
Our First Time

Making love is the purest way to feed the soul.


[Warning: smut]

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes." Jimin replied. His breathe coming in short pants and his forehead gleamed with sweat. Jungkook reached over the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of lube, coated his member with it and aligned himself with Jimin's pink heaven.

The wait was excruciating for Jimin and all he wanted was for Jungook to take him and make him his in every way possible. They had been building up to this and now that it was happening, he couldn't contain his nervousness and excitement. It had been a while. The pressure on him pushing in brought him out of his thoughts. It was painful and he felt like he was being split into two. Jungkook groaned as Jimin's pleasurable warmth enveloped him like a security blanket. The pleasure was unimaginable and he near came. Being fully seated in him, he stilled himself as he wiped a stray tear off his boyfriend's face.

"It's okay," he comforted him and tenderly kissed and caressed his face. "It's okay," he cooed.

After a while, the initial pain turned into pleasure and all Jimin wanted was for the male in his arms to move. To give him a pleasurable ride into the heavens. He felt full. The sensation was out of this world - better than he had imagined. He let out a loud moan when Jungkook pulled all the way out and pushed in at a pleasurably slow pace...


The moment he stepped over the threshold of the house, Jungkook pulled him into his arms and pulled a blindfold over his eyes. Now robbed of his sense of sight, his other senses became alert. The sound of music overhead lulled his senses as he felt the strain and stress of the day washed out of his system. He became aware of the subtle strawberry fragrance that wafted through the air mixed with the sweet aroma of barbecue pork ribs - his favourite dish.

"Baby, what's going on?" He asked as Jungkook relieved him of the shopping bags hanging over his shoulder. He brought his hands over his eyes to pry the blindfold away but Jungkook pulled them away.

"Just go with it okay?" Jungkook replied and planted a chaste kiss on his lips.

"But..." Jimin began to protest.

"Sshhh... no buts," he said placing his finger on his lips. "Let me be in charge for the evening, okay?" He asked placing his hands over his shoulders and pulled him forward in an embrace. This action had Jimin's heart skipping a beat. There was something about being enveloped in the warmth of Jungkook's arms that gave him a sense of security and comfort.

He loved it.

Putting his arm around Jimin's waist Jungkook guided him carefully up the stairs into their bedroom to the bathroom. The occasional brush of his breathe over Jimin's ear had his body screaming in want and aroused him to no end. 'Endless Love' - Lionel Richie and Shania Twain's version played over the speakers and this had Jimin smiling. How fitting - he saw a future with this gorgeous man and he was prepared to make the journey to their eternity.

"That's my favourite version of that song," Jimin said with a smile. Jungkook was in awe - whenever Jimin smiled, it felt like the sun had risen. "I really love that song," he insisted and shook his fists in the air in excitement.

"Cute," Jungkook said with a gentle laugh. The vibration of the chuckle in Jungkook's chest had Jimin blushing to no end.

"I know darling. It's the main reason I chose it," Jungkook replied with a smile. "Okay, we are here," he said as he stood Jimin in the middle of the bathroom and slipped the blindfold off his eyes.

Jimin squinted and allowed his eyes to adjust to the light and when he had, he gasped. He brought his hands to his mouth in surprise, instantly robbed of his speech. Before he could get a word out, Jungkook was peeling the clothes off of him. The gentle caress over his sensitive skin had him flushed and he gladly stepped into the bath tub as Jungkook guided him. Only then did Jimin have time to look around and take it all in.

There were candles all around the bathroom and the light bounced off the walls giving the room a golden ambience. The music through the speaker was soft and relaxing as it changed from one song to the other. "You really have great taste in music," Jimin said and moaned as the hot bath water seeped through his skin and relaxed his sore muscles. The pink hued iridescent bubbles in the bathtub, shone in the candle light. The pink and red rose petals floating over the bubbles and foam gave it the classic romantic feel and transported Jimin's mind to a faraway land where nothing else - but him and his love - existed. It smelled heavenly. The cocoa butter scent with a hint of coconut scent relaxed him further and all he felt all his problems float away. This was nice he could cry.

Jungkook got in, stood behind him and their naked bodies touched. The warmth radiating from the taller male behind him made him complete. Goosebumps spread over his body as a pleasurable shiver snaked down his spine. Jungkook wrapped his arms around him, pulled him against his body and slid down to seat them into the warm water and their bodies disappeared underneath the foam. Jimin sighed in contentment.

This was heaven. If he could choose one place to stay forever, it would be in his boyfriend's arms.

Jungkook leaned back into the bathtub and subsequently, Jimin leaned into him back to chest putting his head on Jungkook's shoulder and closed his eyes. Taking a loofah in his hand and covered it in foam, Jungkook ran it over his lover's chest in circular motion.

