
Became a Japanese General

My name is Renya Mataguchi? The guy who made his men live on 20 days of food for four months only believing in bullshit mental strength?? And I'm currently in Siberia having to fight a Vietnam 1919 version???? 2nd Sino-Japanese War... World War 2... Nukes... and no Anime... Can I survive this?...

sssalic · History
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8 Chs

Mad Renya!!

["Co... Comrade! The enemy resistance is too strong! Run away!"]

["Aaahhh! Get away! Demons! They're demons!"]

Seeing his men's ugliness, the commander, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, hurriedly reorganizes his troops and shouts to boost morale.

["Wake up! We outnumber the enemy! We can win if we remain steadfast! Remember that they are the enemies of our glorious revolution! Soviet Uraaa!!!"]

At the future Marshal's charismatic shout, the partisans soon regain their sanity and prepare for the enemy.

Remembering the fear in the eyes visible in the eyes of his soldiers, the young commander ponders.

'What kind of people did we run into for the men to look like that. And what more is their commander, he seems to have continuously ran away like a coward previously. What happened?'

In the distance the young Zhukov can see more of his men being chased by the enemy. The Japanese drunk on adrenaline tenaciously clung to the retreating partisans and either stabbed or shot them point blank.

Meanwhile Zhukov notices an unbelievable sight, the presumed commander running around saber in hand, cutting down the stragglers while laughing and shouting at his men. Being a cavalryman in the previous Great War he was no stranger to swords in the battlefield.

But the appearance of Renya wielding a sword in the woodland on foot and showing eccentricities surpassing that of the cossacks, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight.

["What a madman..."]


Meanwhile, Renya seeing the reorganized enemy clicks his tongue.

'Tsk. Looks like that commander isn't an idiot.'

I look at glance at my men and the enemy and run the calculator in my head.

'If we go for a firefight we might lose, but if we retreat now, us and partisans roles so far will be reversed. Shit. Just break through!'

"Calm down! Take cover and exchange fire!"

My men having cooled down from the reckless rush take positions and start firing at an orderly manner, I run to my adjutant and ask if he had magazines for my pistol.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Taang!

Having finally loaded my pistol I take aim beside a tree, my target is their commander.

'Hmmm... he looks familiar.'

Ignoring my thoughts I carefully aim at his head and shoot.


I end up hitting the arm, not discouraged by this I start shooting the enemy with pinpoint accuracy and score hits on several men. When I used up all two magazines I look at the messed up enemy formation and relay orders to my men once again.

"They're formation is broken! Charge! Make sure to engrave fear in their minds! Charge!!!"


Continuing the mad dash, my platoon and I continue our slaughter. Moments before, the soldiers all had the appearance of a disciplined elites, but as soon as the charge resumed they went back to their demonic ways.

Taking out the sabre from the neck of a partisan I just killed, I look at my adjutant Teruaki Satō

who still hasn't shaken off his bewilderment.

"I'm lucky, I didn't hit the bone so the blade didn't dull."


Swinging the sabre to get rid of the blood, I then look at the enemy formation. The commander seems to have been evacuated and the deputy is commanding the fight now.

'If I take that guy out this battle is done.'

As my head started to cool down my hands started to tremble at the realization of what I've done. The adrenaline at the blood I've experienced so far started to subside and I suddenly started feeling the fear that had been covered up.

'Its a miracle I haven't hit by a bullet yet. But if I charge at those who aren't negligent... can I avoid them all?...'

'But what can I do, I didn't get isekaied into a fantasy world with a system. This is war, and if this isn't some parallel world and is the past of the original history, I'll be experiencing worse.'

Taking a deep breath to calm my heart, I run towards the enemy commander like some ninja and shout nonsense to gain courage.

"A man dies once, he dies twice! I died once, so I'm immortal!!!"


Hearing a strange scream, the Ivan commander turns his head and sees a strange man running towards him. Two of his subordinates try to stop the devil's mad dash, but Renya decapitates them with swordsmanship from who knows where, and keeps going.

["Cra... crazy!! A commander charging with a sword in the middle of enemy lines!"]

He tries to shoot at Renya but stumbles, he didn't notice himself backing away at the crazy sight of Renya. Falling down he belatedly pulls the trigger.

Taang! Taang! Taang!

But thanks to Renya's plot armor the bullets seem to miss. When he sees the bloodied Renya holding his sword and preparing to strike, he begs in desperation with tears running down his eyes.

[Li... Live! Let me Live! I'll tell you all I know! Bases, passwords, anything please let me live!]

He watches in horror as Renya prepares to seemingly decapitate him.


Dang-Gung! Flutter.

When he opens his eyes he realizes his head was still intact, and sees that the red banner beside him has been destroyed.

The partisans seeing the red banner on the floor, and their commander basically incapacitated begin to surrender one by one.

With this, Renya achieved an overwhelming victory in the overall sluggish Japanese Expedition, a victory no one in command expected.