
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

"SURPRISE!!!" (Part-3)

Hana typed a message. "The sparrow is returning to the nest." And then sent it to So Hee.

"Wait, Mia!" Hana shouted running towards Mia.

"What?" Mia stopped and looked back.

"Why are you going so early?" Hana asked.

"Early? It's been a while and I should head home now.

You know, Jun's audition is tomorrow so I have to go…..to his place…. and see if he has done practice properly."

"You can look after that at night too."

"Yeah. But my family is going out for dinner tonight. So I donno, if we'd….I'd get much time after that."

"Please don't go…" Hana was requesting really hard.

'What's wrong with her?' Mia thought. '….Something's….going on….'

While, Hana's phone vibrated and then she looked at the text on the screen,

"We are nearly done. But we still need some time so try keeping her there for at least half an hour."

"Okay then." Hana talked. "I'll drop you to your house."

"Oh no. That's absolutely fine. I can go by bus."

"Are you kidding? It's your birthday! I can't let you go by bus." And saying that, Hana dialed up her driver's number.

In about 5 minutes, the car was standing before them.

"Come on, sit inside." Hana literally pushed Mia inside in hurry and closed the door. Then she looked at the driver and whispered. "Get the longest route to her house. We need to buy some time."

"Yes miss." He bowed.

Then running towards the other door, Hana entered the car, when she found Mia looking at her with a little frustrated look on her face.

"What's wrong with you today? You've been acting weird…" Mia said.

"Nothing. Now, let's go. Driver let's go to Mia's house, we need to drop her off."

The driver just nodded without looking at the back seats and started the car.

Mia was still giving Hana a look, which Hana was trying to avoid.

'It is harder than I thought….' She thought.


Ray's hand was on the doorknob of the second room, from which Mia's mother told him to get the set of bowls.

Taking a deep breath and then letting out from his mouth, he opened the door.


After about 5 minutes, he came out of there with a box in his hands.

His face was now a mixture of emotions. Sad, confused a little shocked and a great question mark on his face was clearly visible.

He turned his head and again looked at the door. Through half opened door, he could still see some of the stuff inside. His eyes got lowered. 'Why…..Why did they….lie to me?....'

"Hey!" Suddenly an unfamiliar voice made him look in the direction.

There was standing the same girl, who was staring at him weirdly in the living room earlier.

"I am Jina." She said. "Mia's younger sister."


"You're Kim Ray, right?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

Ray looked at her confused. "Umm….Yeah. How do you know about me?"

"I know everything about you!"


"So? You are the one who is leading in the race right now!"

"Race?.…No. I play football. I don't participate in any race."

"Yeah. I know."

Ray was now really weirded out by this girl's words. 'What is she talking about….? And how does she know about me?'

As he opened his mouth to ask the same question, Jina talked first, "I'm here to get you. Mother is waiting for the bowls downstairs." She said looking at the box in his hands.

"Oh!...Yeah. Sorry.."

And hurriedly he ran downstairs, while Jina was standing in the same place looking at him from back and then she looked at the half opened door of Jun's room.


"Where are we right now?" Mia asked looking out of the window of the car. "As long as I know, this is a total long route to go to my house…" She looked at Hana.

Hana quickly looked at her driver through the mirror.

"Miss. Mia. There is a great traffic jam on that road." The driver answered right away.

"Traffic jam?"

"Yeah. It seems like, there is a concert going on at the Glory Theatre." He said further.

"A concert?....Oh yeah! I remember it now. I saw some posters yesterday. So those were for today? I see." Mia said being convinced. "Thank god, we didn't take that route otherwise we would have stuck there for hours."

"Yes. Indeed." The driver said.

While, Hana was looking at him through the mirror, "Good work!" She mouthed.

He slightly nodded and then again looked in the front.

Hana's phone vibrated again. She looked at Mia who was busy looking out from the window. So she quickly opened it and looked at the text,

"The nest is ready. Bring the sparrow home."

Hana's face lightened as soon as she read that. "Driver?"

"Yes Miss?"

"How much time is still there to reach Mia's place?"

"Umm….About 15 minutes."

"Okay then."

And then she texted back hurriedly, "Be there in 15."


The car stopped before Mia's house and both the girls got out.

"Thanks for everything Hana. This was a great day for me. Had a great fun." Mia said with a smile.

"Anything for you Mia." And Hana gave her a tight hug. "Happy Birthday once again!"

"Aw! Thanks. Wanna come inside to have something?" Mia asked.

"Oh no! It's pretty late, I should head home now."


Hana hurriedly sat in the car and signaled driver to start it.

"Goodbye!" Mia waved her bye and turned to go inside.

The car went a bit further till corner and stopped. Hana was looking through the back glass of the car. As soon as she saw Mia turning back and going inside, she quickly opened the door and got outside.

Mia walked towards the door, rubbing her hands together. "Wow! It's cold today!" She talked to herself.

She opened the door and saw nothing but darkness, "Why the lights are off? Oh wait…Is this—"

Suddenly all the lights lit up and "SURPRISE!!!!"

Everyone standing before her shouted loudly and some of them started making the noises from the horns in their mouths. "Wooohoooo…..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIA!!!"

Everyone was jumping in excitement, while on the other hand Mia was just glued up to the place where she was standing. In a shock. Her hands on her mouth and she was breathing heavily. "Oh my god!!!" She yelled. "I can't believe this!!"

As she was saying this, Hana entered the house and hugged her from back. "SURPRISE! MIA!!"