"This is amazing baby... was this why you couldn't come with me?" an emotional Jimin asked. To be honest, no one had ever done something like this for him. For the longest time, he was always the one to give or the one who thought of someone enough to pull something this romantic. This change was very welcome and the fact that he was thought of had him emotional.

"Mnhhhh..." Jungkook hummed in response.

"You almost ruined it for me thought," he said earning a chuckle from the smaller male. "Wait till you see the rest of it."

"There's more?" Jimin's eyes opened and he turned to look at his gorgeous boyfriend. Now he just wanted to cry. Jungkook nodded and set his head back on his shoulder. Jungkook reached out for a glass of wine that was standing on the counter and handed it to Jimin.

Jimin took a sip and smiled, "This is my favourite wine. W-when d-did you get time to do all this?" he quizzed, his voice stuttering with emotion.

"Ssshhhh... just enjoy it," Jungkook said and kissed his temple. "Here... raise your glass..." he said lifting Jimin's hand that held the glass of wine. "Mnhhh... What do we toast to? Here is to the most amazing human being I have ever had the pleasure of encountering. A human who selflessly gives and has the gentlest soul. One who makes me feel alive and makes me realise that life is worth living. Here is to you Park Jimin. The man I have come to cherish," Jimin blushed, clinked his glass against Jungkook's and brought it to his lips. He swirled the wine in his mouth, savouring the taste before he swallowed.

They stayed in bathtub for another half an hour, talking about anything and everything, sharing tender kisses and gentle caresses as they stared into each other's eyes. The growl of Jimin's stomach reminded him of the fact that he hadn't had anything after brunch with the guys.

"I really love this babe," he started, "but I am starving. Do you think we should order some take away?"

Jungkook smiled knowingly. They got out of the bathtub. He dried Jimin off and pulled the softest of robes over his naked gorgeous body. It pained him to cover all that beauty and deliciousness. Tonight was all about Jimin and he would not be lifting a single finger. Jungkook would be waiting on him without complaint. After he had dressed them, he led Jimin by the hand downstairs and into their dining area where there was a candle lit dinner waiting for them. Before he sat him in his chair, Jungkook handed him the bouquet of flowers - roses of Sharon. They smelled heavenly.

"Have I told you that you are an incredible person?" he asked Jungkook as he choked with emotion. Really, now he wanted to cry. Jungkook caressed his cheek and took the seat beside him as the chef for the night set a plate of their decadent dinner before them. He poured some more wine into their glasses and excused himself.

"Let's eat," Jungkook said. Jimin's heart swelled with so much love. He felt blessed. He felt whole. Home was wherever Jungkook was. It felt really good to be taken care of for a change. Without realizing it a tear slipped down his cheek.

Jungkook reached out and wiped the tear away. He cooed and gently kissed Jimin's cheek. Cupping his face, he looked into the gorgeous eyes and comforted his boyfriend. He understood - really, he did. Jimin had been on the unfortunate side of a love that just took and never gave. Hearing how Dae-Hyun had treated him, Jungkook wasn't pleased. Jimin deserved heaven and earth. He would be the one to give him that. He would be the one to show him that love was beautiful.

Dinner was a delight. It was emotional and sweet too. Jungkook had always been an easy person to talk to and Jimin never struggled with conversing with him. They talked about the weirdest of topics, teased each other, and just were carefree and so when they were done, they retreated into the living room where yet another surprise was waiting for Jimin. Everything had just been overwhelming that Jimin cried - full blown broke down and cried into his boyfriend's chest. He felt so loved. Quietly - still holding Jimin his embrace - Jungkook changed the song and pulled away from his boyfriend. It was the song they had first danced to at the dance studio.

"Come on baby, can I have this dance?" he asked and bowed like a prince asking a beautiful maiden for a dance. Jimin chuckled at his love's antics but took the hand that was offered. He was pulled into the broad chest he had come to love and they fell in step letting the rhythm control their movement. Jimin's brown eyes glistened in the light and the smile that spread across his face never left. Uncontrollable feelings surged through his body and his fingers tingled in delight.

Jungkook drew him even closer to his chest and Jimin wrapped his hands around his neck. Jimin's stood on his tippy toes, leaned in with his lips to his ear and whispered ever so softly, "You know how to be romantic, Mr. Jeon," then he rested his head on his chest. In this moment, Jimin knew that even if he had nothing else in the world, he had this incredible man and that was enough.

"You do remember the last part of the routine right?" Jimin asked in a whisper that he almost missed it. Jungkook nodded, and as they separated, Jungkook steadied himself to pick Jimin up. Jimin flawlessly landed in his arms as he twirled and he buried his head in the taller's neck breathing in the scent that was uniquely his.

"I am happy," he whispered into his neck and sighed. "You make me happy."

