into the kitchen.

"I don't know. His phone is switched off now."

"Don't worry Mia, he will come soon."

"Yeah, Nana..", Mia sighed.

"Oh, Mia!

We really wanted to see your 'soon to be' husband.", one of the aunts said.

"Yeah. We wanted to see the brave guy who's ready to endure you for his whole lifetime!!!", one of the cousins teased.

"Oh come on, sis..", Mia pouted.

Everyone in the room burst into laughter.


"Come on, Mia. Let's have dinner.

Everyone is waiting. Kids are getting hungry.", said Mia's mother standing in the balcony door.

"Mom, you guys go ahead."

"Yeah…But at least, come inside. It's so cold here.."

"Yeah….I'll try to call him again and then I'll come inside.

I'll eat when he'll be back."

Her mother went inside.

And she kept dialing his number on her phone.

'Where is he?

Why his phone is switched off?

He should have called me or at least messaged me if he was running late..'

Mia was walking to and fro on the balcony, worried.

It was really cold outside.

Warm steam was coming out from her mouth as she was breathing out.

She stopped and again dialed the number.

Suddenly, someone came from her back and hugged her gently.

Knowing who it is, Mia tried to get away.

"Why are you late?"

"Sorry….", he wrapped her in his long, big coat hugging her tightly.

'It feels so nice and warm….'

She thought but she was still a bit angry.


I've been calling you, for like an hour now, and you are saying sorry!"

"I am really sorry…", he said putting his chin on her shoulder.

"I also called you, but your phone was engaged.

And then my phone's battery was dead in no time…Sorry baby."

Mia looked at his face, which was resting on her shoulder.

She sighed and then turned around, still in his embrace.

Putting both of her hands around his neck she said,

"How can you have work on Christmas? Isn't it too much?"

"You know, how it works!"

"Hmm.", she nodded understandingly.

"Were you worried for your husband?", he said as he pulled her closer and looked into her eyes.

"..No! I wasn't!", she said looking to another side.

"What are you? A baby?

That I should be worried about you…"

He smiled at her teasingly.

"Oh, really?"

"..Y…Yeah….I mean, I was just calling because everyone was waiting for you…and….the kids were hungry..…and you didn't call me or even message me….and—"

He gave her a quick kiss to stop her talking.

Because of this sudden kiss, she looked at him with widened eyes.

But his gentle, loving eyes and soft smiling face made her heart skip a beat.

"Merry Christmas…", he whispered.

And as he was about to go for another kiss –


Both of them quickly turned around and saw Jina standing in the balcony door with her hands folded.

"Agh…..You again….!", he complained.

Mia laughed looking at his expressions.

"…Everyone is waiting for you, for the dinner.", she said coldly and turned back to go.

"Why do you kill the mood, always?

You do this on purpose, right?"

Without even turning back, Jina said with a smirk on her face, "Maybe!"

And she went inside.

He kept looking in the direction where Jina went,

"Did you see that?", he complained again.

Looking at this Mia couldn't help but laugh.

"…You two are really adorable!.....", she said.

As if remembering something he said,

"Yeah, and I've got the Santa costume also!

For the kids!"


"Let's have dinner first..."

And both of them entered inside.

This is the special 'Present' for Christmas!!!!!

Merry Christmas you guys!!!

Hope you are spending the Christmas with your loved ones, your family and your friends.

Stay happy!

Stay healthy!

Stay tuned!

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