
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

April's Birthday Party (3)


As soon as April entered the bathroom she heard Mia's loud voice.

Startled, she took some steps back.

The scene before her scared her.

Mia was standing in front of So Hee with her red eyes like they were spilling fire!

Her hands were trembling, a continuous flow of tears was flowing yet the anger in her eyes was undeniable.

So Hee was completely shocked with Mia's reaction.

No one talked for some seconds.

Mia was still glaring at So Hee and So Hee was now looking down at the floor.

April was just stunned in the door.


Couples of seconds passed.

"Umm…..Mia….?....Are…Are you okay?", April said with a very low tone.

She was a bit scared of Mia's appearance right now.

Hearing her voice, Mia looked at April.

Looking at her pale, frightened face, Mia came back to her senses.

She wiped her tears.

Then calming herself down, she turned to So Hee again.

"I thought, you were a nice girl, So Hee.

But I didn't know, you thought of others like this.

Now, what is the difference between you and those people who talk behind your back!?"

The cold voice of Mia pierced through So Hee's heart.

So Hee looked up, with her eyes filled with tears.

The ice-cold gaze of Mia made her whole body shiver.

"I didn't expect this from you!"

With these words, Mia gushed out of the bathroom with long and angry steps.


So Hee was still standing there like a rock. She didn't move at all.

It was like, Mia's gaze froze her in the place.

April came beside her.

"So Hee…Umm…Are you okay?....What happened?

Why was Mia so angry?....What did you say? Tell me!", April shook So Hee's shoulders.

But So Hee didn't say a single word.


"Where is So Hee?", Ye Rin asked to April.

"Um…I sent her home. She wasn't feeling well.", answered April.

Then she looked at Mia, who was standing by Gyuri silently.

Gyuri was eating, chatting and laughing but Mia was just standing there without saying a single word.

"Now, let's open the gifts.", April's mother caught everyone's attention.

"Yeah….", and April sat down to open the presents.

She started to open the gifts one by one.

Soon she forgot about the incident which had happened earlier.

She was happy again and thanking everyone for their gifts.

The atmosphere softened again.

Mia was now completely calmed down.

"..Now…..It's….Umm….From my dear brother, Ray!", April read the name on the box.

Hearing Ray's name, Mia realized, she hadn't seen him after the incident.

She looked everywhere, her eyes finding the familiar smiling, cheerful face of him.

She found him, standing beside the window, looking outside.

April took out the gift wrapper and opened the box.


She exclaimed happily.

"This….This is so cute!!!"

She looked at Ray who was looking at her.

"Ray? Did you get this for me? Really?

I mean, I can't believe this.

I thought, you'd give me a candy box again, like every year.

This is so cute! Thank you so much!

I loved it!!!", and she smiled at him happily.

Ray didn't say anything.

He looked at Mia and found that she was also looking at him with a smile.

'See? I told you, she'll love it!', she shrugged her shoulders and tilted her head.

And then smiled even wider.

But he didn't.

His eyes were cold and dark.

As soon as Mia smiled at him, he ignored it and again looked out of the window.

'Huh? What happened to him?'

Mia looked at him confused.

'Maybe he wasn't looking at me….', she convinced herself.

But after that also, Ray didn't say a word to her.

He didn't even come to talk with her.

And when she tried to approach him, he went elsewhere, avoiding her.

'Is something wrong with him?', she thought.

"Mia?", called Gyuri.


"You wanted to go home early, right?"

"Huh?....Oh yeah….I need to go early, I need to pack some things for tomorrow's trip!"

"Okay, then. Let's go."


Then both the girls, went to April, who was busy doing something.

"Umm, April?", Gyuri called for her.

"Yeah?", she turned back and as she saw Mia standing there, she didn't say anything further.

"We need to go early.

It was a great party.

Thanks for inviting us.", said Gyuri

April didn't say anything.

"Umm…April…I am sorry.", said Mia.

April looked at her shockingly.

Mia's eyes were warm and a feeling of apology can be seen in her eyes.

"I am sorry….that you had to see that side of me…I should have behaved….but…."

April smiled. She felt her sincerity.

"It's okay, Mia. Actually I was a bit shocked to see you like that.

But I am pretty sure, So Hee must have said something really terrible to make YOU angry."

Mia looked at April, surprised.

"Hm. I know, she acts really childish sometimes.

And when she is angry, she doesn't realize what she is saying.

But, that doesn't mean, she is bad.

She is just really stubborn sometimes.

I apologize to you on her behalf."

"Oh! No. No. Please don't.", Mia said hurriedly.

April smiled at her warmly.

"Now, we have to go.", said Mia.

"Oh, please don't. We are just about to start the games.

I am just arranging them. Why don't you stay for a bit?"

"I wish, we could. But we really have to go."

April didn't insist any further and nodded.

"Happy birthday once again!", Mia said with a smile and gave April a hug.

At first April was a bit startled but then she hugged her back.

Both the girls smiled at each other happily.

Saying goodbye, Mia and Gyuri left the party.

Before getting out of the door, Mia turned back.

She looked around.

But she didn't see the person she was searching for.

Her eyes saddened.

'I wish, I would have got to see his cheerful face, before I go.....

As I won't be able to see him for a while now…..'

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