
Grand arrival

The hall was completely embraced by the flashlight from the photographers as they were trying to capture the arrival of the Miller Enterprise's CEO, Lucas Miller.

This was a rare occasion because Lucas seldom showed up in this kind of event. They also heard rumours that the CEO of the Smith Company would be making an appearance in the speech ceremony. They knew her as someone that is somewhat dull but a genius in everything so they had never expected that she would be making a speech. Of course, this is only based on rumours. They could not help but to wait till the speech ceremony to see if those rumours were real or not.

Many photos of Lucas had been taken and they positioned themselves at the places that had been arranged for. The photographer were satisfied as they managed to meet Lucas and also managed to capture his photos as they seldom seen him in public.

Lucas sat at his arranged position which had been arranged at the front line as he is one of the founder for the perfume project.

A few moments goes by when suddenly heard quite a gasps from the people around him. He turned to looked at the entrance and he saw a goddess. He was truly captivated by the sight. He knew that person. She's the person that had promised a marriage with him if he recognised her.

He had to admit, the difference between the usual her and this elegant woman were very vast. He too, would not recognise her if not for the aura she emitted. It's just too alluring for him to not able to see it. Every moves she makes displays elegant dominance. Her every steps looked like a clear flow of water. With the hint of cheekiness surrounded by the flashlights of the camera, it was just too domineering for him.

She wore a purple dress with a scarf around her arms that reveal a bit of skin at the arms and legs. The dress doesn't look too tight but it reveals her curvy body which could make every men drooling. Her hair which looked soft and silky was clipped at the side only, letting them flowed around her shoulders. Her face with a bit of makeup that looked natural, complementing well with her looks.

He sighed as he really couldn't take his eyes off her. He swore to himself that this woman would belongs to him and only him. He clenched his fist as he looked straight at her. She also looked at him but without any expression. She looks calm as if expecting something.

He smiled and walked over to her. She just stand there and looked at him as if she don't know him. The people around them were puzzled by their actions. They knew Lucas but they don't know who this goddess is. Lucas is a powerful figure so if he's approaching this goddess means that she must not be a normal figure.

They looked at Lucas who was walking without any care surrounded by his powerful aura. They just silently looked at him wondering what would he says since they are excited to see the meeting of two beautiful specimens. Just seeing them together looked as if they were looking at a painting. With a detailed strokes.

Lucas stopped in front of the goddess while keeping an eye contact with her. He noticed that she's quite good in pretending to not know him.

He chuckled while took her hand and kissed it so gently while looking at her then said, "Baby, it's a deal. Let's get marry?"