"I love you," they said in unison. It took them by surprise how in sync they were with their emotions. Lifting his head, he searched Jungkook's eyes seeking confirmation - it's like they had a language of their own by the way they always looked at each other - they both nodded. It was incredible how much they communicated with each other without using words. Slowly without breaking the gaze and Jimin in his arms, Jungkook walked them upstairs to the bedroom.

He placed Jimin gently on the floor and sensually peeled the robe off his delectable body. They kissed, caressed, and took their time learning each other's bodies. No matter how long they knew each other, this experience always felt like their first time.

"You are beautiful babe," Jungkook told Jimin in almost a whisper as he ran his hand over his torso. The muscles under his skin contracted as his breathe hitched. He blushed and stared at the floor, his heart swelled with love and affection for him. Jimin walked backwards to the bed and lay with his back on the bed and Jungkook followed in step climbing the bed and straddled him.

The man underneath him was absolutely beautiful and he wanted to give him all the love he had. His body glistened in the golden candle light and gave him a fragility that seemed to say 'handle with care'. He leaned in to kiss his forehead, pulled away to look into his eyes. Caressing to his sides, he trailed down to find his hands and inter locked their fingers. Gently he thrust his hips forward and let their members touch. The friction was absolutely delicious and electrifying. They moaned with pleasure.

He leaned in to claim his lips and left a trail of soft kisses on his cute nose down to his jawline and neck. With every touch, he set Jimin's body on fire. Pleasure clouded his mind and his body felt like one big sensitive nerve. Soft moans escaped his lips as his body arched off the bed flush against Jungkook's. He wanted, needed more. Jungkook touched Jimin's hot, opening lips and traced them with his thumb. He looked into his eyes, asking for permission - permission to claim them, to make them his. Their lips met.

Jimin felt again the familiar rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, and the surging tide of warmth that left him limp every time Jungkook kissed him.

Pulling him gently by the hair, Jungkook kissed him softly at first and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made Jimin cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting his shaking lips, sending wild tremors along his nerves, evoking from him sensations he had never known he was capable of feeling. Kissing Jimin to Jungkook was like opening up his soul, like tasting every feeling and seeing the colours of the rainbow in every sensual way. Almost like catching his smile in a bottle, its sweetness, its softness... it was like breathing him in, like nothing in the world existed but he and him. It was like an aphrodisiac mixed with a Pandora 's Box effect. Fireworks ignited in him and the warm feeling pooled in his groin.

His touch was like static sending chills along Jungkook's spine and his hungry mouth roamed over Jimin's body leaving marks all over him. He enjoyed seeing his body marked by him. He lift himself up to look at Jimin. He looked beautiful under him, the light bouncing if his skin made him look ethereal and his flushed skin aroused him the more. With eyes fixed on Jimin's, he wrapped his hands around his shaft and began to pleasure himself. He dropped his head back as the pleasure surged through him.

"See babe, see what you do to me?" He asked in a breathy voice.

Jimin gulped as he watched him intently. It excited him that he had such an effect on the man. This man that could have anybody he wanted was his to enjoy, his to pleasure, his to play with and his to claim and it was a very satisfying feeling. How did he get so lucky?

The spectacle before him made his member throb painfully. He watched every emotion cross his face - how his lips parted every time his hand came in contact with his tip, the soft moans that escaped his lips because of the friction and how lazily his eyes closed when he was overwhelmed with pleasure. He ached for relief too so he trailed his hand down south of his body wanting to touch himself. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at him in warning. Jimin tested him by sensually caressing his thigh and slowly inched closer. Jungkook slapped them away. "Mine," he said playfully. "Only I get to touch you. You are mine to love. Mine to touch. Mine to pleasure," he added.

Jimin wriggled under him in frustration. Why was he being evil? Why was he taunting him? He needed him, he wanted his touch, and he wanted relief too.

"Please," Jimin begged.

"What do you want babe? Tell me exactly what you want?" He asked still pleasuring himself.

"I want you to make love to me..." he said, "... Daddy..." was added as an afterthought and he plastered a totally innocent look on his face. In reality, he had always wanted to use that word but he did not know how the other party would react to it.

Jungkook choked on air. That response knocked the wind out of his lungs and surprisingly turend him on to no end. Who knew he had a daddy kink? There were times Jimin said things with such an innocence that left Jungkook speechless. He in one move turned Jimin around, face down and pulled his hips back that his butt was sticking in the air exposing his pink puckered heaven.

"Call me again," he asked.

"Daddy," Jimin complied without much thought. If it got Jungkook to touch him, he would sai it over nad over again. Suddenly, without warning he parted his glorious cheeks and licked a strip on Jimin's hole. The unexpected action - the sudden warmth and wetness forced Jimin to let out a loud moan. He felt blood flow to his prostrate increase and this made him more sensitive. Simultaneously kneading his ass cheeks he repeated the same movement over and over. Jimin moaned incoherently as intense pleasure coursed through his vein. He was on cloud nine.