"Ah!!!" Mia turned and hugged her back.

Then letting out her, she ran towards all of her friends. They all came together in a group hug. "Happy Birthday!!"

"Aw! Thank you soooo much!! Thank you so much guys!!!"

And without knowing, her huge happy smile got accompanied by her moist, teary eyes.

"Thank you so much!!" She was saying it again and again. Her voice getting deeper and deeper.

When everyone let out from the hug, they saw her teary eyes and red nose.

"Awww! Why are you crying?" So Hee asked.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

Ye Rin came and wiped her eyes with the tip of her long sleeves.

"I'm just…..I'm just…..I don't know what to say…."

"Awww!!" And with that, all the four girls hugged her again.

"I'll get the cake!" Jun whispered in Ray's ears.

"Uh...Um...Yeah..." Ray said abruptly. And Jun ran towards the kitchen.


As everyone got seated in the living room, Mia sitting in the centre of the couch, Jun entered the living room with a cake in his hands and candles lighting all over it. He put it on the centre table.

And with that, everyone started singing,

"Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday ~ Dear Mi~aa….

Happy Birthday to you~"

Mia blew all the candles and everyone started clapping.

"This is the best surprise party ever!!! Thank you guys!! You all are the best!!!" Mia said, her voice again getting a little deeper at the end.


After eating, it was time for opening the presents.

Mia took one of the bags in her hands.

"First you have to guess it!" So Hee said.


Mia touched the bag from outside; trying to feel what can be in it.

"Umm….It's some triangular thingy….a bag….a bag maybe?"

"Take it out!"

She took it out and found a small handbag.

"It's from me!" So Hee said proudly. "It's of the biggest brand in the market right now!"

"Oh! Thank you!" Mia smiled though she was not used to use such bags but she was happy that her friend gifted her that.

"Now say, you don't want any gifts but us!" So Hee teased.

"Hehe…" Mia could do nothing but laugh.

Then came April's turn. April gifted her, a pair of shoes.

"They totally match with the bag!" April said excitedly.

"Yeah! We went to shop for this together!" So Hee admitted.

"Thank you. They are pretty!"

Mia opened Hana's gift and her jaw dropped in surprise.

"Oh my god! The set of three legendary books written by my favorite scientist Dr. John Northern??? I can't believe this!! I've always wanted this!!!" Mia got really hyper as she was running through the pages of the books. "Oh god!....Huhhh…." She let out a breath. "Thank you so much Hana!"

"Nerd alert people! Nerd alert!" Jun said jokingly and everyone laughed.

"Now it's my turn!" Ye Rin said coming into the front.

"You know Mia, how you always said that you wanted to have a pet."


"And while we walk on the road, you always go and ask the people with their dogs that… "Can I touch him?"…..Every time!!!" Ye Rin said imitating Mia's voice.


"So I've got you this." And saying that Ye Rin brought a basket in front which she was holding behind her.

Mia took it in her hands in excitement and looked inside.

And there was a tiny black coloured fur ball covered by soft blanket.

"A puppy!!!!" She looked up at Ye Rin. Her eyes sparkling like the stars.

"Yep! A puppy!"

Everyone encircled Mia to see the puppy.

"Oh god! It's so cute!"

"So small!"


"It hasn't opened its eyes yet!" Ye Rin said. "It'll open them in 2-3 days." She informed.

"Aww!!! Thank you so much Ye Rin." Mia said with a bright smile.

After that, "From whose is this?" Mia said taking the next bag in her hands.

"Umm…It's from me." Ray said with a low voice, standing in the corner.

Mia's cheeks got a hint of pink. 'He got a gift for me!'

Taking it out, she held it before her.

"Oh!!" Everyone was surprised to see what that was.

"A dress??!!" So Hee exclaimed.

"….It's….It's the same dress…." Hana said.

"The dress, which I liked at the mall, on the Christmas!" Mia said happily as she looked at Ray. He, who was also looking at her, quickly looked in the other direction. A little embarrassed. And a little bit disappointed with the thoughts of the things he saw a while ago.

"This is so beautiful…but…" Mia stopped talking.

"But what?" Hana asked.

"But I was looking for this dress for my sister…" Mia said smiling a little.

"For Jina?" So Hee raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"HeHe….Not Jina…But my cousin, who is coming back from London next week. I just wanted to gift this to her, but was not sure of the size….So I didn't buy it that day…." Mia explained herself.

"Who cares?" Ye Rin said. "This dress looked awesome on you! Like it is born to be worn by you!"

"Oh come on!" Mia blushed.

"Yeah, that's why I bought this for you. I thought…" Ray started talking but then again stopped in the middle realizing what he was gonna say. Changing the words, he talked further, "….I thought you wanted…it….so…"

"Oh no no! I'm not saying that I don't want this…" Mia said smiling at Ray. "This dress is really very beautiful! And I loved it! Thank you so much Ray!!"

"Oh…Well…." Ray scratched back of his head as his ears turned a little red.


Like this, Mia's Surprise Birthday Party was a blast!

Everyone was so happy to see Mia this happy.

All those plans and those secrets they had tried to keep for last 4 days had paid off.

The ear to ear grin of Mia, throughout the party made everyone's hearts warm.

Enjoying an emotional roller coaster the party came onto an end.

Saying happy birthday to the birthday girl again, everyone headed home with a great piece of memory with themselves.


While Ray headed home with some unanswered questions of his, which he wanted to ask his two great friends as soon as possible. 'I know, there must be a proper reason for this....They wouldn't lie to me just like that...'
