
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

A sparkly brown eyed 'Puppy'!

Mia parked her bicycle in the school's cycle stand and headed towards her classroom.

Humming to herself she was walking through the hallways.

"Hey Miaa…"

Mia turned back and saw Gyuri standing at the end of the hallways, waving at her happily.

Mia also waved back.

"Good Morning."

"Good morning Mia."

"Let's go to the classroom."


Mia started humming again.

"So?", said Gyuri.

"So?....So what?", Mia asked being confused by her such question.

"So….What happened?.....

Early in the morning you are humming so happily…..

What is the matter?

Tell Me."

Mia smiled.

"Can't I just hum the song I like?"

" Don't act like I am dumb, okay?

I know you better than you do!

So, tell me quickly.", Gyuri said pouting.

"Umm….Actually, there is a puppy in my neighborhood now."

"A puppy?"

"Yeah….A cute, little puppy with sparkly brown eyes.", said Mia and entered the classroom.

"Really? He must be really cute."

Mia nodded happily.

As she sat down on her seat she saw Ray entering the classroom.

"Good Morning…Good morning…", he greeted everyone and came to his seat.

"So…what is its name?", asked Gyuri.

"Huh?.....His name?....Umm…Tong-Tong…", Mia said hesitantly.

"Tong-Tong?.....Means chubby?...That's a very funny name."

"Yeah…. But he is really cute!!", Mia said as she rested her face on her hand and remembered the 'puppy' she was talking about.

A huge smile appeared on her face.

"Who's Tong-Tong?", Ray interrupted their conversation.

Both the girls looked at him

"He is a puppy in Mia's neighborhood."

"A puppy? Well, it's a very cute name by the way….Tong-Tong.", Ray repeated the name again.

Mia smiled at him.

"I wanna see him. I'll come to your house someday..", said Gyuri excitedly.

"Huh?...Well....Haha….", Mia laughed goofily.

The bell rang.

"Well then. We'll talk later." , and then Gyuri went to her seat.


"So students, solve the problems I've given you and we'll meet tomorrow again. Have a good day.", said the Maths teacher.

"Yesss Sir…..", everyone said.

The teacher left the classroom.

Today Mia was lost in her thoughts throughout the class.

'I should ask him whether he came to the playground yesterday….I know it was him...how should I ask?..what should I say?.....'

"Hey Mia…", Ray called her name bringing her back from her thoughts.

"Huh?.....What?", Mia said hurriedly.

"You dropped your notebook to that side."

Mia looked down to her right.

"Ohh…Yeah..", she picked it up.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling sleepy or something?", asked Ray worriedly.

"Uh…No..No…I'm okay."

Ray nodded quietly and started to keep his books in his bag.

"Umm….Ray?", Mia asked hesitantly.

"Yes?", Ray looked up at her.


"What is it?"

'Ughhh...should I ask him or not…..what should I do?...'

Ray didn't say anything but lifted his eyebrows like he was asking her.

Hurriedly Mia shouted, "DO YOU LIVE NEAR THE JOY PARK AREA?"

Her classmates who were sitting nearby turned back and looked at her.

Startled Mia quickly said, "Sorry…sorry…"

Looking at Mia's actions, Ray laughed.

"Hahaha….You are funny."

Embarrassed Mia didn't say anything but kept her head down on the table.

'Idiot…..Idiot…..Why would you yell like that?.....Ughh'

Ray smiled looking at her like that.

'She is surely cute….'

"So?...So what were you asking me?"

Mia looked up.

Ray was looking at her with a smile.

Mia sat straight and then looked at him.

'You can do it…..'

"Did….Did you come to the playground near the Joy park yesterday?"

"Joy park?.....Yeah. I came there. But how do you know that?"

"Umm….Actually I saw you there."

"Really? Do you live nearby?"

"Yeah…Umm….I was going to the market yesterday and saw you on the way. You were playing football."

"Ohh Yess! That was really fun!"

"..The Goal….The goal you made was really awesome…", Mia said excitedly.

Her eyes twinkled in excitement.

"Really? You saw it?

It was the winning goal! That's my special technique.

I call it 'The skull bash!!!", Ray said proudly.

Mia smiled looking at him like that.

"The skull bash huh?....It's funny…"

"It's not funny….It is cool." ,Ray pouted.

"Haha….Okay okay…It is cool.

"By the way….You play football really well.", she continued.

"Thank you!", Ray said quickly changing his pouted expression to a bright smile.

"So, do you live nearby?", asked Mia looking at him eagerly.

"I came to that park to meet some of my old classmates. And we ended up playing football….But I don't live nearby."

Hearing that answer Mia got disappointed.

'Why did I even think that he lived nearby? Why was I getting happy?'

Looking her expressions change so quickly Ray was surprised.

'Huh?....Why does she look sad?...What happened?

Did I say something wrong?'

Ray got confused.

As he was about to say something to her the teacher entered the classroom and the whole classroom went silent.


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