


Serafelle Valencia Lucille Evigheden Valdemar

The Daughter of Count Hartwin Havilliard Zecreus Valdemar and Countess Atlanteia Argyris Vesperine Evigheden-Veldemar, considered the most beautiful girl in the whole continent.

From the day she turned 10 men sought Serafelle as a prospect bride of their children or even themselves, but the Count and Countess always refuses knowing what kind of people they are. They always say to Serafelle 'Marry a man you love with your whole entirety' or 'Wed someone who can protect and provide love for you'

Keeping all of those in mind Serafelle refused a lot of suitors.


"Lady! It is time to wake up!"

"It's still early in the morning Bertia, can you wake me up later?" I asked "M'lady the Painter is coming today, you need to get ready!" I groaned "Then can't I not wear a corset today?"

"No the Madame gave me strict instructions that you need to look glamorous today!"

"Don't I have a choice in this?"

"I'm afraid not m'lady"

Bertia helped me out of my bed and ushered me to the bathroom, the other servants came. "How does the water feel m'lady?" Linda asked "It's alright!"

"What oil would I use m'lady?" Felicity inquired "Can you use the vanilla oil today?" She just nodded at my answer and started rubbing my body with the oil I requested.

After what felt like an eternity in the bathroom they finally put me on my robes, Bertia hurried me to sit down while the other pick my dress, Bertia then started applying make up on my face, starting with my eye make up, then to my blush, lips and finally she patted my face with some powder.

"You look impeccable m'lady!" She exclaimed "You exaggerate Bertia! I look normal!"

"M'lady is so humble, but please stand up and wear your dress!"

After the long grueling hours of making me fit into a tiny dress that I clearly don't fit too, everything is done I look at the mirror and I do say they did a great job. I was snapped out of my trance when a knocked was heard "Miss Serafelle your father is calling for you!"

Felicity and Linda opened the door "They are waiting for you Miss!" Butler Luke said

For some reason I feel nervous today, it's not like it's my first time having a portrait painted with my face on it, okay Serafelle breath

As I entered the room everyone was there, my Father, Mother and Brother, they greeted me with a warm smile "You look dashing today My Dove" my mother said "Thank you Ma, it was thanks to Bertia, Felicity and Linda"

"Dove beautiful as always!" Father chirped "Thank you Pa!"

"Sister you look beautiful as always!" My brother chimed in "Enough with the compliments everyone, I get it already!" A blush creeps in my face "We can't help it Dove you really look beautiful" Father teased

"Ehem, if I may Miss Serafelle I am Ludwig your painter" he extended his hand and I accepted it

"Nice to meet you Mr. Ludwig it is a pleasure to be your muse for today" I smiled "It is a great honor of mine to paint you Miss Serafelle"

"Where do I sit?" I asked him "You can sit over here Miss then we can start" I followed his words and sat down

"Well then we will leave and check up on you again Dove!" Then my whole family left me Linda, Bertia and Mr. Ludwig alone

"Please refrain from moving Miss"
