
Beauty's Beasts

"Do females fly??" "What?!!! I've never seen one." Parrick said with a frown. "Then why...." he said nonchalantly pointing to the sky where a female was descending at a super sonic speed with a loud scream on the top of her lungs. Parrick gaped at the sky in disbelief. The female clearly had no wings...so how come she was up there! Also...there were no flying beastmen settlements from where the female came from!!! "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" the female screamed falling from such a high altitude and her scream died down the next minute. "My Lord ...we didn't save her!!!!!" Parrick gaped in utter shock and disbelief. "Her scream surely attracted a number of other males. They'll go rescue her...and you too can go if you badly want to." "Huh!!!!!" Parrick was dumbfounded. "Look!" he said and indeed a group of flying beastmen and other land beastmen were sprinting to the direction the female had fall in. Sydney is swept away by a tornado and is thrown into a different space. She's confused as to why she came to this weird world but she accepts her fate. The people here are half human half beasts and despite being an independent woman back on earth, here she needs a male to survive but not just one.... multiple males. -One male is younger than her -The other is literally a walking legend -Another is venomous, even from mere skin contact. -The other is a hard specimen to understand -Her last male is a walking disaster! Cover design doesn't belong to me. Credit to original owners. Hello guys! It's your beloved author. This is a link to those interested in joining the WhatsApp chat group for litto-ways ♥️. I hope to find you there, in my little world. https://chat.whatsapp.com/GhoWIDjjK4E6ezWDwJ870k

Litto_ways · Fantasy
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205 Chs

Horned Beasts

You don't want to know!" Sydney's voice was shrouded in urgency and this gave her mates the idea that these guys were definitely not a good opponent to tackle!

Damnit damnit damnit!!!!" Ken kept cursing as he maintained his pace, sprinting off crazily. Sydney was forced to lower her body to align with Ken's back or else she'd be thrown off Ken's back by the wind that kept slapping at her body. I feel deeply insulted!!!" Ken was so angry that he kept expressing his anger lest it blew up from with in!

Now that they were no longer under the encirclement, Caden naturally came and took Sydney from Ken's sprinting figure to deliver her to safety up in the skies.

That's why all females knew that it was crucial to have a flying beastman in the family at all costs!

Just like that, their night of rest was interrupted and they kept fleeing.