
Beauty In The Deep: Legend Of The Ultimate Harem Master

[Mature Content] [BL] When 20 year old medical student Chantria dies from overexertion and overdose on amphetamine pills, She awakens in the body of a peerless beauty, lying at the bed of the vast ocean, with a fish tail in place of legs. Chantria realizes she had somehow transmigrated into her roommate's favorite R18 webnovel 'Beauty in the Deep." But the thing is, Chantria never read this novel! Not even once! All she knows is some glorified villain in the novel shares her name! Now in a strange world were there were male, female and some strange gender called 'Kei's', A gender whose magic manipulation or what they called 'focusing' was sourced from sexual energy! The stronger one's magic was, the more Kei's you could bond and cater to. And that was not even the worst of it, she now occupied the body of the most desirable woman and strongest 'focuser' in the Kalavan Deep...Saint Chantria! The Sea Child! A cold hearted and ruthless princess and guardian of the deep with a tributary harem of five lovers! All of whom were head over heels for her! What was worse, this Saint Chantria was a lecherous beauty, cold hearted to her lovers and still sought sexual satisfaction with other men and Kei's outside her harem! For a twenty year old innocent college student, just what sort of transmigration was this?! She had barely had time to date before her death, how was she to deal with the love and desire of FIVE DIFFERENT LOVERS?! And who were all these unknown Kei's tossing flowers at her whenever she passed by and sending proposals?! She didn't have any fingers left to wear more rings! Was a five lover harem a regular thing around here?! Chantria finds herself wondering... 'What sort of unlucky transmigration is this?!' *AI Generated Cover Art

JHeart · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Be Gone (Ch.23)

Chantria was still reeling with conflicting thoughts when a voice called out to her from a distance.

"Your Grace! Your Grace it's Irvine!" Irvine called out to Chantria.

Chantria glanced up, frowning slightly as the redhead beauty stood at the very entrance of the garden calling out to her.

His countenance appeared panicked and Chantria's brows furrowed in concern as she headed over to him, her hands moving up to his shoulder to steady him as he practically barrelled into her.

"There now, what is the hurry?" Chantria's asked with a raised brow.

"I...He..." Irvine tried to get his words out through his frantic breaths.

"Irvine? Are you okay? Breathe first and then speak." Chantria guided the frantic red head, her brows furrowed in concern.

"Your Grace! Prince Dewei is here! He saw Amir was out of custody and he is greatly displeased...Zevon is holding him back for now, he's going to kill Amir!" Irvine revealed in a rush.

Chantria's frown deepened as all her conflicting thoughts flitted away.

"It took me so much effort to save him and what is this now?" Chantria murmured to herself in rage as she stormed past Irvine back into the castle.

Irvine hurried to catch up with Chantria's strides, she headed down the hallways and back into the dining hall.

Rage, much more potent than should have been normal surged through Chantria's veins at the sight she witnessed.

The dinner table had been smashed completely, the dishes tossed everywhere and the man called Prince Dewei had his sword drawn and was engaged in combat with Zevon,

Chantria could now see that the broad and muscular one was infact the Zevon Jamal and he battled Prince Dewei, their swords clashing against each other and producing glowing blasts of energy that shook the palace walls.

"What the?" Chantria thought to herself as Prince Dewei thrust a hand out and a glowing blue force shot straight for Zevon who leaped out of the way just in time for the force to slam into the wall.

Chantria's eyes widened at the loud crash, the glowing force Prince Dewei had shot out of his bare hands smashed a hole right through the wall and suddenly Chantria did not think it was wise to interfere in this battle.

Not when they were shooting magic glows out of their hands... things that could smash through walls and would have absolutely no problem blasting a living human in many pieces.

'What host witnesses is indeed what you know to be magic...but to the Kalavan Deep, it is known as focusing.'

'Here in the Kalavan Deep, there is no focuser more powerful than you... the same magic lies within you, I cannot teach you how to use it as my abilities are limited to my program, but your heart remembers.' The Harem System said in Chantria's mind.

If they continued at this rate, Chantria knew someone would get hurt or the palace would come crumbling down on all of them, but theee was no easy way to put an end to the fight.

Prince Dewei was raging and kept shooting blasts of magic at Zevon and Zevon himself did not relent, his own magic attacks had a dim red glow, it was not as powerful as that of Prince Dewei but still did sufficient damage.

Chantria herself was not Saint Chantria, she did not know how to wield magic, or perform this focusing art,

As Chantria pondered over what to do, a glowing blue blast of magic shot at Zevon and again he spun out of the way, failing to realize that Amir was standing right behind him.

The world seemed to be moving in a slow motion as the magic attack shot for Amir and Chantria could already imagine the hole it would burn right through him.

Chantria felt a foreign rage in her veins, her muscles suddenly felt charged as her gaze narrowed and in the blink of an eye, Chantria crossed the room and appeared right before Amir.

Chantria lifted a hand up to the approaching magic attack, it froze mid air as though all Chantria needed to do was think of what she wanted to happen and it just did.

Chantria slowly curled her hand into a fist and the magic attack burst into glowing embers before she lifted her gaze to the two battling men.

As though something beyond her comprehension had taken over Chantria, the words that came out of her lips next astonished even her.

"Stop!" Chantria ordered, her gaze glowing as a powerful force surged out of her and both men were tossed backwards in completely different directions, soaring through the air and slamming into two opposite walls.

It was only then that the everyone else noticed Chantria's presence, their attention had been too focused on the battle to realize she had arrived with Irvine.

"Zevon... get over here." Chantria demanded and all parties fell quiet.

The fact that Chantria had ignored the situation but focused her anger on Zevon was not surprising but left them feeling visibly hurt.

"Chan...it was just a slight tussle between men, Zevon did not mean to attack me. Calm yourself first." Prince Dewei spoke up, surprisingly in Zevon's defence.

"With all due respect Your Highness, you started it." Zevon replied back in a dark tone.

Zevon groaned quietly as he rose to his feet and passed a glare at Prince Dewei who was already on his feet, arms crossed behind his back and gaze narrowed sympathetically.

Zevon then headed over to Chantria, wincing slightly at the glare she had fixed on him as he approached.

"Your Grace, it was my fault. Zev was only trying to protect me." Amir reasoned from behind Chantria, grabbing hold of her hand.

"Your Grace... I know it was wrong of me to raise my sword against the prince..." Zevon began to explain but Chantria cut him off as her gaze turned to Prince Dewei.

"You are not to lay a hand on them, what part of this did you not understand?!" Chantria snarled, her question directed at Prince Dewei.

Chantria recognized him from the sea shore, he had been there when she had given the order to unhand Amir and leave him unharmed,

And the fact that this same person had come into her home to tear the place apart enraged her to no ends.

"I..." Prince Dewei seemed stunned by Chantria's question and Chantria was in no mood to explain herself.

"Say...if he fell off a cliff, would he die?" Chantria asked suddenly, turning to face Zevon who had a baffled expression.

"No... Prince Dewei is a powerful focuser..." Zevon began uncertainly but Chantria cut him off.

"No is all I need...begone with you then." Chantria said and as her glowing gaze reverted back to face Prince Dewei.

Before he could even realize what was happening, a portal opened behind him and he was sucked into it.

"Peace and quiet... don't you just love it?" Chantria asked as she turned back to face the three men.