
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

"Your Tail Is Indeed Very Beautiful"

It was only when he got to an area where he couldn't find anyone that he finally looked at the content on the shelf's, and to his relief he didn't need to go elsewhere as he found what he was looking for.

He didn't have time to read the front page as he grabbed two comics from the shelf thus missing the 18+ written on the cover. He took the books and went to the counter to purchase it, he didn't dear look at the cashier so he missed the strange gaze the cashier gave him.

The cashier saw as this strangely dressed customer walked in and he felt suspicious and decided to keep an eye on him using the CCTV cameras in the book store. He only felt a little relieved when he saw that Hao Shen had gone to that part of the store and picked his books. It was then he realized 'so he came dressed like that so that he would not be caught buying those kinds of books, this customer is rather funny'.

He watched as Hao Shen literally ran out of the book store as if someone was chasing him, the cashier smiled and looked away 'maybe it's his first time', but it wasn't just the cashier who was looking at Hao Shen with a smile on his face, there was also Feng Qi who had been secretly following Hao Shen this whole time.

When Hao Shen got home, he felt rather anxious as if he had committed some sort of crime. he ripped out the comics cover and burnt it once again failing the see the 18+ sign on it, after he was done burning it he took the physics text book cover that he created and rapped both books with it and then he put it in his shelf feeling like he had just completed an impossible task.

In the end he was only able to read that comic once and was completely embarrassed by what he saw, although it answered his question's, he never had the guts to open it again or to even look at it, thus forgetting about its existence.

It was only when he was going through the things in his backpack that he realized that he took the wrong book.

Hao Shen couldn't help but wonder 'why of all books Kevin would have pick, it had to be this one', he didn't realize that Kevin had already checked all the books and it was only this one that he slightly understood.

Hao Shen was soaking in the lake, thinking of what to say to Kevin, when Kevin suddenly pulled him out of the lake "it's getting late, it's time we head back".

It was then he realized that he had indeed soaked for quite awhile and so he agreed to Kevin's words he was surprised to see Andri still in the lake.

"why are you still hear‽" he asked, Andri on the other hand didn't get the thank you he wanted he felt used after being literally stepped on.

This whole time, Andri used his large tail to prevent Hao Shen from going any deeper into the lake allowing Hao shen to step on him. Andri wasn't one to be quiet so he spoke directly "is this the thanks I get after letting you step on me this whole time, look my beautiful tail is now all stiff from staying in place and letting you stomp on me".

He said as he brought out his tail and started rubbing it while acting pitifully.

It was now that Hao Shen realized that he was too occupied by his thoughts that he just didn't notice what he had been stepping on, so he sincerely apologize to Andri "I'm sorry... Thank you". He looked at Andri who was still trying to act pitiful but his act was so unconvincing.

Hao Shen didn't want to comment about how pretentious Andri was acting, instead he just looked at Andri's large tail. This was the first time he had seen Andri's tail and was mesmerized by it's size, shape, and color.

It was so beautiful that he didn't know when he blurted out.

"Your tail is indeed very beautiful".

Andri who was feeling unsatisfied just moment ago felt delighted with Hao Shen's praise but he felt shy so he scuffed "of course I'm beautiful" then he ran away and by ran away, he dived into the lake.

Kevin felt speechless at Andri's shamelessness, 'who said you were beautiful...' Kevin felt a little jealous because Hao Shen was yet to call him handsome and was calling another beastman beautiful.

He didn't realize that Hao Shen was also feeling the same speechlessness 'how could this guy be so thick skinned'.

Seeing that Andri was gone and Kevin was the only one left, he felt slightly relieve "Kevin, I need you to look away while I changed".

Kevin had actually been admiring Hao Shen's body, well even if Hao Shen was wearing an underwear, it was of no use because it was now totally wet.

And since it was a white underwear, it had become see through, Kevin was just glad that Andri was too busy trying to play the pitiful act that he failed to catch this opportunity.

But now he was asked to look away which he totally didn't want to do, he was also confused by what Hao Shen meant by 'change'. 'could it be that he wanted to change into his beast form, but I thought he didn't have a beast form'.

Kevin completely misunderstood Hao Shen meaning of 'change' and Hao Shen did not have the energy to guess what he was thinking as he urged Kevin to look away before he removed his soaked underwear and wore his clean clothes.

He didn't know that Andri who had ran away from being called beautiful and was blushing had returned only to see that Hao Shen was completely naked. 

He ran away again, this time around he took a lot more time before he could gather enough courage to come back.

Hao Shen was now all dressed up, he looked at his wet underwear for a long while contemplating on whether he should or shouldn't pick it up, he couldn't just put it in his backpack cause it was wet and dirty.

Leaving it on the grass just felt inappropriate, 'ay what to do'. After thinking about it for a while he finally got an idea. He went to his backpack to grab the empty bag of chips that he was yet to dispose of.

It was then that he saw how messy his backpack was, of course he knew who the culprit was, but all he did was to give Kevin who had followed him to were his backpack was laying, an accusing glare before he went back to what he was doing.

After grabbing the bag of chips, Hao Shen went back to his underwear that was laying on the grass, and finally picked it up, he went ahead to squeeze it until it stopped dripping, then he put it inside the bag of chips, before putting it in his backpack.

He did this to prevent his backpack from getting wet, he was also planning on washing it clean when he had the chance.

"Let's go find another lake, I need to fetch water from it". Hao Shen said to Kevin as he started to walk away from the lake, but they were stopped by Andri "I can help with that".

Andri who had just gotten over seeing Hao Shen's naked body and the fact that he was strangely attracted to Hao Shen, decided to go back up once again. Why, well because Hao Shen was yet to bid him good bye.

He was still hoping that Hao Shen would still remember his existence. He snuck back up but this time only his head was revealed.

To his utter disappointment, Hao Shen had completely forgotten about him again and was about to leave with Kevin, of cause he over heard what Hao Shen said and in other to brush up his existence to Hao Shen he decided to stop them.

Hao Shen only looked at Andri in confusion, he hadn't forgotten Andri, he thought that Andri had gone back to his underwater cave, who would have thought that Andri would still be here.