
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

A Surprise visit!

Mia entered her house with heavy steps.

"I am home…", she said with a tired voice.

'I didn't get to buy that music box….I really wanted it…..It was so beautiful….'

And she sighed.

"You shouldn't sound so gloomy when you enter your own house, you know?"

A cold but familiar voice stroke Mia's mind as she was removing her shoes.


She quickly turned back.

A guy was standing by the wall, with his hands folded.


Her gloominess flew away as soon as she saw him.

A wide and bright smile appeared on her face.

"I can't believe this….", her eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?

When did you come?

Why didn't you tell me before that you were coming?", she asked excitedly as she walked towards him and came right in front of his face.

Putting his index finger on her forehead, he pushed her away from himself.

"Oww…", she rubbed her forehead.

"You are so noisy!", he said coldly and entered the living room.

She followed him there.

"It's been a year!

We haven't met for a year, Junaaa…

You are so tall now! And you look….."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Now don't irritate me.", and he sat on the couch.

She also sat beside him.

"Oh, Mia!!!"

Hearing the call Mia turned back.

"Grandmaaa!", She said happily and went to give her a hug.

"We've been waiting for you dear.

Jun has asked me at least 10 times, that when will you come."

Both, Mia and grandma looked at him.

He quickly looked to the other side.

"Grandma, don't lie.

I didn't ask you that many times."

"Yeah, yeah. We know.", said Grandma teasingly.

Jun's ears were turned red.

"So Grandma, what are you two doing here?

I called you here so many times, but you never came. And today you just gave me the best surprise ever!", Mia said happily.

"That was his idea to give you the surprise.", Grandma said pointing at Jun.

"N…No. It wasn't.

We just came to the city because we had some work.

Besides, who wants to see this silly surprised face of yours?"

Mia was used to Jun's this type of talking.

He would always talk with her very coldly but she knew that he wasn't hating her.

So she wouldn't mind if he said anything.

"Work? What work?", she asked him.

Slightly smiling, he got up from his seat and from the back of the couch, he brought a big, black colored case.

"A guitar?", Mia looked surprised as soon as she saw the case.

Jun opened the case and there was a Brown colored, wooden, shiny, acoustic guitar inside.


And she stepped towards it.

Sitting before Jun she brought her hand further to touch the guitar.

"Don't touch it!", Jun yelled.

Startled by his voice she quickly took back her hand.

Mia's eyes saddened.

"Sorry.", she said.

Watching her face like that Jun said,

"I…I mean you can touch it if you wash your hands. You just came from outside and I don't want any dirt on my brand new guitar."

"Really?", and she quickly ran to wash her hands.

After returning she picked up the guitar very carefully.

'...He'll kill me if I drop it…..', she thought.

"It's…It's lighter that I thought….

And…It looks so cool….", she said.

"Yeah, but it doesn't suit you.", said Jun with a smirk.

"Please, play something on this.

I wanna hear it!"

And Mia handed the guitar to Jun.

Jun took the guitar, sat down.

Gently stroking the guitar strings with his long, slender fingers he played some chords.

Mia was looking at him playing guitar with her mesmerized eyes.

When Jun noticed her looking at him like that he stopped.

"Huh? Why did you stop?"

"You are annoying!", he said looking to the other side.

'What did I do now?', Mia pouted.

Then she looked at grandma, who was looking at both of them with a smile on her face.

"Oh, Mia. Let him be.

You know how he is."


Suddenly, Mia's mother entered the living room.

"Come on, now.

The dinner is ready.

Mia's dad will be late today and Jina is doing sleep over at her friend.

So we are the only ones."


"...So, like this I promised him that if he gets 80 plus marks in final exams then I'll give him a guitar."

"So? He got 80 plus?", asked Mia and looked at Jun, who was busy drinking the soup.

"Yes! I told him 80 plus and he got 81!", Grandma laughed.

"He is a really stubborn boy.

If he wants anything from the bottom of his heart then he'll give his best shot to get it.", said Grandma looking at him proudly.

While Jun was still busy eating.



"You are coming to your Nana's house this year too, right?" Grandma asked.

"Yeah! Of course.", Mia replied happily.

"I never missed a Spring break to come there."

"How is mother? Is she eating well?", asked Mia's mother to grandma.

"Oh, she is absolutely fine.

Besides, she has got the best neighbor and the best friend like me!

What else she needs?", said Grandma laughing.

"I miss Nana too.

I just want to go there as soon as possible.", said Mia.

"Then, why don't you come with us tomorrow?"

Jun, who has been quiet for so long, said in a calm tone.

"I would love to, but in two days I have to attend a birthday party of my friend.

And we are also going on a trip the day after that. Right, mom?"

Her mother nodded.

Jun's face saddened a bit.

"But I'll come after that for sure.

I really miss Nana."

"Yeah, she also misses you.

And not only her but some 'other people' also get happy when you come there every spring break.", said Grandma glancing at Jun who just took a bite of rice.


"Huh? What happened?", Mia said hurriedly giving him glass of water.

He drank the whole glass of water within seconds.

Rubbing on his back, Mia asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

After some minutes, Jun calmed down.

"Cough….I…I am okay…now…."

While all this was happening, his Grandma was looking at both of them with a smile.


So, this is the entry of Jun!

Jun- Mia's childhood friend who lives near her Nana's (Her Mother's mother) house in a small town.

What do you feel about this character?

Comment below.

And stay tuned my dear readers.

Hope you are liking the story.

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