
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

"I'll Miss You."

Mia was walking on the road searching for the familiar figure.

'Where is he?' She thought as her pace of walking increased at every step.

While looking everywhere she came near the small kids' playground.

As she heard something, she looked in the direction of the voice and there she found Jun, sitting on one of the swings.

'What's he doing here?' She thought as she walked towards him from back.

As soon as she got closer, she walked carefully making no sound of her feet and then,

"BOO!" She pushed him from the back.

Shocked Jun stood up the next instant.

"Are you crazy?" He yelled holding his heart.

"Hahaha….." Mia burst into laughter. "Look…Look at your face….Scaredy cat!"

"Haha. Very Funny." Jun said and again sat down on the swing.

Trying to control her laughter Mia also went and sat on the next swing. Stretching her legs and taking a swing, she looked at her friend who was just sitting there quietly.

"Junaa?" Mia asked.

"Hm?" Jun said, still looking down at the ground.

"Are you….Are you alright?"

"….Yep. Why are you asking me that?"

"Nothing special….I noticed…I mean I and Jina noticed that you've been quiet lately…"

"Ha! I am quiet?

That's funny because we don't even spend so much time with each other.

You've been busy with the…other things lately…"

"…." His complaining words with a hint of distress made Mia even more worried. 'I really was caught in so many things….' She thought.

"Yeah…" She said. "…We didn't come home together for the past two days and I…I didn't even come to ask you if anything was bothering you until Jina pointed it out to me…"


"I'm sorry…." She sighed out loudly. "…But I'm worried about you…"

Those words made Jun look up at her after all this time. Looking at her face filled with concern for him, his eyes softened and a gentle smile rested on his face.

"Apology accepted." He said and on that Mia looked at him. Her lips curving up in a warm smile.

'Oh! I'm gonna miss this smile…' Jun thought to himself.

"So?" Mia asked. "Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you or not?"

Jun smiled. "It's not that serious…" Jun said as his hands went into the pocket of his jacket. "It's rather good news…" He opened his phone and after clicking some buttons, he stood up and came in front of Mia.

Giving her his phone, he looked at her and nodded.

With some frowns on her forehead, Mia took the phone in her hands and started reading whatever was on the screen.

At every word, her face was lightening more and more.

Jun was observing her expressions.

Mia read everything and looked up at Jun. Her eyes big and twinkly.

"Aaaaaaaa!!!!!" Screaming from all her might she jumped on Jun, hugging him tight. "YOU PASSED THE AUDITIONS!! YOU PASSED THE AUDITIONS!!! ><"

With the sudden jump, Jun went a step back.

Screaming Mia in his ears, his whole brain went blank for a second.

Mia was still jumping and hugging him. She was so happy and excited that she couldn't stop. Letting go of the hug, she held Jun's both shoulders, "YOU PASSED THE AUDITIONS!" She shouted, with ear to ear smile of hers.

"Yeah…Yeah…I know…." Jun laughed along with her.

"WHEN DID YOU GET THE E-MAIL?" Mia was still excitedly shouting.

"Haha…..2 days ago….On Valentine's day…." Jun said. "And you don't have to shout everything, you know?"

As he was joking, Mia punched him hard in the chest.

"Ow!!" He held his hand on his chest. "What?" He looked at her being confused.

"And you are telling me this now?" Mia charged on him furiously.

He quickly took two steps back.

"How dare you tell me the most important thing in your life 2 days later?"

"….Umm….I'm sorry…." Jun said apologetically.

Mia didn't say anything for a second and then, "Apology accepted!"

Jun looked up and found out Mia's smiley face again. "I can't be angry on you when you've done it!" She said.

Sighing inside, relieved Jun went towards the swing and sat down. Mia also did the same.

"So?" She asked. "What now?"

"Well…." Jun hesitated before talking further. "As I've passed the audition, I'll be taken in as a trainee…"

"A trainee…." Mia repeated.



"And for that I'll have to go to Seoul!"

"For how many days?"

Listening to her naïve question, Jun couldn't help but laugh.

"Why? What happened?" Mia asked.

"…It's not like they'll train me for a week and then I'll be performing on the stage and selling the albums!"


"It's not a small procedure; they'll train me till they think I'm eligible to debut. It can take months, years! It's a long road. Very long…."

"Ohhh…." Mia nodded understandingly. "Wait! Does that mean you have to go to Seoul….for years?"

She looked at him; he was already looking at her.

"That was what bothering me for two days…." He said.


"I'm going to Seoul. For god knows how much time and so…" Jun took a deep breath. "….So I'll have to take admissions in a new high school there!"





"So you won't be with us next year?"


"So you are going to leave the school…..the house…."

"Yeah and…Yeah!"

"And me too…"

"….." Jun looked down at the ground so did Mia.

The silence between them was talking a lot. Without saying a word, both of them knew how the other one was feeling.

"And…When are you leaving then?" Mia asked.

"….In two weeks…." Jun answered as his voice got lowered at every word.

Then again, no one said anything for a minute.

Taking a deep breath and then letting it out from her mouth, Mia got up from the swing.

Going towards Jun, she stood up before him.

Looking at the two shoes before his eyes, Jun looked above, expecting that Mia's face would be sad and disappointed.

But for his surprise, she was smiling at him brightly. The moonlight hitting her face and her eyes, making her teared up eyes, sparkle.

"I'm proud of you, Junaa!" She said. "I know you can do this!"


On those words, Jun felt like his heart stopped beating for a fraction of second.

He just kept staring at Mia's face. Her words revolving in his mind over and over again.

"Don't worry about any of us here…" Mia said further. "Just go and chase your dream…."

Jun slowly stood up.

Mia's smile hadn't left her face yet.

Without stopping for anything, Jun pulled Mia by her wrist and took her in his embrace.

Mia was surprised by Jun's sudden actions but she didn't struggle to get out.

She knew what her friend wanted the most right now with some encouraging words, a hug!

Patting on Mia's head with one hand and holding her closer with the other, he said, "I'll miss you Mia….I'll really miss you…."

Mia hugged him back and rubbed his back gently, "I'll miss you too…." She said.

'I'll miss him more than anything in my life….' Mia thought.

While the other thought had taken place in Jun's head, 'That's why, before I go….I'm gonna make everything right for you….I'm gonna give you the thing you want the most…..your first love!'


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