
A dreaded job

Beauty couldn't help but offer herself to her.

She envied it, dreaded it. She was at a crossroads, she chose the latter and took the job she was offered. The money would help, it would keep her afloat. Paycheck to paycheck. No savings, no investment, in this day and age she was doomed to be homeless within weeks, days to be exact.

"Morning Eve?" The manager of the restaurant greeted in a way that made Eve's co-workers fall to their feet and beg for his attention. She dreaded conversation with this man. He was as bad as they came.

Charming looks to lure you in with promise of love and hope and everything you dreamed of, only to take your innocence and leave you with nothing to account for, and in the end you are the cause because all women want rich men, in so doing they seduce them using their bodies to get what they want. How pitiful she thought.

"Morning sir." She stated and went to the staff room to change. She had a long day of work. It proved useful to be here full time, some customers were generous with tips and others not so much. She greeted a few of her friends, or that's what she considered them. They had hated her for reasons unknown to her and she did not bother to know. She took out a book and sat behind the counter. How to kill a mockingbird. It was her favourite, she wished to be as care free as Jean Louise and to have a father like Atticus, if only.

She was orphaned at birth no memories of her mother nor her father. Her only reminder was a baby tag that had her name in print Eve. The name of a sinner. It made her feel special, that before they threw her away they had the decency to name her.

She smiled warmly as the doors opened and customers came in, closing her book she pocketed the digital notebook. She waited for them to sit and went to their table. "Good afternoon, may I start you off with some drinks?" She questioned while giving them their menus. A company of four businessesmen she presumed, their attire had made her think so.

"Does the drink come with you?" The one closest to her spoke, he had brown eyes and a mop of brown hair that gave him of as a little boy,  she smiled no, and took the notebook gadget and waited. "We'll call you when we're ready." Said the one with with a head of curls. She did not hesitate, turning around to wait another table.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked when they called her over. His steel-grey eyes on her she couldn't move, one spoke but she couldn'lt hear, the way he smiled proved that he was aware of his hold on her. "Sorry may you please repeat that for me?" She said once she got the courage to look away. She listened carefully and wrote their orders down and sent them to the chef. She walked to the bar and gave the bartender the slip.

She walked with ease as the tray of four drinks sat at at her palm above her shoulder making sure her curly hair was at her side and not in the drinks. She was well versed in the arts of waiting. She sat the drinks down and rushed to get the food. Minutes passed and she was back. They were engrossed in their conversation they paid no mind to her as she placed their food on the table and left with the trays.

"She's beautiful, no?" The man asked his friends. They knew this and nodded their heads. He was right, she was beautiful in a way that made him crazy. He had his eyes on her since they entered.

"I want her." He said silencing the conversation of the men beside him.

"Don't we all." Said one who eyed her dark chocolate legs while she served the tables. All of them had made their interest in her very clear.