
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

An Unexpected Call!

"Yayyy!!" Cho stretched her arms out. "Finally the exams are over…."

Mia who was walking beside her just smiled.

"Hey guys!" Aera came running towards them from the exam hall. "How was it?" she asked.

"It was good." Mia said as Cho also nodded.

"Wanna go out and eat?" Aera asked.

"Let's go!"

All three of them caught a bus and headed towards a restaurant they always wanted to try.

"I was craving to eat some spicy chicken wings for the whole month!" Aera said.

"If you would have said, we would have come here earlier." Cho said.

"Oh no! I don't eat anything spicy and oily before and during the exams or my stomach goes craaaazy."

They entered the restaurant and as they were heading towards a table, Mia saw a familiar figure near the counter.

"Here." He gave the money and took a huge bag from the counter.

As he turned back, to his surprise Mia was standing in front of him smiling.


"Oh!" He stepped back, startled. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I came here with my friends." She pointed towards the table where Cho and Aera were sitting. "Our exams ended today."

"Oh yeah, right."

Mia looked at the bag in his hands, "It seems like you are having a party!"

He held the bag in the front, "Well, kinda yeah."

"A party for what?" She asked.

"Today is a special day. Or rather I should say, tomorrow—"

'Ring Ring!'

"Wait a second." Mia said and took her phone.

"Hello, Ray.



Oh! That's great!

Cant' wait!

Yeah yeah.

I'll tell him. He is with me now.

No no. I ran into him at a restaurant.




She hung up and looked at Jun. "Great news, Juna!"

"Why? What happened?"

"It was Ray. He said that everyone is coming here on Sunday morning, for our reunion!"

"This Sunday? That's in 3 days."

"Yeah. Why? What happened? You can't come? I'll tell them to change the date if you can't."

"No no. Not like that. But I might have practice that morning, so is it okay if I come a little late…Not only me, but the guys too."

"No problem at all. You all coming is the most important thing. It's okay if you are late. And besides, they are here for the whole day, so don't worry."


She gave him a cold stare, "Since when we are so formal?"

"Hehe!" He laughed.

"Mia!" Cho's voice made both of them look back at the table.

"Come here fast. Our orders are here!" Aera was really excited. Mia waved at her.

"Enjoy your party Juna!" She said turning towards him.

"…Yeah." He smiled. "You too."

"Yep! Now go fast or it will get cold."

"Yeah." And he hurriedly went towards the door. 'Maybe I'll surprise her tomorrow." He thought to himself.

Mia came back to the table and sat down.

"Who was that cutie?" Cho asked. "Oh wait! Is he the one who sent you the music box?" She said excitedly.

"What music box?" Aera asked.

"The one which her first love sent her! Is he your first love, Mia?" Cho asked getting on the edge of her seat.

"No…." She said and looked at the door from where he went out. "He is not the one who sent me that music box. He is Jun. My bestest friend ever! Actually more than that. I don't think there is a title to name our relationship!" And a smile rested on her face.

"Oooh! Is he single?" Cho asked jokingly.

While Aera was thinking about something, "I don't know how, but he seems really familiar. Is he in our college?" She asked.

"No." Mia said.

"Oh well…I feel like I've seen him somewhere…"


'Bzz Zzz…..Bzz Zzz…Bzz Zzz… Bzz Zzz…'

The vibrations of the phone, made Jun change sides on his bed. His hand started searching for the phone.

When he somehow found it, he opened his heavy eyes and looked on the screen.

"Huh? Mia?"

Looking at Mia's name flashing on the screen his eyes opened wide in an instant.

'Why is she calling at this time?' He thought as he picked up the call.


"Ju…na…" After saying that only, she started crying.

He quickly sat up. "Mia? Mia? What's wrong?"

But she couldn't stop crying. Jun got scared hearing her cry. 'What happened to her? Why is she crying? Did something happen to her?'

He looked at the phone again; it was 4:38 in the morning.

"Mia? Mia?" He kept calling her name in a panicked voice. "What happened, Mia? Why are you crying?"


"Mia…Listen, Mia. I can't understand what you are saying. Will you calm down and tell me exactly what happened?" He tried to calm her down. Something was really wrong.

After several seconds, he could sense her crying going down.

"Now…Tell me…What happened?" He asked again.

"Juna….Mom called me, just now…."

"…At this time? Why?"

"…She and Jina…took Dad to the….to the hospital. He c-collapsed…"

"Oh god!"

"I don't know what to do…Juna…I wanna go see my father…" And she started crying again.

"Okay okay. We'll go right away. You come to the gate of your dorm. I'll come and pick you up. We both will go."


"Don't worry. He'll be fine. I'll come there in 15 minutes."

Both of them hung up on the phone.

Jun quickly grabbed whatever he could get and rushed out from his dorm.

On the other hand, Mia was sitting on her bed as Cho was sitting beside her, caressing her back. "Don't worry. Your father will be fine."

Mia wiped the tears and got up from her bed.

"You sure, you don't want me to come?" Cho asked.

Mia grabbed her coat, "No no…It's fine…Jun is coming…"

"Wait, I'll come with you till the gate." And saying that Cho also grabbed her coat and both of them stepped out from the dorm, under the street-lights, walking in a hurry.