Jungkook lubed two of his fingers and slowly and gently slipped one of them into Jimin's fluttering warmth. It was bruising and painful because it had been a while and Jimin needed time to get accustomed to the feeling of fullness. Sensing Jimin's tensed muscles, he took his time - with such gentleness and care - to explore his hole. His actions sent incredible pleasure waves through the latter's body. Jimin pushed himself further into them ground his waist - an action that was encouraging to Jungkook and gave him the confidence that he was doing alright.

"Can you take more for Daddy?" He asked in his sensual and aroused voice as he inserted a third finger stretching him further. Overwhelmed by pleasure, Jimin arched his back.

"Oh Daddy that feels s-sooo... g-good," he said between moans and tuggied onto the covers on the bed gathering them in his fist. He so badly wanted to touch himself. He wanted to relieve himself of the pulsating throb and provide the friction he desperately needed but it frustrated him that he couldn't. He had to be obedient and give it time to enjoy this. The pre-cum was overflowing and it dripped on the white silky sheet covering their bed.

"Such a good boy, so so wet for Daddy." Jungkook praised him with a smile. They were just going with it at this point. Jimin had a praise kink so the compliment had him blushing to no end as he basked in the praise.

"If you keep doing that baby might not last long," Jimin said to him between moans. He was robbed of his speech when Jungkook curled his finger and hit the sensitive muscle budle somewhere in him. A burstof colour exploded behind his eye lids. And just as sudden as he had gone in, he pulled out. Jimin whined at the loss of contact and sudden emptiness.

"So whiny!" Jungkook checkled and Jimin pouted.

"Meanie," he snapped back and made faces.

"Stop pouting or else I am gonna fuck that pretty little mouth," Jungkook warned him. He didn't heed to the warning and pouted further. Quickly he covered his member with lube and lined it with Jimin's stretched hole.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes," Jimin replied.

"Are you ready for Daddy?"

"Yes," he replied obediently, thrusting his butt back impatiently. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at the eagerness being displayed. He bent over and nibbled on his ear before whispering, "Tonight, I am going to show you just how much I love you. I am going to love like you need to be loved."

He kissed his neck, slowly and gently to distract him and pushed himself into Jimin. An incredible amount of pleasure enveloped him as he met his tightness and warmth. "Oh Jimin," he found himself moaning without intending to and buried his face into his back as he gave him time to adjust to his size and also still his nerves because he feared he would not last long. After a while he slowly started moving. Jungkook had always imagined what it would feel like when they finally had sex but this feeling... woah... this feeling was more than he had ever imagined. It was blinding pleasure that made sensations hit every nerve in his body.

"Oh Jimin, you feel so... so... good," he moaned as he thrust into him as he established a pleasurable rhythm at an angle that hit right into Jimin's prostrate. Disobeying Jungkook, Jimin wrapped his tiny hand around his shaft and matched ungkook's rhythm as he moved it up and down his shaft. Jungkook alternated between slow and fast movements to match Jimin's moans and rythmatically pounded into him, hitting his sensitive muscle bundle every single time. He felt flashes of heat all over his body as the deliciousness of being inside him enveloped him.

He encouraged Jimin, caressed his back and gently whispered sweet words to him. Every movement bringing him close to the edge. The intensity of it was maddening, his feelings for him swelled in his heart and the love he had for him multiplying ten fold.

"You are incredibly delicious my love," Jungkook said between moans, "How does that feel baby?"

"So... so... ahhh.... good," he replied unable to speak coherently - his mind was running just as wild. Sinfully loud noises filled the house as they took each other to heights of pleasure they had never experienced before. Jimin felt his groin fill with warmth and he knew he was nearing the edge, "Baby I am so... so..c- so...c-close".

"Me too baby... c-come for me love... c-come f-for Daddy," he replied breathlessly. And with that he picked up momentum. A wave of warmth rose up from their groins, up their bellies, up their chest and then it turned into a whole-body experience that included shaking for a few seconds. They were both moaning loudly. They went over the edge and couldn't stop - it was literally like being washed over and taken over by a wave of energy. They lost control over it and their bodies did what they needed to do.

Surrendering to the feeling they rode the experience like you'd ride a wave in the ocean. Forcefully, Jungkook came into Jimin and subsequently Jimin poured all he had on the clean white sheets. He felt tingly all over his body and took in deep breaths like a swimmer coming up from under water for air.

Jungkook - having run out of energy - collapsed on top of Jimin. He rested there unable to move for a while and only their breathing could be heard as they tried to steady their breathing. Coming down from the high they had both experienced Jungkook slowly slid out and off of Jimin, and laid on his side pulling him into his chest in a cuddle.

"I love you," they both whispered.

The wave of energy was intense and a huge release, so much so that they fell hard asleep seconds after and slept for a while.
